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Speculative Traders

Changed the back, added a turret, and painted her.

Agh! My eyes!!! ;)

I still really don't like those triangular fins on the back. Can you at least put them all on their own hull plate or something? It just looks like they're placed straight over the line on the upper hull there.

'...hand flown from Japan' indeed! =)
Actually your method is not so radically different from how I do it in MAX. The only major difference is that I try to model all the elements in together and avoid 'clipping' objects together - that's pushing seperate pieces of geometry into each other. I also try to use as few splines and vertices as possible - I don't actually know why. Something to do with games modelling I suspect.

Nice tutorial.

As for the paint scheme, my initial reaction was much like Mal's - however I see no reason why it couldn't work once all the dirt, panels, panel lines, specular, scratches etc etc etc are heaped on top it'll balance out a bit tonally. It might be quite a nice paint scheme.

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
[QB] Changed the back, added a turret, and painted her.
Not bad (actually I love the shape), but that paint job reminds me of a dartboard too much for comfort.

It actually looks a lot like a Vargr corsair, hmmm ...

Perhaps try diagonal stripes like Ted's scout has?

For an alternate colour scheme I'd also like to see maroon (or just dark red) and white.
Hi folks !

Thanks a lot for this tutorial.
Guess I have to try if there is something like hypernurbs in my modelling program....

Ok, latest release:

I changed light colors as Crow suggested, added uneven specularity (too much ?), changed hull colors a bit and made a few model modifications...


Mert, does your 3D package (I forget which one) give you the ability to use specular maps? ie, instead of setting a specular level in the material, you would use a greyscale map to set it?
If so, use your panneling bump map to make one and assign different panels different shades of gray. It give the surface a touch more variety, life and realism.

I love the paint schemes. The edges could do with being sharper though.


Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
It is now time for you to start modelling the interior as well Andrew ;)

Great work, I like the movie
Yeah, the movie was fun ... too fast though.

I'd like to see Andrew add more detail to the outside of his one. Perhaps some Bilanidin text, a few safety symbols, a corporate logo, that sort of stuff.

BTW, Mert was originally using the JPG I posted of the red/white color scheme, whihc was a lower res than he sent me. I've emaile dhim the full res version, so perhaps that will appear sometime soon? :D

Hey, this is great fun, thanks to everyone involved! Now I just have to get my PBEM campaign going ... Naidan, are you out there? :(
Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Mert, does your 3D package (I forget which one) give you the ability to use specular maps? ie, instead of setting a specular level in the material, you would use a greyscale map to set it?
If so, use your panneling bump map to make one and assign different panels different shades of gray. It give the surface a touch more variety, life and realism.

I love the paint schemes. The edges could do with being sharper though.


Hi Crow !

I theoretically can do almost anything with materials and maps in Realsoft 3D

In order to describe what I did do far regarding texturing I will list the layers I use now:

- a texture (color) map using Angus' color scheme
- a texture (color) map of a rock for weathering
- a specularity map using the rock bitmap, too
- a bump/displacement map created by a orthogonal top view and outline render mode for panel structure
- a procedural dirt material
plus some local mappings for windows and bridge...

So, I will do as suggested and use the panel map as a baseline for a new specularity map.
New rendering will be there in 7 hours....


And I'm totally lost when it comes to making something like this, but you guys who aren't have done great things with it.