However we liked a starwars feel to our CT so, whilst keeping the rules exactly as written, I imposed an "wear" factor that went up with larger and larger ships (I origionally said it was do to a jump tide effect based on the size of the ship - It doesn;t really hold up but was good enough)
The biggest ship I've used in an adventure is the 1000T Tukera Longliner, but my setting isn't confined to what the PCs encounter. There's a much bigger universe out there, and it has its super- and hyper-freighters and its heavy cruisers and dreadnaughts. It's just not something PCs are likely to encounter (Though at one point I came within an ace of doing a dungeon-crawl through an AHL).Generally speaking, I gravitate towards ships of 5,000-ton or less, as anything bigger is usually outside the power scale of PCs; in fact, I prefer a universe where the Imperial Fleet is 4x 1,200-ton Battlecruisers per subsector - much more manageable than multiple multi-kton ships per subsector and some megaton (IIRC) Tigresses per sector.
It's just not something PCs are likely to encounter (Though at one point I came within an ace of doing a dungeon-crawl through an AHL).
No limits was what I chose, mostly for the reason that most PC groups would never be large enough and wealthy enough to get something much over 1000Dt anyway, This way the really much larger ships of the Imperial Fleet will always retain that "shock and awe" factor that it should have. This would give the most seasoned group pause if their Merc Cruiser gets a "request" to heave to by a 10KDt battlecruiser! This is a good way to deflate a few ego's if that becomes necessary!:rofl:
If you could set Traveller policy regarding the maximum displacement of starships, (the so-called 'small ship vs. big ship debate'), which of the following options would you choose to represent you opinion?
Interesting spread of opinion, I seem to be amongst the smallest group, (keep big ships out of players hands), but no overall choice dominates.
Kind Regards
I think that a party of adventurers can't really run anything more than a few hundred tons without needing a gaggle of redshirts to make up the numbers. Once you go into larger spacecraft the nature of the campaign has shifted from adventuring to something else.
Back in the day, I used to play a fair bit of Star Trek RPG (FASA version). So the idea of a handful of PCs in charge of a large ship (like a Constitution class) with loads of NPCs seems normal to me. IMTU, I've had PCs be:
- Police detectives (no ship),
- Crew a Gazelle CE (in charge of small ship),
- Be the odd job squad for an Imperial fleet during the 5FW (multiple big ships but not in charge), and
- Serve as the command crew of an AHL (in charge of big ship).
Whether you have no NPCs, a few NPCs, or lots of NPCs ... it's all good.
the difference between 6 NPC's aboard and 600 is almost trivial in terms of play.
you'd have to give a reason why navies aren't pushing the boundaries on ship displacements.
They just can't handle the stresses at larger displacements.