heres my bit...
AD&D: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks... that Karate robot stomped on my elf...
Metamorphosis Alpha: Man, i hope they got RPGs in the old folks home for me.
GAMMA WORLD : nuff said.
Villains and Vigilantes : Played a kick ass legion of superheroes type game. The King of Super Games
Star Trek: (fasa) character Generation Alone took fifteen weeks
Judge Dredd: (GW) I WAS the law...
Other Suns: (FGU) The even more byzantine progenitor of Space Opera
Space Opera (FGU) Where... Am... I? Lost in rule book... cant... escape...
GAMMA WORLD: Just mentioning it again, because it ruled.
RIFTS: Good at first, lame with mechanoids and post apocolyptic circus. Damn you, Kevin Siembda.
Mechanoids: Dumb system. Bad art. Dumb concept.
See above for Curse on creator.
Star Frontiers: crappy system, but I had a butt-kickin' draslite
Star Fleet Battles: Destroyed my mind.
Shadowrun: BARF! character archetypes! BAAARF!
Space: 1889 :
Ringworld: I got to be a puppeteer! lame system.
Time Master: zzzz
Starforce (SPI) Great, but you got to be into thousands of cardboard chips
Starsoldier (SPI) Ditto as above
Revolt On Antares (TSR) back when TSR cared...
Gurps: Space Pirates ruled... I was a Kaa. I ate people. I had henchmen. great fun.
Champions: All that math...
DC heroes: Good system. Hard to integrate with existing DC heroes
Marvel Superheroes: Art and source material: IN (incredible) playability: PR (poor)
T20 : Delish!
CT: embodies all that is right and good in the universe. Don't think so? Whaddya you know, Traveller hater? (joke)
MT: wrecked the vehicle system. task system unwieldy. Hated "shattered Imperium" backgound.
TNE: zzzzzzzz
Lords of Creation: Loved it. loved Goofy art. loved rock solid system. Pass the Proton Beamer!
If I was in a band, it would be called "The Yeti Sanction"
Star Wars 1: loved art. hated archetype character creation. Always wound up playing Chewbacca or the Lobot.
Star Wars d20: I cant play it, as I hate george lucas for Episode 1 and 2. Eat RAM grenade, Jar Jar! Die!!!! Dieeeeeee!!!
DUNE (avalon hill) Goofy, but fun. Each player had a little box to hide what he was doing from the other players. Game Board Ruled. Kwitzach Haderach token is framed on my desk.
Mutants and Masterminds: just started playing... It may suck... maybe its my GM...
Necrosnaphot: A strange mix of Necromunda (games workshop) style Wargaming with a shipboard Snapshot sort of action. I had a pirate gang of eldar.
Striker: Cool but all math.
Rogue Trader: Fun. very british. Rules all over the place. some art very disturbing
Warhammer 40k: Eldar. Rules revisions stunk. To much money for it. Loved the figures, though...
Swooping Hawks Away!!!
Dr. Who. Great show. Game was Dr. Butt. Too Bad.
Azanti High Lightning: Marc Miller has two brains.
oh, and, GAMMA WORLD!