Maybe slavers fake some low passage deaths to acquire new stock?
... no. "slavery" implies some kind of large-scale cultural/economic system. faking a few low passage deaths is just kidnapping.
legal forms
Human trafficking and forced sex work are real things.
But I would agree that when one reads ''slavery'', one is likeliest to think of legal forms of forced servitude and human property.
I am.
Let's say the criminals fake a woman's death in low passage and then sell her to a planet where slavery is legal and common. That is slavery and kidnapping both, is it not? And fraud, too.
The slavery part is not a crime on the destination planet, natch.
What is trade law between worlds?
"the imperium rules the space between the stars"
"the imperium rules the space between the stars"
Maybe slavers fake some low passage deaths to acquire new stock?
Yeah, that is a good answer for settings in which: "The Imperium'' exists and It has outlawed slavery."the imperium rules the space between the stars"
the question was "what is trade law between worlds?" who said anything about outlawing slavery? it's a perfectly good answer.
ok. "[fill in the blank] rules the space between the stars." milage varies, but I would say that in a non-canonical tu slavery will be very common ("raw profit red in tooth and claw rules the space between the stars") and that even in a canonical otu slavery would be very common except for simple residual sentiment left over from various religious veiws the discussion of which are prohibited here.
Good point!Remember - the canonical OTU only outlaws Chattle Slavery. That is, where a person can be owned. Bondsmen of other kinds are perfectly allowable. Indentures, peonage, serfdom, penal servitude, and company-store modes are not actually outlawed.
Common sense definition re: jurisdiction, but still doesn't answer the Dred Scott question, whether a free planet person made a slave can be repatriated off a slave planet by X polity, or vice versa, a slave freed or runaway on a free planet be forced back into slavery by interstellar trade law.
I'm not sure what the right answer is for everyone, a messy set of rules of course creates all manner of adventure to be had, just that one cannot ignore the question needing to be answered in anything that is not a universal slavery outlawed universe.
Right. Transit doctrine could come into play.
Outlawing slavery in the Imperium might mean that no slave taking or slave selling is allowed in space, on space stations, or at star-ports within the extrality line. The Imperium owns no slaves and does not use slave workers. No slaves on Capitol. Slave owners have to abide by Imperial laws in such areas, and pay their workers something.
But is a slave set free merely by crossing the extrality line or hopping on a starship?
Or does the Imperium allow for fugitives to be returned?
Canon OTU Imperium seems to outlaw slavery on member worlds. When did this become official?
I always assume it was inspired by Piper's TerroHuman Future History.
A Slave is Slave...