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Star Maps


I was curious if anyone had a decent Star Map that shows the includes the new areas that were in 2320? I actually knew of a very good map that was done, but unfortunately, Yahoo got rid of it when the shut down the geocities. (shakes fist!)

Any help would be appreciated.
help with new stars

several new stars have been found near earth eg teegardens star

anyone know how to convert the astronomical right ascension and declination data into x,y,z information ?
I don't know for the NSL in 2300, however, IIRC, it works out to something like this...


a = ascension/declination (in rads, grads, or degrees...)
r = right ascension in (in rads, grads, or degrees...)
d = total distance to star
d' = flat distance to star as viewed from +Z or -Z
You might be interested in this site run by Jed Whitten:


It's optimized for Star Trek fans, as you'll note by some of the names of the star systems shown on the start-up screen, but you might be able to get some use out of the map-making functions it offers!