"Having been indirectly accused of codswallop, I feel compelled to take up my pen and exercise my right to reply. I propose to begin with a history lesson and then make further observations."
(snip of well researched canonical material)
Please be assured, I meant to accuse no one, other than the MT story designers, of codswallop.
I would ask you to step back from the historical descriptions you kindly shared with us and look at the affair as a whole. When the *forest* of the Alien Incursions is examined, rather than the individual *trees*, the implausibility of the entire episode becomes self evident.
Look at the incredible number of handwaves neccessary for the Alsan conquest of Tobia; various pocket empires along the border all ripe for the plucking, sooper-dooper Ancient weapons laying about and waiting to be used, a recent major clan war to get the Aslan in fighting trim, outright incompetence among the majority of Imperial nobles, and a whole raft of others. How many of these handwaves and 'explanations' were present *before* the ihatei were said to have swamped the Trojan Reach and how many were added *after* the fact when the decidely implausible nature of the conquest was pointed out?
All the information you kindly provided us wasn't created by MT as a REASON for the ihatei conquest, all this information was created to EXCUSE the conquest. That is a very big difference.
"Tobia’s fall was hastened by a lack of naval strength. At the outbreak of the Rebellion, Quinn had sent many ships coreward to bolster Norris’ forces against the Vargr. This left him unprepared for the sudden incursion of Aslan land-seekers."
The redeployment of fleet assets against the Vargr holds no water. Given CT's and MT's own descriptions, the Vargr were no more of a threat than the ihatei were. MT would have us believe that the Imperial fleet left to fight one implausible threat while leaving the Reaches open to another equally implausible threat. One fellow hobbyist who has studied these claims; taking into account the populations, TLs, ship numbers, and force structures provided by MT, has likened the conquest of the Reaches by the ihatei to the successful conquest of the eastern seaboard of the US by EU fishery patrol vessels just because the USN happens to be elsewhere. In this case, simply handwaving away the USN on some redeployment to chase pixies doesn't even begin to 'explain' that event just handwaving away the IN off to chase Vargr doesn't explain the ihatei's conquest.
"As to Tobia’s defence - a buried meson cannon is pretty useless against a horde of small troop transports raining down on your world. Its like using a M16 to kill a swarm of wasps who have left the nest. Think the Zulu wars! Quinn’s loss cut the head off the Imperial body politic and left Sharik to learn by trial and error. She grew up quickly and contained the threat."
Buried meson cannon certainly worked against a horde of small Zhodani troop transports at Jewell and Efate. Why wouldn't they work against the ihatei at Tobia? As for the Zulus, they may have won a single battle due to poor troop deployment but they lost the actual war.
How many troops do you think the ihatei had on hand? Enough for a formal planetary assault?MT's own Rebellion sourcebook is pretty clear on the make up of an ihatei squadron. Most of the squadron is comprised of non-combatants aboard civilian vessels. The ihatei aren't crossing the border in battlefleets convoying armies. They're primarily colonists.
In the end, the ihatei conquest rests on far too many 'whoppers', too many excuses, too many handwaves to make it believable. The result was predetermined; the Domain needed to be cut-off and distracted during the Rebellion, and the tools used; the Vargr and ihatei, were warped out of all recognition to achieve the desired result.
The end in this case did not justify the means.
The paucity of the story surrounding the ihatei conquest shows clearly in TNE's treatment of the entire affair. The Domain settles the ihatei's hash in almost an incidental manner, as if to point out the fairy tale nature of MT's claims on conquest.
All this being said, the Incursions are part of canon. Mr. Doughery's M:1248 holds the promise of certain aspects of the Rebellion and Virus Eras being recast but, until that happens, we must swallow the story of the incursions no matter how implausible that story may be.