I mean four people reporting to the same manager, one manager managing four underlings. 'Manager' would include POs, or at least CPOs, in addition to officers.
The 50 crew member command section isn't necessarily 50 officers:
At a guess they would do basic C3I: Man the bridge, CIC, flight ops, and aux/flag bridge. Handle communications and sensors. Keep track of all objects nearby. Relay orders to the other sections and keep track of status. Handle sensor ops, EW, flight control for a few hundred fighters.
So, the Command section for a ~94,000 dT ship is 48 Officers
plus 24 enlisted. There is no aux con installed because any hit likely to take out the bridge will be catastrophic and take out all of the crew, leaving no one to crew the ship from the bridge
or aux conn.
Is ~30 officers and some enlisted all that much to handle a carrier group with a few hundred fighters?
So my example ship was not a carrier per se, but a single-ship ferry. I agree a carrier would require different crew numbers.
So about ~500 officers (apart from the pilots) to handle a smaller ship with a much smaller flight group. Even if we replace a lot of the enlisted with robots and automation, the functions still needs to be supervised and managed?
HG combat can be very slow. At least at lower TLs where missiles and armour rule, battles can take weeks. Even at TL-15 it can take average 30 rounds (10 h) to achieve a single successful hit and penetration with a spinal, battles can take days.
This ^ is surprising to me. I've never had the chance to play it out, but I've run a few mock battles by crunching the numbers, and none took nearly this long. Most were effectively over in 3-6 rounds, but were fleet actions using trillion-credit-sized fleets.
So for a single, smaller ship, like my 19,000-ton light battleship (sheet attatched, possible at TL15, and you get
47 in a trillion-credit fleet), the base to hit of 4, -6 for agility is 10, pilot 3 (surely there's one pilot 3 in the subsector - this is where you want them) pushes that to 11, size +0, that's 3/36 or 1 in 12 chance to hit, and cut
roughly in half with screens, I can see
that going for a long while if it's one-on-one. So, giving 2 negations with dampers before the third hit connects, that
does work out to 36 turns or 12 hours. If the dampers do hold a third time, it's 4 more hours, so 16 hours total. Still not a days-long battle, and only 1 in 8 (closer to 42% each time, so more like 1 in 13.5) should make that meson screen roll three times and go to 16 hours.
Not that I expect to fight one-on-one ever, because it's not a good plan. A Lurenti can drop fourteen 10,000dT SDBs (basically the SDB version of the attached battleship) with thrust 6, armor 15, and a spinal meson N in any system I like. I might get 2-3 damaged against something like a Tigress-class, but that fat target is getting hit on a 9 or better, not an 11, so with 14 ships, that's 3 hits a turn to try against the meson screens. The Tigress lucky to last one or two rounds, it'd be a very long shot to last even an hour. None of the other dreadnaughts in the wiki on travellerRPG.com are as butch as the Tigress, many by a large margin, and my tiny fleet is far more cost-effective.
Sure, humans can tough it out for 8 h, but not a few days. If you want your 100 billion credit machine to work reasonably effectively for a week in combat you need several shifts.
So, this is not a thing I had planned on. I agree that if a fight lasts longer than 8-12 hours, it would need to be done in shifts, but to stretch a fight out that long requires desperately under-equipping star systems, which I cannot understand and which is wildly irresponsible (which of course does not stop greedy nobles from doing it). A Lurenti can carry 140,000 tons of SDBs. If you fill them up with TL15 SDBs, under 10,000dT each , you can plant a solid defense throughout whatever region you care about as fast as the shipyards can churn out ships (which admittedly is not very fast).
So this tactics interlude is all tangential to the original discussion of crew bloat. I can accept that if combat goes past 8 hours, you would need to send part of your crew to rest and fight on at partial-strength, but only in MgT1, in CT that does not work. For CT, at any strength less than full strength,the ship can no longer fire weapons. This implies deliberately over-crewing
even more so you're at 100% of required crew with some of your crew sleeping. This may be a good use for frozen watch, to wake up if the skipper needs to send half his GQ crew to sleep in shifts. With half-crew worth of frozen watch, you could wake them, send half the main crew to sleep, then wake the sleepers and send the other half of the main crew to sleep, and run in shifts until the crisis was over.