still got you talking.
so, while we're here;
has anyone deployed the Star Trigger in game?
according to canon, it doesn't actually work and the Darrians spend a lot of time and effort making sure nobody knows this.
A lot of MTU is Sword Worlds based. not my current campaign, but the two before that, yes. MTU Sworders aren't just 'Northern Europeans' in those campaigns, mind you, they were, in point of fact "most of the nerds on Terra, the near-totality of 'Fandom', leaving the faltering planet behind, 'Idiocracy' style".
that's meat for another beast, though, my thread here is;
in your Universe, is the ST a real thing?
have you ever used it?
is it a paper tiger, as OTU canon says? and what have the Darriens got up to keeping that gun to the head of the Universe?