I wouldn't dream of saying that I'm not interested in the qualitative suggestions people have made, because I am, but what I really need are some concrete numbers.
Which you're not going to be able to get unless we look at a lot more about the world. As I said, TL and economics are going to be big factors. While it would be true on any world, it would be more so with such a small population that you have to figure out how much of the population could be devoted to the education industry. If 99% of the population is toiling away 12 hours a day farming or mining, you're not going to be able to support any kind of education infrastructure. So factors such as the environment, economy, richness of local resources, how it fits in in the interstellar economy, etc. are all important. Imagine for instance they are poor in most resources, which would suggest a poor colony by itself and thus not much education available, but they were rich in one natural resource that was useless to them (e.g. lanthenum, or zuchai crystals), but of major worth to other nearby worlds (in the previous example, worlds high on industry and shipbuilding), then they would be getting a huge amount of money from out-system that they can spend on a rich lifestyle (think about countries like Kuwait here). TL will tell us how much they can automate the process, because with so few people, there won't be a lot to devote to university-style education because of all the tasks that need performing, from logistics, to administration and bureaucracy, teaching, research, teaching assistants, etc. (think of all the universities that have a bigger population than your entire world). The more they can automate this (or any other jobs really), the more education they can provide and to more people. Of course, even with available tech, they still need to be able to afford to spend it, hence why the wealth of the colony is important, and even then, the economics and politics will decide how wide-spread such education is. Is it available to all for free, or for a price? Are there different qualities of institutions based on how much you can afford? Can only the elite get a good education? Do they want the masses to be illiterate so they are less likely to rebel? Are there restrictions based on gender, or race, or species, or caste, or clan, or hair and eye color, or what political party you belong to? How about crime, is it a huge drain on the economy? Non-existent? Or is it a rebellious underground teaching people to read and write illegally (thinking of Rifts RPG here)?
So either you come up with all this stuff first to try and derive somewhat realistic numbers, or you leave it up in the air and just pick those numbers arbitrarily.