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Special Supplement 4: Sensors

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST One - Introduction.

Space is vast, almost entirely empty, and very, very cold such that even gases freeze solid. A vessel's drives emit enormous energy when providing any reasonable thrust, thus the energy from a manuvering ship is very easy to detect against the super-cold background of space.

But, even when a vessel ceases use of its maneuver drive, a reasonable internal temperature must be maintained to protect the crew. And a vessel uses its fusion power plant to support all manner of equipment including the ship's life support system, it's computer system, and a multitude of other power-hungry essential systems--all of which emit heat as a waste by-product. This heat must be shunted to the exterior of the vessel in order to keep the excess from cooking the crew and frying components. Even a military design stealth ship must be crafted in such a way that these types of issues are addressed. All vessels (if ship's systems are used) radiate energy which can be detected using the advanced sensors available in Known Space. Thus, it is generally easy to detect the presence of other starships and extact a fair amount of information about other vessels based on energy emissions.

There isn't much to hide behind in space, but space also isn't completely empty. Background noise, such as that emitted from a gas giant's magnetosphere or from the radiation of the system's star, can interfere with sensor readings. The limiting component of a vessel's detection capability is its ability to filter this background noise, and the quality of this process is directly related to the expertise of the sensor operator, the equipment he uses, and the vessel's computing power.

NOTE: These sensor rules are a revision of the rules I posted earlier. Besides my original work, I draw upon sensor information described in the Classic Traveller basic rules and Grand Survey as well as CT articles in Pegasus and White Dwarf magazines. The description of sensors above is inspired by a paragraph in Power Projection: FLEET.
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TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Two - Transponders.

A transponder is a device that continually broadcasts a vessel's ID, position, and relevant information. All vessels within the Imperium (and in most places outside the Imperium as well) are required to carry transponders as part of the vessel's standard equipment, by Imperial Law. When a ship emerges from J-Space, it is bombarded by multiple contacts in a busy system--the transponder signals broadcasting from each vessel. Transponders are considered a component of the Bridge assembly when starship/spaceship construction is undertaken, and transponders also operate as the vessel's "black box", which can be ejected from the vessel should tragedy befall the ship.

Military vessels are typically equipped with transponders that may be altered to broadcast variable ID information. These vessels also have the ability to cease transponder transmission altogether. All civilian ships, though, must incorporate a transponder that constantly broadcasts and cannot be silenced. World governments must apply for special dispensation from the Imperial government in order to operate vessels with military grade transponders at distances greater than High Orbit. Under certain circumstances, Scout ships and other special-case vessels are granted this dispensation if legitimate need is demonstrated.

Military grade transponders, of course, find their way to the grey and black markets, and this equipment can be had for the right price at the right port when speaking with the right dealer. Possession of a military grade transponder without dispensation, though, is an Imperial class crime punishable by imprisonment or vessel forfeiture or both. Transponder inspections are common as part of IAP ("Eye-ap", or Incoming-Arrival Procedure) on many worlds inside the Imperium. One would think that corsairs with such a transponder would have an edge over the civilian vessels that the pirates prey upon (see pg. 15 of Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium), and in some respects, this does pose a problem to civilian traffic. But, it is perfectly legal to blast a vessel out of the spaceways if it approaches without a transponder signal. Corsair captains have learned to be more crafty, either by broadcasting a false signal or finding position on a target by hiding behind a moon/planet/asteroid/satellite in space. Wounded corsairs, though, find the number of worlds where port can be made sparse, and typically officials require their empty hands be filled with credits if they are to look the other way.


A bonus -4 DM is applied to any detection throw when the target is active, and any vessel broadcasting a transponder signal is indeed considered to be active.

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TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Three - Basic Sensor Package.

The BSP (Basic Sensor Package) is a suite of both active and passive sensors included as basic components of the ship's Bridge assembly when starship/spaceship construction is undertaken. BSPs are available starting at TL 9.

  • EMS Active</font>
  • EMS Passive</font>
  • RADAR</font>
  • RADAR direction finder</font>
  • Radio direction finder</font>
  • LADAR</font>
  • MADAR</font>
  • Laser Sensors</font>
  • HRT</font>
The BSP's effective detection range is about one-half light-second. Bogeys that rig for silent running can be detected at half that range. Bogeys in orbit can be detected at 1/4 that range. Bogeys rigged for silent running and in orbit of a world can only be detected at 1/8 that range. Once a target is detected, though, it can be tracked up to a distance of three light seconds (or its initial detection range, whichever is longer).

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">BSP Grade Close Short Long Extreme
------------- ------ ------ ----- --------
Standard (km) 100K 150K 300K 600K
(LS) 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00
Military (km) 300K 600K 900K 1200K
(LS) 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00</pre>[/QUOTE]Military grade sensors have an effective range of about four times that of standard grade sensors, though military grade sensors are typically restricted and unavailable to those vessels built outside of a military organization. Exceptions do exist, and such is the case with many Scout craft.

Sensor Scans detect other vessels (and objects). A scan provides general information about the object scanned.

The first activity normally conducted after tumbling back into N-Space from a jump is a sensor scan in order to detect nearby objects. Since the vast majority of spacecraft employ constant-signal transponders, becoming alert to nearby vessels is usually instantaneous and immediate.

Sensor Locks provide detailed information about objects detected with sensor scans.

Objects must be detected first from a scan before they can be locked, and sensor locks are required for an enemy vessel to be targeted in space combat.

An active sensor is one that emits a signal then reads that signal once it returns after bouncing off a detected object. RADAR works this way (as does the flashlight when flashed into a dark room). A passive sensor is one that simply detects transmissions without emitting any signals of its own. Streetlight sensors work this way (and so does the naked eye).

Passive sensors can be used for both sensor scans and sensor locks, but passives are better suited to scans.

Some active sensors can be used for both sensor scans and sensor locks, but many active sensors are "directional" instead of "broadbeam" and therefore are only capable of sensor locks. Active sensors are better suited to sensor locks than passive sensors, and active sensors typically provide more detail about a detected object than a passive lock will provide.

Passive sensors typically have much greater range than active sensors as active sensors must send a signal out and wait for it to bounce back before the return can be read. (Passive sensors receive incoming signals in half the time.)

Passive sensors that can be used in both sensor scans and sensor locks have the capability of being focused in a narrow tight beam. For example, the Passive EMS sensor will receive incoming data omni-directionally when in scan mode but can also be focused (as a telephoto lens used on a camera) on a narrow target. This latter setting of the sensor is used for passive sensor locks.

Since vessels are typically continually broadcasting transponder information, making the ship an active target to enemies, active sensors are used just as often as passives (Military vessels rely slightly more on passive sensors). The ship's computer functions in collecting data reported by the various sensors and presenting it in a form that is relatively easy to digest by the sensor operator. More powerful computer systems provide faster, better quality results than computers ranked with lower model numbers.

RADAR is an active sensor that detects objects by emitting radio energy across wide angles before detecting that energy when it bounces back from distant objects. Radar can be used for active sensor locks, but is most often used for active sensor scans.

LADAR is a similar active sensor to RADAR, except that it uses a tight beam laser rather than radio energy to bounce light off a target. Sand from sandcasters can make use of a LADAR less effective. And, LADAR can only be used for sensor locks (not sensor scans).

MADAR is a similar active sensor to LADAR, using a microwave signal. It, too, is a tight beam active sensor that can only be used for locks but not scans.

HRT is a High-Resolution Thermal detecting device. It's a passive sensor that detects targets by their emmitted infrared radiation (heat). HRT can be used for either a passive sensor scan or a passive sensor lock.

EMS Active is an advanced version of RADAR which incorporates the use of wavelengths other than radio and includes sophisticated computerized image enhancement of the electro-magnetic spectrum. EMS Active can be used as either an active sensor scan or active sensor lock.

EMS Passive is an advanced (incorporates a camera) passive sensor that has the capabilities of HRT plus EMS direction finders and computerized image enhancement. EMS can be used for either passive sensor scans or passive sensor locks.

EMS Frequency Bands are longwave radio (ex: power line networks), shortwave radio (ex: televison), microwave radio (ex: all-weather RADAR), heat and infra-red (ex: any heat source), visible light (ex: light from stars), ultraviolet light (ex: artificial light), X-rays (ex: emitted from gas giants), and Gamma rays (ex: emitted from nuclear explosions including that in stars). A spectrometer is a piece of an EMS sensor, providing spectral analysis on all wavelengths of light.

Laser Sensors, RADAR Direction Finders, and Radio Direction Finders are all passive sensors that can locate and classify energy emissions, indicating size and power level status. These sensors can only be used in passive sensor scans.

Tight Beam sensors, like LADAR, are indeed active sensors. But, because of their tightbeam nature, a vessel may be able to rig for silent running without being considered active and still use tight beam active sensors. The reason for this is their relatively low energy output (nothing when compared to the ship's power plant) and the fact that an enemy vessel has to cross the beam in order to detect it. Note that a ship using tight beam sensors will be considered active by the target ship!

Visual Range is generally considered to be around 10,000 km, but this does not mean an enemy vessel can be spotted from inside a vessel, through a port, at that distance with the naked eye (actual naked eye range is much less). This refers to the HRT and EMS sensors' ability to use a telephoto lens, spectral imaging and computer enhancement to report an actual image of target craft. At any range beyond 10,000 km, the HRT and EMS sensors begin to contruct computer aided "guesses" instead of reporting the target's actual image. Though, with longer amounts of time (more than one space combat round), the EMS sensor's spectrometer function can be used to report actual images from incredible distances.

Passive Sensors can have fantastic range, viewing into other galaxies if tuned properly and given enough time. The ranges described above, for both actives and passives, are provided with space combat in mind. When ship's sensors are used for other purposes, the GM should make a determination on the type of results the sensor reports.

This detail is presented for roleplaying purposes and GM reference only. As presented in the next post, the mechanics of these sensor rules call for a single, simple detection die roll. If successful, a sensor scan is made and all targets scanned are also considered target locked. These rules should also be used without die rolls--the information used as reference whenever sensor data is called for during a game.

For example, the densitometer (discussed later), HRT, and EMS arrays are important to a Navigator when plotting a course through the dangerous electro-magnetic and gravitational jetties of the upper atmosphere of a gas giant when skimming fuel.

The ship's densitometer is relied upon heavily when the Navigator informs the captain that the ship has passed through a planet's 100 diameter gravitational zone. (Vessels equipped with the BSP do not incorporate denistometers and thus must keep track of the 100 diameter limit by range finding.)

When a player asks for range to a target, in effect, that information is being reported by the LADAR. Missiles use the LADAR system as they fly towards their targets.

A lot of color can be added to a game by a GM who has a grasp of what jobs for which these sensors can be used. Yet, the game rules are kept simple, so that the game proceeds at a fast, furious, but fun pace. In short, GMs should use as much of, or as little as, this detail as is needed in their games.


A light-second measures 300,000 km.

What the BSP will report: Target presence, position, and velocity. When detection is made using BSPs, GMs should give no information other than bogey presence, position, and trajectory. A GM providing more information than this should look closely at the type of information gleaned from a particular BSP sensor type before providing additional details.

Complications a GM may consider when reporting BSP results: Solar flares or strong planetary magnetic fields make scans difficult to perform with accuracy (allowing vessels to hide in these areas). Any type of overpowering radiation can interfere with scans (nuclear missile explosions, sensor jamming devices). Sandcaster clouds reflect light and may make sensor scans difficult. Dense materials will block X-rays and gamma rays. Active scans will almost certainly give away the position of the sensing ship to the enemy.

A situational DM a GM could spring on his players involves the LADAR having to detect a target through a cloud of sand. In a case like this, the same -3 DM penalty used for the ship's laser weapons would be appropriate for any LADAR based throws.

A maximum of four detection throws can be made by the sensor operator each space combat round. One detection throw is allowed per range category, and if detection is successful, then detection is considered automatic at all shorter ranges.

About detecting ships while in a system.

While it is true that a ship would stand out against teh background of cold space.

Space in a solar system is by no means "cold", especially if there are any gas giants, or a large hot star.

Magnetic fields will also obscure detection.

Also, it takes quite a while to go through all of the data from a sky survey to pick out the "object" that is brighter than others, and then you need to make sure that what you are seeing is not a normal astronomical phenomenon (Gamma-Ray Bursts, X-Rays from black holes, Super-Novae, a local explosion such as a collision of two asteroids, or interactions with a large magnetic field from a gas giant... etc...).

After that has been established, then you can get down to the business of investigating what it is.

Also, at the TLs we are talking about... It would be relatively easy for a ship to trail a line of superconductor out several thousand miles behind it to dissapate the heat it generates almost invisibly. Or, it could use those same superconductors to store the heat so that nothing is radiated...

Superconducting shields could shield both the ship and its exhaust gasses from almost all angles save for directly into the exhaust of the ship. Superconducting hulls would pretty much make the ship completely invisible to all sensors save for things like mass detectors, even neutrino detection would be difficult.

Another thing that I would like to ask about...

Why is there a separate listing for Radar and Radio Direction finders?

Both Radar and Radio are part of the same EM spectrum, and a "Radar" or "Radio" direction finder is basically a just a radio reciever with an antennae that allows it to detect the strength of a radio wave from a specific direction. Doesn't matter whether the source is a radio transmitter or a radar transmitter.

I have never understood whythese are separate peices of equipment.
Originally posted by Matthew Bailey:
Space in a solar system is by no means "cold", especially if there are any gas giants, or a large hot star.
I knew someone would point this out. I should have mentioned it. People on EVA can fry as well as freeze.

But, there are more areas where they'll freeze.

Magnetic fields will also obscure detection.
Now, I did mention this.

Also, it takes quite a while to go through all of the data from a sky survey to pick out the "object" that is brighter than others, and then you need to make sure that what you are seeing is not a normal astronomical phenomenon (Gamma-Ray Bursts, X-Rays from black holes, Super-Novae, a local explosion such as a collision of two asteroids, or interactions with a large magnetic field from a gas giant... etc...).
Space combat rounds in Book 2 are 1000 seconds long. Space combat rounds in Book 5 are 20 minutes long.

A ship's navigator will be doing nothing else during a space combat scenario except reading and interpreting sensor data, feeding it to the gunners, updating bogey positions and vectors, fine-tuning the computer's guess as to what the ship is shooting at, etc.

Also, at the TLs we are talking about...
BTW, I have purposely kept TL of equipment as a non-factor in these rules, even though I myself would argue for its importance, because these rules are meant to be used with Classic Traveller, including vessels from both Book 2 and Book 5. While Book 5 stats always list TL, it is not always clear the TL of a vessel designed using Book 2. Thus, I've omitted TL from these rules for that reason.

Superconducting hulls would pretty much make the ship completely invisible to all sensors save for things like mass detectors, even neutrino detection would be difficult.
I haven't gotten there yet. The site was running so sluggish yesterday, I decided to wait a bit before I finished posting the rules.

Neutrino sensors and Densitometers are not part of the BSP. These are advanced sensors that can be added-on to vessels. I'll be covering these when I post the additional rules.

Another thing that I would like to ask about...

Why is there a separate listing for Radar and Radio Direction finders?
In actuality, everything I listed under the BSP suite above are all components of a "EMS cluster". I list them separately to show GMs all the different types of jobs the sensors can do--and what to expect when using a particular sensor.

There's more of Special Supplement 4: Sensors to come!
TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Four - Detection.

A vessel's navigator is typically the primary sensor operator, but data from ship's sensors can easily be routed to any command workstation. During battle, a navigator's primary responsibility is to interpret sensor readings, filter and feed data to the ship's gunners, and update the pilot with target plot and vector information. When a sensor scan is performed, the operator will focus on incoming data from four basic range categories: Close, Short, Long, and Extreme. Typically, a sensor operator will first focus on Extreme range data before interpreting Long range data, and then Short range data before Close range data.

GMs need not impose a throw when a sensor scan is performed. Description of what the operator interprets from the sensor data may be all that is necessary. But, if a throw is called for, use this simple rule:


The number of dice used on the Detection Throw is determined by the sensor's range category.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> RANGE DICE
-------- -----
Close 1D -4
Short 1D
Long 2D
Extreme 3D</pre>[/QUOTE]Detection success is obtained when a number is thrown that is equal to or less than the vessel's computer model rating. Higher model computers are more sophisticated and thus are capable of faster, better quality filtering of incoming sensor data.

A sensor operator's expertise makes detection more likely, and to reflect this, a beneficial DM equal to the sensor operator's skill level is used on any Detection Throw.

Thus, a navigator with Sensor Ops-2, operating sensors on a vessel with a Model 1bis computer, will throw 3D -2 for 1 or less when making an Extreme range scan. A Long range scan would be made by throwing 2D -2 for 1 or less, and a Short range detection throw would be performed by throwing 1D -2 for 1 or less.

The maximum DM used on any Detection Throw is a -4 DM, with sensor operator expertise as the only exception. Sensor operators with Sensor Ops-5 or greater may use their full skill level when modifiying the Detection Throw.

Thus, continuing our example above, Close range scans are made by throwing 1D -4 for 1 or less.

Success on a Detection Throw indicates that a target is detected and locked. Ship's weapons may fire at any bogey for which the ship has a sensor lock (and thus at any bogey that has been detected). And, a sensor operator may attempt one scan in each range category every space combat round. If detection is successful at one range category, then detection is automatic at all shorter ranges.

Returning to the example above, a successful Detection Throw made at Long range means that any bogeys at Short or Close range are automatically detected as well.


In actuality, ship's sensors (Passives) are always considered scanning. The Detection Throw represents the sensor operator's efforts in interpreting that data.

The Detection Throw is made by rolling the ship's computer model number or less. A single die, or two or more dice, may be used on the throw, depending on the type of scan being performed. The sensor operator's skill level is used as a DM to decrease the throw and make success more likely.

All Close range scans are performed using the maximum -4 DM. All Short range scans are made throwing the single die with any applicable DMs. All Long range scans are made by throwing two dice with any applicable DMs.

Sensor operators can attempt to stretch the sensing capability of the ship's sensors by making an expert, educated guess at data coming in from beyond long range. This procedure adds one light-second to the sensor's long range limit, and the scan is performed by throwing 3D for the ship's computer model or less, using any appropriate DMs.

The maximum DM applied to any sensor scan is a -4 DM. Sensor operators with Sensor Ops-5 or better are the only exception to the maxiumum modifier.

Vessels that use M-Drives, transponders, or active sensors are considered active targets. The maximum -4 DM is appropriate when scanning an active target at any range.

Detection success means automatic success at all closer range categories.

There is ample time during the 1000 second round of Book 2 space combat (or the 20 minutes round of Book 5 space combat) for the ship's navigator to conduct all four scans. Scans are performed during the ship's movement phase either before or after movement has been completed.

Operating ship's sensors during space combat is a full-time job. On vessels of greater than 200 tons displacement, crewmembers who operate ships sensors and perform another job (Pilot, for example) during space combat are considered as filling two crew positions per the rule on pg. 16 of Book 2. On vessels of 200 tons displacement or less, the ship's pilot can operate sensors and pilot the vessel without penalty.

Game masters may implement other DMs to the detection throw based on special circumstances occurring in a scenario.

A maximum of four detection throws can be made by the sensor operator each space combat round. One detection throw is allowed per range category, and if detection is successful, then detection is considered automatic at all shorter ranges.

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Five - Sensor Operation.

Sensor Ops is the skill denoting expertise in operating sensors and interpreting readings. There are several Traveller skills that provide expertise in sensor operation, but GMs may wish to consider replacements on character generation tables with the actual Sensor Ops skill.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> SKILL Sensor Ops
============ ====================
Navigation at same skill level
Pilot at skill minus one
Ship's Boat at skill minus one
Gunnery at skill minus two
Recon at skill minus one
Survey at same skill level</pre>[/QUOTE]Thus, a ship's navigator with Navigation-2 is considered to also have Sensor Ops-2. A gunner, on the other hand, with Gunnery-3, is considered to have Sensor Ops-1. And, a small craft pilot, with Ship's Boat-0, is also considered to have Sensor Ops-0.

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Six - Detect Program.

Detect is a software suite that interfaces with the ship's sensor systems and computer network to boost filtering ability and provide quality scrubbed data for the sensor operator. The program provides increased computer augmentation, probability readings, and automated data interpretation, aiding the operator in his judgements.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> SOFTWARE LIST
Space MCr Title
===== ===== =========
1 2. Detect-1
2 4. Detect-2
3 6. Detect-3
4 8. Detect-4
5 10. Detect-5</pre>[/QUOTE].


The Detect program is governed by the normal computer programming rules.

The Detect program replaces the Sensor Ops skill, when the Detection Throw is made, with a DM equal to the program's rating.

Because the program is acting as the sensor operator in many respects, Detect-5 does break the maximum sensor modifier of -4, providing a -5 DM to Detection Throws, just as an operator with Sensor Ops-5 would.

Operators must have a minimum skill of Sensor Ops-0 in order to use the program. In addition, the sum of their Sensor Ops skill and EDU must be higher than the program's rating. Otherwise, the program cannot be used. (Ex: An operator with Sensor Ops-0 and EDU-4 is capable of using Detect-1, Detect-2, and Detect-3 only.)

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Seven - Sensor Locks.

This is an optional rule. Some GMs may decide this rule is a bit too persnickety. Others will embrace the additional importance it places on the sensor operator, his sensor scans, and the role of the ship's computer and sensor systems during space combat.

Under the standard rules described earlier, a vessel automatically obtains a sensor lock on all bogeys it detects. Thus, all targets may be fired upon as soon as they are detected.

This optional rule alters the standard sensor lock assumption in that the number of sensor locks that may be maintained at one time can never exceed the Model number of the ship's computer. Thus, a vessel with a Model 3 computer can obtain locks on up to three different bogeys at one time, and if there are more than three targets in the sky, that vessel may only fire at bogeys on which a sensor lock has been obtained. Bogeys that are detected but not locked are still tracked for position and velocity, but ship's weapons cannot be used against them.

When a bogey is detected, it is the sensor operator's choice to obtain a sensor lock on that target. If the maximum number of locks have been previously obtained, then the sensor operator may spare a previous lock in order to free up computer and sensor resouces to track the new target.


A maximum of four detection throws can be made by the sensor operator each space combat round. One detection throw is allowed per range category, and if detection is successful, then detection is considered automatic at all shorter ranges.

Sensor locks may still be obtained upon first detection of a target, at the sensor operator's option. If the maximum number of bogeys are already being tracked, then the operator may give up one lock in order to lock the new target.

If a sensor operator wishes to change his sensor locks, he simply needs to perform a sensor scan, succeeding at a detection throw during the Sensors Phase of space combat (during the Movement Phase of Book 2 space combat or during the Range Determination Step of Book 5 space combat).

Sensor locks may be transferred from friendly vessels, communicated during the Sensors Phase of space combat.

Shifting Fire, as described on pg. 29 of Book 2, can only be performed against locked targets (a vessel with a Model 1 or 1bis computer cannot shift fire).

SIGNAL QUALITY: This additional optional rule allows GMs to use the result of the Detection throw as a measure of the quality of signal lock, or as a measure of the quality of the operator's interpretation of sensor data. In many cases, the result of the Detection throw will be 0, and this indicates 0% margin of error. When the result of the Detection throw is 1 or higher (and still equal to lower than the computer's model number), GMs can use that result to guage the quality of the scan. This would primarily be used for roleplaying purposes (not space combat).

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Eight - Engineering Perception Package.

The EPP (Engineering Perception Package) is a combination of ugraded software and additional equipment meant to augment the BSP suite. It adds a neutrino sensor to the basic package, which is a passive sensor most often used in the detection of high energy sources.

The EPP will aid the sensor operator in determining the total displacement of a target vessel as well as displacement of the target's major components (M-Drive, J-Drive, and Power Plant). EPPs are available beginning at TL A.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">EPP Grade Close Short Long Extreme
------------- ------ ------ ----- --------
Standard (km) 30K 60K 150K 450K
(LS) 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.50
Military (km) 150K 300K 600K 900K
(LS) 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00</pre>[/QUOTE]Military grade EPPs have an effective range of about four times that of standard grade sensors. The EPP is an upgrade of the BSP, so BSP data will be reported at the BSP ranges described earlier.

Use chart below when incorporating EPPs into Book 2/Book 5 starship construction. TL is the minimum required TL for the package. Mass is in tons. EP is the Book 5 energy point requirement. Cost is in MCr.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> TL Mass EP Cost
--- ---- -- ----
EPP, standard grade A 2 1 1.5
EPP, military grade A 2 1 2.5</pre>[/QUOTE]Neutrino Sensors are a development of research into subatomic particles. High energy sources, such as fusion power plants, emit neutrinos, and a characteristic of the neutrino is that it travels in a straight line. The neutrino sensor, when detecting these subatomic particles, easily determines the direction of the source. Range is determined by dispersion of particles rather than by attenuation because of the great distances involved in space combat. Compared with other passive sensors, neutrino sensors have a relatively short range, and multiple readings taken over a long period of time may be required for quality readings.


What the EPP will report: Target's displacement in dtons as well as the dtons of the target's M-Drive, Power Plant, and J-Drive. If High Guard is being used, it is the actual tonnage of the target's power plant that is reported rather than the USP power plant number (so that the vessel's TL cannot be determined).

Complications a GM may consider when reporting EPP results: If a target is directly in front of, or behind, a star, the star's neutrino emissions will mask the target's weaker emissions (starships can hide in sunspots). Targets that are close together may read as one big emission, making for fuzzy data reports (and multiple small vessels may be determined to be one large vessel). Readings from widely different positions (wide angle separation) make for better EPP reports.

One detection throw per range category (per space combat round) is allowed when using the ship's BSP, and if detection is successful, then detection is considered automatic at all shorter ranges. A maximum of four detection throws can be made by the sensor operator each space combat round. Therefore, should a sensor operator use the EPP suite, he must substitute an EPP detection throw for a BSP detection throw. (Ex: If a EPP detection throw is made at Short range, then a BSP detection throw cannot also be made at Short range.)

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Nine - Component Perception and Analysis Package.

The CPAP (Component Perception and Analysis Package), also called a "Sea-pappy" or "See-pap", is a military software and equipment enhancement of the EPP and BSP suites. Modified active BSP sensors, in conjunction with the military grade EPP passive system, are used to estimate detailed data about a target craft. CPAP readings are interfaced with a military ship recognition Library program module to provide target vessel specifications. The CPAP is available beginning at TL C and is restricted to military use only.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">CPAP Grade Close Short Long Extreme
------------- ------ ------ ----- --------
Military (km) 100K 150K 300K 600K
(LS) 0.33 0.50 1.00 2.00</pre>[/QUOTE]Library module upgrades are made when the vessel reaches friendly military ports. In times of war, courier vessels are used to bring upgrade data on the enemy's fleet to the front line.

Use the chart below when incorporating CPAPs into Book 2/Book 5 starship construction. TL is the minimum required TL for the package. Mass is in tons. EP is the Book 5 energy point requirement. Cost is in MCr.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> TL Mass EP Cost
--- ---- -- ----
CPAP, military grade C 3 2 2.5</pre>[/QUOTE]The CPAP costs the same as the EPP, and can act as an EPP. But, there are some limitations associated with the CPAP. First, the CPAP is only available through military contractors rated at TL C+. The mass and EP cost of the CPAP is greater than the EPP. The CPAP scans are active scans (vs. the EPP passive scans). The CPAP has shorter effective range than the EPP. And, the Library program must be run concurrently with the CPAP when scans are performed.


What the CPAP will report: Target's entire Book 5 USP, Book 2 specifications, and typical crew compliment. The CPAP correlates energy signatures, active sensor data, and Library module information to estimate crew size. For example, if a target vessel has 4 low berths and 4 staterooms, the CPAP will estimate a crew compliment of 4-8 beings.

Complications a GM may consider when reporting CPAP results are the same as that mentioned for the BSP and EPP suites. The most likely area for error is in the CPAP's estimate of crew size. An uncommon complication could be incorrect data contained the military Library module, reporting incorrect USP results (but this complication should never be used when targeting common and known starship designs). New starship designs do pose a small problem for CPAP scans, but the system performs remarkably well even without the Library interface.

One detection throw per range category (per space combat round) is allowed when using the ship's BSP, and if detection is successful, then detection is considered automatic at all shorter ranges. A maximum of four detection throws can be made by the sensor operator each space combat round. Therefore, should a sensor operator use the CPAP suite, he must substitute an CPAP detection throw for a BSP detection throw. (Ex: If a CPAP detection throw is made at Short range, then a BSP detection throw cannot also be made at Short range.)

The CPAP includes the BSP. BSP scans can be performed at BSP military grade range.

The CPAP includes a neutrino sensor. EPP scans can be made using the CPAP, and EPP scans are made at military grade EPP range.

The ship's Library program must be used when CPAP scans are performed.

The military Library module is more than just a standard ship recognition application. This module contains classified information on vessels and minute details on design variations that may lead to identifcation when compared with sensor results. For example, the CPAP may be able to easily classify a vessel by its basic design, but the Library module reports that heat sinks for the vessel's power plant were moved closer to the ship's keel on one particular class of the target vessel. Active and passive sensors are then used to confirm heat sink placement, thereby confirming the vessel's exact class.

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Nine - CPAP Densitometer Upgrade.

The CPAP-D is a Component Perception and Analysis Package upgraded with a densitometer. Spacers typically refer to this particular sensor configuration as a "See-daddy". When a densitometer is combined with a CPAP suite, actual deckplans of a target vessel can be mapped.

Densitometers are an outgrowth of gravitic technology. These passive sensors use an object's natural gravity to directly measure the object's density. Scan data is recorded in a three-dimensional matrix before being processed by the densitometer's computer, resulting in a 3-D density map. Within certain limitations, an object's elemental makeup can be deduced from the densitometer's scan data. Naval personnel sometimes refer to densitometers as "mass detectors", and a simple function of the densitometer is to accurately determine a world's 100 diameter limit.

Range for the CPAP-D is the same as that for the CPAP. Cost of the CPAP-D is 3 MCr, and the suite is only available through military contractors rated at TL E+. Other specifications of the CPAP-D are the same as that for the CPAP.


Unlike other sensor suites, the CPAP-D requires an enormous amount of time to produce a reading (in space combat terms). The sensor operator must use the CPAP-D for two full space combat rounds (30-40 minutes, depending on which space combat system is used) before a detection roll is made. During this time, the sensor operator can perform no other actions. If the detection roll succeeds, the GM should provide an accurate deckplan of the target vessel. If the detection roll fails, then another two full rounds are required before the sensor operator can make another attempt.

Complications a GM should consider when reporting results of the CPAP-D are the same as that for described for the CPAP. This is a perfect opportunity to use the optional signal quality rule, where successful detection throws greater than zero provide degraded results. In this instance, the GM may make errors in the deckplan before handing it to players.

In most respects, the CPAP-D operates as a normal CPAP. In fact, if the densitometer is not used, the CPAP-D is a normal CPAP.

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Ten - Neural Activity Sensor.

Neural Activity Sensors were originally developed from TL 12 psionic helmet theory, and NAS units were first used in the medical arena as this passive sensor detects the electrical activity of a life form's central nervous system and classifies it according to amount and complexity. The data system then compares the activity pattern to known types of life, including intelligent life. Scouts typically refer to the NAS as a "Nass", and when the plural form is used, the term "Nasses" is used.

At TL 15, the sensitivity of this sensor can be boosted so that it is a viable instrument for starship combat. Range, though, is extremely limited, and cost for the single sensor is high when compared to the cost of other mutltiple-sensor suites.

NAS units are not restricted to military use, but their cost, range, size, and usefulness precludes their presence on all but the most prestigious scientific vessels. (What is less well known is that some governments install NAS units on their flagship military vessels as well as stealth/espionage craft.)

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">NAS Close Short Long Extreme
------------- ------ ------ ----- --------
(km) 10K 20K 50K 350K
(LS) 0.03 0.06 0.17 1.17</pre>[/QUOTE]Use the chart below when incorporating NASs into Book 2/Book 5 starship construction. TL is the minimum required TL for the package. Mass is in tons. EP is the Book 5 energy point requirement. Cost is in MCr.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> TL Mass EP Cost
--- ---- -- ----
NAS F 2 1 5</pre>[/QUOTE]The only military use of a NAS unit is in the preparation of boarding actions. The NAS is capable of not only reporting which intelligent species is crewing the enemy vessel, but it can also report a fairly accurate number of enemy crewmembers. Used with the CPAP-D, a neural activity sensor can be used to report enemy positions inside the target craft. Scout and scientific vessels find other uses for NAS units. Library modules are required when performing NAS scans.

In short, the neural activity sensor has not yet been perfected for use aboard spacecraft, but limited use of these units are found in Known Space.


The Library computer must be used in conjuction with NAS scans (as with the CPAP mentioned earlier).

The NAS scan is a tight beam passive scan, and thus cannot be used as a detection device until a target is located (smaller, handheld NAS units can be used to scan wider areas relative to the size of a man).

A NAS scan requires a long scanning time to collect and report data. This process can easily stretch into hours. When a ship's NAS unit is used, roll 2D for the number of space combat rounds needed for the scanner to report output. A sensor operator may use his Sensor Ops skill as a DM to decrease the time required, but the sensor always takes a minimum of 2 space combat rounds in order to make a reading. As with the CPAP-D, the sensor operator can take no other action while operating the neural activity sensors. The Detect program cannot be used when making a NAS scan (although GMs may allow NAS-specfic Detect programs).

When players attempt a NAS scan, the GM may consider using the signal quality optional rule before reporting the sensor's results.

GMs may also consider these complications when NAS scans are made: Psionic shielding will block NAS readings. Dense materials may also block readings. Relative motion between the sensor and the target must be minimal, otherwise the sensor cannot make readings (thus, starships must match vectors in order to make NAS scans). Excessive numbers of lifeforms, close together, will yield fuzzy readings. Excessive types of lifeforms, close together, will also yield fuzzy readings. Heavy electromagnetic interference make accurate NAS readings difficult (and it is typically hard to receive quality readings from engineering sections of target vessels).

TRAVELLER Special Supplement 4: Sensors

POST Eleven - Special Supplement 4 Appendix.

  • A sensor operator may make up to four detection throws each space combat round--one throw for each range category. Range and results are dependent on the sensor being used.

  • Some GMs may insist on rolling detection throws themselves, reporting results to players as the game progresses. Other GMs will allow players to make their own detection throws, reasoning that inconclusive data is determined when a throw fails. Either system works well with these rules.

  • There are four basic types of sensors discussed in these rules: The Electro-Magnetic Spectrum sensor (the EMS cluster discussed under the description of the BSP), the Neutrino Sensor (discussed under the description of the EPP), the Densitometer (discussed under the description of the CPAP-D), and the Neural Activity Sensor.

  • The BSP, as its designation implies, is the basic sensor package common to all vessels. The EPP is a BSP with a neutrino sensor added. The CPAP-D is a BSP with a neutrino sensor and a densitomter added. NAS units are typically separate sensor systems because that sensor's range and long scan time prohibits any meaningful data correlation with other sensor types.

  • Most encountered civilian ships will incorporate the standard grade BSP only. A few will be upgraded to standard grade EPP. It is rare when a civilian vessel is equipped with military grade equipment.

  • Most encountered Imperial military vessels will incorporate the CPAP. Some will be equipped with the CPAP-D. Other military vessels from will incorporate the military grade EPP only. It is not unusual to find a military vessel with a standard grade sensor package.

  • Vessels in a orbit of a world can only be detected at 1/4 normal range.

  • When a vessel rigs for silent running, the M-Drive is not used (although the vessel may be moving in response to previous acceleration), and the ship's power plant is shut down to minimal levels (crew may equipment themselves in Vacc Suits in order to reduce power to life support as well). Silent running requires that the vessel's transponder is silenced. Only passive sensors may be used. Vessels that rig for silent running can only be detected at half normal range. Silent vessels in orbit of a world can only be detected at 1/8 normal range.

  • Once detected, a bogey is tracked to a maximum range of 3 light-seconds (or initial detection range, whichever is longer).

  • Passive sensors included as part of the BSP are: EMS Passive, HRT, Laser sensors, and all types of Direction Finders. The neutrino sensor (EPP), the densitometer, and the neural activity sensor are also passive sensors. Thus, the BSP, EPP, and NAS can all be used in the passive mode.

  • Active sensors included as part of the BSP are: EMS Active, RADAR, LADAR, and MADAR. The CPAP and CPAP-D are also considered active sensor clusters. Thus, when using the BSP, CPAP, or CPAP-D, the vessel is considered active. BSP use will default to its active mode unless players specify its passive mode is being used.

  • The LADAR and MADAR are tight beam active sensors, so target vessels will consider the sensing ship to be active while the same ship may be considered passive to other vessel in the area.

  • Sensor readings can be transmitted between friendly vessels using tight beam communication.

  • GMs may create other sensor packages. For example, a densitometer could be combined with the BSP (sans a neutrino sensor, as with the CPAP-D) if a need presented itself.

  • Sensors are used for a wide variety of tasks. These rules focus on the military implications of sensors as they are meant to be used in space combat. A Scout vessel, for example, may incorporate a densitometer and not have the software or sensor coordination to replace the function of the CPAP-D. EMS passive sensors, on the other hand, can be used to look at planets and stars several parsecs from the vessel's current position--extending the sensor's range far beyond what is detailed in these rules.

  • Imperial dispensation may be acquired to equip Scout, scientific, and exploratory merchant vessels with military grade sensor packages.

  • A vessel's passive sensors may be enhanced with Scanner Alarms. This enhancement increases the Close range sensitivity of the the ship's laser sensors, direction finders, and other passive sensors, alerting the sensor operator of the type of active sensor used to scan his vessel. Where typically the BSP will report that the vessel is being scanned by an active sensor, Scanner Alarms provide detailed information on the type of active sensor used. Scanner Alarms cost 500,000 Cr and have a mass of 3 tons.

  • A GM may use Hull hits in space combat to damage ship's sensors. Each hull hit can knock out one type of sensor. If the BSP is used, roll randomly between: EMS Active, EMS Passive, RADAR, RADAR Direction Finder, LADAR, Laser Sensor, MADAR, Radio Direction Finder, and HRT. If the ship is equipped with Densitometers, Neutrino Sensors, or Neural Activity Sensors, then add those systems to the random potential damage as well. These systems may be destroyed or only damaged (repairable with spare parts, possibly requiring a trip EVA on the hull, or only repairable at an appropriate starport). Details are left to the GM.

  • Detection throws (and all sensor operations) are made during the Movement Phase of Book 2 space combat. If Book 5 combat is used, Detection throws are made during the Range Determination Step.

  • If the ship's computer is knocked out (per Book 2 space combat, pg. 33), then ship's sensors are inoperative until the computer is repaired or operative again in a later space combat phase (but all sensor tasks are performed in the movement phase).

  • If the ship's computer is damaged (per Book 5 space combat, pg. 49), then the damaged rating is used for Detection throws. If the ship's computer USP factor is reduced to zero, then the ship's computer is considered a Model 1 until repairs are undertaken (because the ship may still fire weapons and maneuver when computer USP = 0).

  • These sensor rules can be used with ship designs from either Book 2 or Book 5. If using the High Guard combat system, consider vessels at the High Guard combat range of Short to be at a distance of five light-seconds or less (0 to 1.5 million km). High Guard Long range is equivalent to 5-15 light-seconds (1.5 to 4.5 million km). These High Guard distances are published in Mayday with the attempt being made to put actual ranges to the abstract distances used in Book 5 space combat, and they reflect the idea that combat between large capital ships will typically be conducted at high-G velocity. If these sensor rules are used with High Guard combat, allow Detection throws for vessels with military grade sensor packages only (standard grade packages do not have the range for this type of encounter). Targets at Long combat range can be tracked but not detected. Targets at Short combat range can be detected using the throw for a Long Range scan (Short combat range = Long sensor range). Vessels that have matched vectors are considered at Close sensor range. Craft with standard grade sensor packages can receive signal handoffs from friendly vessels with military grade sensors. (Since the Book 5 combat ranges are abstract, a GM may alter the combat ranges listed here for High Guard combat, making them shorter distances, so that standard sensor packages may be used).</font>
S-4, The problem I have with your house-rules on sensors is that they are too long. Please simply and reduce.

No offense intended, dude. I just prefer lite rules. :D
S4, I applaud the work you've done on this. On another thread, you asked me if I'd seen the earlier version (please forgive me for not responding). You've obviously put a lot of thought into this.

Of course, I could be wrong, but...

I hate to sound like a broken record, and I especially hate to disagree with your assumptions when you've worked so hard on this, but I just don't think that detection, tracking and targeting will be much of an issue for space combatants in the future, unless an as-yet unknown technology comes into play.

I've read numerous, well-documented sources on space sensors that spacecraft will be blindingly conspicuous relative to space, background noise, radiation, etc., over system-wide distances, whether or not their drives or sensors are activated. My understanding is that the only way to conceal a spacecraft's presence will be to hide it behind a planet or other body.

Under these assumptions, stealth will be more of an issue on a strategic scale. Admirals will be plotting fleet movements from one system to the next with limited, often outdated information on the whereabouts of the enemy. But once the opposing forces enter the same system, everyone who isn't lucky enough to have hidden behind the right side of a gas giant or other object will be detected.

I actually don't mind this scenario from a role-playing or wargaming standpoint. It reminds me of the Battle of Midway, where a chance encounter can alter the outcome of the greater struggle.

It's also a helluva lot easier to handle in the rules!
Originally posted by BillDowns:
S-4, The problem I have with your house-rules on sensors is that they are too long. Please simply and reduce.

No offense intended, dude. I just prefer lite rules. :D
I like lite rules too!

And, actually, they are lite. I include a lot of detail for role playing puposes. GMs can use the info on sensors to report more to the players than just "you detected a ship".

But, I built that in--so that if GM want to just say, "You detected a ship", then they can easily do that.

You want to see how lite these rules really are?

OK, here they are:

Nutshell Rules
Then, the sensor operator makes up to four throws when operating the sensors--one throw for each range category Extreme/Long/Short/Close. When he throws a success, he stops rolling (So, hardly ever will he make four rolls), and the GM tells him what he detected.

The roll is always throwing the ship's computer model number or less. Use Skill level as a negative DM (not subject to the max DM). Active targets provide a -4DM. The max DM is -4. Close range automatically gets a -4 DM.

Use 3D on the Extreme range throw. Use 2D on the Long range throw. Use 1D on the Short range throw. Use 1D -4 on the Close range throw.

Sensor type will give you the actual range for each category, but 99.999% the vessel will be a Basic Sensor Package since most civilian craft use the BSP exclusively. Range on the BSP is: Extreme = 600,000km, Long = 300,000km, Short = 150,000km, and Close = 100,000km.

That's it. Wouldn't you call that lite?

You've got a Type A2 Far Trader. Navigator has Navigation-2. The ship has a Model 1bis computer.

What are your sensor throws?


[Extreme Range of 600,000km] Throw 3D -2 for 1 or less.

[Long Range of 300,000km] Throw 2D -2 for 1 or less.

[Short Range of 150,000km] Throw 1D -2 for 1 or less.

[Close Range of 100,000km] Throw 1D -4 for 1 or less.

If the GM knows the target is active, then he'll make the modifiers the max -4 instead of -2 in the above example. Most of the time this will be the case because most ships have constantly blaring transponders.

Roll dice, minus skill, for Computer Model or less. Isn't that pretty rules lite and easy?
Originally posted by Daneel Olivaw:
I hate to sound like a broken record, and I especially hate to disagree with your assumptions when you've worked so hard on this, but I just don't think that detection, tracking and targeting will be much of an issue for space combatants in the future, unless an as-yet unknown technology comes into play.
I followed standard CT rules on this.

A civilian ship can detect out to 150,000 km and track out to 900,000 km.

A military vessel can detect out to 600,000 km and track out to 900,000 km.

My rules follow that extremely closely.

It's also a helluva lot easier to handle in the rules!
I think I'm scaring people with all the verbage. Notice that I mention that most of the detail is meant for roleplaying purposes only. The GM doesn't have to throw any dice at all. I just wanted to give the GM an idea of what kind of report a type of sensor would produce. So, if a GM is in a game, and a player asks, "What am I seeing on ship's sensors," the GM can say, "HRT is picking up a heat signature, and this correlates with the other passives. Signal is strong enough to be another vessel. Here's the plot," rather than, "Well, you picked up another ship. Here's the plot."

No dice are required for that. Much of my rules is just background.

Also note that, in the spirit of the CT mention of sensor capabilities, I've made it very, very easy to detect other vessels at the sensor's effective range.

Even a 400 ton Subsidized Merchant, with a Model-1 computer, and a sensor operator with Sensor Ops-0, will easily detect other vessel out to 150,000 km (as stated in the CT rules).

If the targets are using transponders (or otherwise active due to use of their M-Drive or active sensors), the roll is 1D -4 for 1 or less.

If the sensor operator misses that roll, he can try again next space combat round (after another 15 minutes or so).

So, ships will be successful on sensor rolls when the range is Short or Close most of the time.

What I've done is built in a little bit of doubt and given ships a small chance to be successful at longer ranges. And, the GM can throw in modifiers for circumstances that would make a normally detecable ship hard to detect.

Arthur has taken me up on the sensor rules test drive. But, he's informed me he'll be away for a week or so.

I'd still like to take you through a few motions, if you're up to it.