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Speculative Traders


I look forward to seeing the updated spec map.


for the lighting, have you tried using the realistic skylight you used in the modelling renders turned right down to about 20% instead of a fill light? That would give your recesses a soft shadow. Keep the yellowy main light though with solid shadows.

Both these ships are looking fantastic!!!

model the interior? ahhhh if only there were a hundred hours ina day =)


Hi !

Ok. It took 30 minutes now...without displacement mapping (anyone missing that ?)...


This one is with displacement mapping.
Is there a notable difference, except that it takes 10 minutes more to render ?


Hmm, perhaps we could do that with CC2 Perspectives....not perfect, but still nice
Originally posted by Scarecrow:
model the interior? ahhhh if only there were a hundred hours ina day =)


You know you want to...

To be serious though, as I've mentioned before, if a movie, deckplans, interior views, stats etc. were put together I would pay for that sort of game resource.
Originally posted by TheEngineer:
Is there a notable difference, except that it takes 10 minutes more to render ?
Great work! I can't see the difference myself (so save yourself the 10 minutes). I like the extra white lines too.

In terms of an interior, I can't actually see much need for it myself. Most people's efforts are going to fall short of 'reality' (Crow's possibly being the exception) and I'd rather leave something up to the imagination of my players.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
To be serious though, as I've mentioned before, if a movie, deckplans, interior views, stats etc. were put together I would pay for that sort of game resource.
Well 3 out of 4 ain't bad for a free thread!

Personally I'm looking at compiling a PDF out of this stuff just so I have it all in a single handout for my players (who are too busy/lazy to check this message board it seems). I'll make it available for everyone when it's finished.
Hi folks !

Well, we are really productive here.
What I would like to do next (except to finally model a nice back) is to draw an isometric deckplan with CC2 Perspectives and to start an animation sequence I heading for a long long time:
a visualisation of the jump procedure.

Here I like the descriptions of the SOM most, with jump grid and stuff....

The really great thing with this topic was/is, that it should be possible now to create a pretty rendering much more faster now (thanks again Crow, hope You will be our CGI consultant furtheron...).
Else, like me, they just do not want to get in the way of the creative process.

Oops! I did anyway ... darnit ...
(going back to lurk mode)
I'm here, appreciating

Though... I think the front bit of Andrew's ship looks a bit too stretched out - those windows are gonna be huge on the bridge! I think it could do with being a bit shorter (along the length axis) and higher (along the vertical axis). Just so that it's thick enough so that the bottom is level with the top of the fuel scoops, I think.

As it is, I also think Andrew's ship look a tad too sleek and smooth. Maybe it's the lack of surface detail or something. Or the lack of flat angular plating ;) . Are you going to be adding pipes and access plates and other widgets?


Speaking of detail, I spent a good chunk of today wetting myself over some of the things on the Sci-Fi Meshes Forums. Check out these threads in particular if you're an Elite fan (or even if you're not), there is some jaw-dropping detail in here:

Viper Patrol ship
Asp Explorer

It's quite fascinating to watch these models (and the ones here on CotI) evolve as the thread continues.

Obviously, I'm not expecting the same amount of detail here as there is on the Asp thread, but can you imagine what it would be like if all Traveller ships ended up looking that detailed? It'd be awesome!

BTW, just to be clear, I don't post those links to make the Andrew and Mert's efforts look bad. I think what's been made on this thread is excellent and I strongly encourage everyone involved to keep striving to improve their models even further. I suspect the people on the SFmeshes board have a lot more spare time (and more experience?) on their hands and are a lot more into 3D rendering than most folks here ;) .
I seem to remember one of the criticisms of my scribbled design at the beginning of this thread was that it would never stand up to the stresses of mach 5 atmospheric flight. If this is still a requirement of the designs then having exposed machinery ports or external piping etc might not be a good idea. I think both designs are as sleek as they need be.
At the moment, Andrew's design is in flat grey with pristine decals at full saturation so it still looks like a model. That's where the various specular and diffuse maps come in to add interest and detail to the model's surface.

Sorry I haven't been as vocal in the last couple of days, it's just that whilst the guys have been testing out paint schemes, there hasn't been much for me to comment on.

Has everyone been keeping up with Egapillar's model in the Powell Class Modular Scout thread? It's coming on rather nicely.


"those windows are gonna be huge on the bridge!"

Yeah, I've thought about shrinking them slightly.

"I think it could do with being a bit shorter (along the length axis) and higher (along the vertical axis)."

It actually matches the deckplan almost exactly. What do other people think?

"Are you going to be adding pipes and access plates and other widgets?"

I'm slowly adding sticky-out bits.

"Speaking of detail, I spent a good chunk of today wetting myself over some of the things on the Sci-Fi Meshes Forums."

There's some great stuff there. I normally pop in every day or two, but I've been busy recently.
Hi !

The window thing might be true. The large windows make the ship appear to be smaller as it really is...

If I take a look at prior posts, the shape is just perfect. Perhaps the perspective of the view makes the nose to appear longer as it really is.
So does the stripe on the back...

Do You have some idea about the look of the landing gear ?
Are there any external features You would like to see ?


CGI rookie

Sorry to have not been around much. My LCD monitor burned out 2 days ago, and I've not been at my normal workplace as I've been busy doing interviews for new jobs.


Love the new colour scheme, and the extra details you've added to the model.

If I could make a couple of suggestions:
1. The popup turrets should either be shown out (with triple lasers) or in (with nothing showing).
2. The bridge windows are fine for me, the bridge could be thicker vertically, but doesn't need to change.
3. The ship name probably needs to be visible once on the top/bottom for long-distance visual reference, but the most important place for the name would be on the side where a person approaching on the ground would see it. (I know my texture didn't have this, but seeing as you;re doing such a good job ...)



I do like the idea of wheeled landing gear like the Asp Explorer has. However, it's probably not necessary for this sort of ship as they can always hover at need using contragrav.


In general, perhaps the red and white should have the circle bits removed from the top and a horizontal red stripe added below the windows?
"1. The popup turrets should either be shown out (with triple lasers) or in (with nothing showing)."

I know, but I think they look more interesting like this.

"3. The ship name probably needs to be visible once on the top/bottom for long-distance visual reference, but the most important place for the name would be on the side where a person approaching on the ground would see it. (I know my texture didn't have this, but seeing as you;re doing such a good job ...)"

Flattery will get you everywhere! I'm experimenting with the textures, so I'll see what I can do.

"In general, perhaps the red and white should have the circle bits removed from the top and a horizontal red stripe added below the windows?"

Or have both.
Hi !

Very nice clothing, Andrew.

Here comes an update the old low tech version.
I finally added the thrusters and another reduced color scheme on the bottom.
Next comes minor stuff and retracted landing gears attachments.




Mert, I like the way the colors in your top view are faded as if they are years old (especially at the rear where the hull turns).

<niggling detail> The bottom view colors don't seem to be as faded in the view you have given us. </niggling detail>
- Joseph