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Speculative Traders

Hi Andrew !

VERY cool !
Ok, lets start a special effects session....

I guess I have to get away from these detailing work then

How long did rendering take ?

Best regards,

Originally posted by Joseph Kimball:
The avi file wants to download a codec for WMP to play it. Which codec is this and where can it be found?
DivX 5.0
(no opitional registration page)

One of the codec packs tend to come in handy, like K-Lite (whichever one is updated the most), though you have to be careful selecting what codecs/versions you install esp. if you choose advanced mode.

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Just playing around, here's the ship jumping:
As Crow said, wow! I like the fact that it's nice and subtle. Any chance of a closeup (or do the fx not look good up close?)?
"Any chance of a closeup (or do the fx not look good up close?)?"

It's just a lens flare, so there's really not much else to see.

"I don't understand which codex's are needed."

DivX. Casey posted the link.
Hi !

Andrew is already rendering animations with his mighty computer and I am still fighting with textures and stuff and my computer needing 7 hours to finish a high res picture ( this one). I use it mainly to see, where I might have to detail out textures more....
Ok, its about 2000 pixels wide but anyway I have to tweak texturing a bit in order to let animation sequences render in an acceptable time.

Actually I am concentrating on different ways to visualize the jump sequence and started with the classical jump grid.
These are two test renderings:


The samples, which will come in a next post will show a more irregular illuminated jump field.


Andrew, thanks for the walkaround, very helpful!

Mert, looks very pretty, but the turrets seem to sit on top of the jump lines, can one go over each of them (or at least the one on top which is most obvious)? Also, I wanna see more of the fornt of your one again! ;)
Originally posted by Scarecrow:
Why not finish the modelling and texturing before doing the 'special effects'?
I think Mert's pretty happy with where he has it ... :D

Any ideas of what else he could/should do?
"Actually I am concentrating on different ways to visualize the jump sequence and started with the classical jump grid."

Great minds think alike - I've been trying the same thing!

"Why not finish the modelling and texturing before doing the 'special effects'?"

I don't know about Mert, but after working on this every day for 2-3 weeks I'm sick of the sight of the bloody thing! I'm just playing around to give myself a break.