The sad thing is when you wrote Anchorage, my first thought was "I wonder how close Elmendorf is." Then I looked it up. :nonono: :rofl:
You must remember, I said "earliest memories." To a 3-yr old, a short car ride can be an eternity.
Baron Ovka
Also depends upon what you mean by "Anchorage"...
The city proper is about 8x10 miles from the airport edge and Elmendorf edge to the city limits... (Defined in law predating the muni as edge of EAFB, down muldoon road, then tudor road, then Lake Otis, then Dimond Blvd, to the water, but the airport's about 2 miles wide of the west edge).
The Anchorage urbanization is about 12x15 miles.
The Muni is just about 52x52 miles... with the Elmendorf in the NW corner.
I grew up in Anchorage... with Dad working on Ft Rich, then the muni, then EAFB...
They no longer call it Elmendorf, either... it's now "JBER - Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson"...
I checked the ice depth on the lawn this afternoon. 2" of "crunchy & white" - it crunches like popcorn, it's opaque, and it's ice capped snow. And it's new within the last week. Currently, In Eagle River (a suburb, where I live) it's 20°F; Anchorage proper is 35°F.
Drive safe guys - remember that ice triples braking distance, while actual snow usually only doubles it... and studs increase control but also increase ice breaking distance... Brake early, leave extra space, and get there ALIVE...
Oh, and Oil Pan heaters and/or headbolt heaters can make cold mornings a lot faster warm up on the car.
And, fast way to get frost off the window at –20°F? a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol.