Ok, SF games I’ve played and/or owned:
Babylon Project (B5 RPG) – waste of money even as a B5 nut; I even sold the ship game book designed by the designer of Full Thrust which I really like
BESM – like Gurps but w/out a ton of optional rules; looks very promising for a Dr. Who game among others
Castle Falkenstein – great idea, some bad historical detail some excellent, loved the card system but I don’t think anyone actually plays this FtF; I’ll pick up the new Gurps sourcebooks someyear
CT – played with some friends from a copy of the Traveller Book in middle school; all the LBB’s coming out made it too $$ for my parents + little to no artwork
CT Reprints – nice to have these back in print, the format’s a bit unwieldy but to do otherwise would be a lot of work; would like to see a MT/TNE correct reprint of at least the core rulebooks (or T5 ^_^)
Cyberpunk 2020 – liked the LBB edition, interested in getting the current edition, not holding my breath for the next edition; liked the system and tech
FASA Dr. Who – good rules for FASA, doesn’t really do that great a job of capturing the show though some of the modules aren’t that bad
Dying Earth – another one of those games I’d love to find a group to play this with; gambling, stealing, trading witty barbs, and romancing while the Sun dies; Jack Vance is one of the greats
Fading Suns – Storyteller with a D20; 2nd edition is better; great background Dune meets Book of the New Sun/Dying Earth strained through a Passion Play; dunno about the D20 version
Forgotten Futures – very good game for the price (shareware) the printed book is excellent; still I’d print out the worldbooks and use BESM (very similar systems); captures Victorian Science Fictions better than Space 1889 did (uses period stories as basis for worldbooks)
Gamma World 2nd – great fun; decent system; looking forward to the Sword & Sorcery D20 version for D20 Modern; Mutant plants and power armor!
Gurps CthulhuPunk – good world for a Cyberpunk game or future Call of Cthulhu, if I get Transhuman Space this will be so used; have conversion rules between BRP (Call of Cthulhu) and Gurps
Gurps Lensman –got it cheap, got me to read the original books
Gurps Lite – better for playing Gurps with say Gurps Space etc. than the Basic rules (though they’re nice for any extra detail needed)
Gurps Prime Directive – much better in scope and rules than the previous version
Gurps Space – good sourcebook, been meaning to get Gurps Traveller and Transhuman Space.
Guprs Steampunk – ok sourcebook, still not quite what I was expecting; maybe the SteamTech book will help though I dislike having to buy two books when one should have been enough
Heavy Gear- great lite rules and very good background; suffers from too much story at the moment; like the Votoms style mecha; very good technical manual and tabletop game; the Ferret in buttwheel err roller mode is too kawaii ^ . ^
Jovian Chronicles – almost great; like gundam made by Canadians; wound up selling it all except for excellent ship minis and mini game; great ship designs but it needs a new edition
LUG Trek – like Star Wars D10 meets Fasa Trek; a lot of fun; no reason to buy Decipher Trek yet (esp. considering the lack of books so far); Andorian and Romulan books worth getting even if you don’t like the game; too bad the Klingon and Mirror Universe books never came out
Mechanoids – not bad at all for Palladium Books; Mechanoids Space is way overdue; never bought the MDC/Rifts version
Mechwarrior 1st and 2nd – tried to like this game, good background and artwork for Battletech; terrible rules and you were a human in a world ruled by giant robots
Mekton 2 – had it, great stuff (same system as CP2020), couldn’t get anyone to play it, now have Z and if anything else makes good stuff for BESM; IMO better rules than BESM for mecha games but takes longer
MT – looking back I would’ve bought it when it first came out if I hadn’t been playing other games at the time; background ok at first final conclusion a bit eh?; good artwork, nice to have everything together but there were errata and other problems
Paranoia – great artwook (the main artist also did a lot of the late 1st edition AD&D era TSR stuff, some FASA, etc. books), fun read, think I now have the humor to run this successfully
Rifts – main book and some of the supplements (Wormwood, Phaseworld, etc.) are quite playable, fun setting at first; power creep and rules are getting too much; badly needs a fix; example, combat good in theory but damage is off so combat takes FOREVER ; Dogboys and D-Bees!
Shadowrun – shudder; 1st & 2nd, too bad the so very good setting was shackled to such bad rules, worse than Mechwarrior (longer to play)
FASA Star Trek – never really played, took a look at a friend’s copy (that he’s wanting me to GM) recently, good char gen, good rules for FASA, liked the ship combat game
Skyrealms of Jorune – finally got 2nd and 3rd edition; great artwork, love to use some of the creatures in another game, don’t think a complete playable set of rules was ever published and it’s written as if you’re a native
Star Frontiers – great artwork, fun game when I was a kid, loved the races and having a ton of counters; looking back at it there’re some gaps but still Knight Hawks ow|\|z j00
Star Wars D6 – great cinematic game; I have friends who have played it since 1st edition
Space 1889: too many different systems in one game; some great source material and I like the Heliograph stuff but I’d not run a game off of this
T20 – so far so good, like Prior History and the Traveller’s Aides are good
T4 – initial thrill soon turned to dismay; had most of the books at one time; sold them all when I needed the $$ and space; ½ dice bad task system idea basically good needs overhaul; a few books I’d like to get again
Tekumel/Empire of the Petal Throne – La! Right up there with Tolkien. Great stuff, nowhere near as hard as Jorune to comprehend and a welcome change from ye old dungeons and dragons or generic space world. Still around and a new version’s coming out from Guardians of Order. Can’t wait.
Timelord – one of the best licensed games, much better than the Fasa Dr. Who game, however I’d likely use BESM nowadays, still worth getting
TNE – not playing when it came out and too $$ for me at the time; picked it up later; some good bits to use for a different system
Twilight 2000 2nd edition – fast deadly rules, lots of weapons and vehicles to run around with, lots of fun, wouldn’t mind seeing a updated/with other backgrounds included D20/T20 version of this
Votoms RPG – excellent sourcebook for the series, got me to buy the whole series, I prefer Interlock (Mekton) to Fusion in this case
Oh I’m sure I missed something but that’s good enough for now.
Open for a PBEM, IRC, etc. game using one of the games above that I at least tolerate.