Hello Sigg Oddra, GypsyComet, guests, and the usual members,
I have mentioned, once or twice, that Hunter has stressed in, at least two, past posts that the T20 Small Craft, Spacecraft, and Starship Design Sequence (SSSDS or S^3DS) is primarily based after CT LBB Book 5: High Guard (HG). This is evident in the bridge tonnage requirements of of 2%/20 (HG p. 27) tons and 20%/4 (HG p. 34) tons. T20 does not however, give a vague description of what equipment is on the bridge. Because of this detail, among others, T20's S^3DS, as Sigg Oddra mentioned, is
not HG. However, as GypsyComet mentioned, T20's design sequence also has barrowed a little of the detail for designing a bridge from MT, TNE, T4, and GT. With the above information here is my revised understanding of what the T20 Bridge Design Rule means:
A vessel designated as a spacecraft or Starship must allocat 2% or a minimum of 20 tons to a component identified as "bridge." 10 tons must be allocated to sub-systemss for command and control. The command and control sub-systems include the Captain's chair, helm, navigation, communications, and sensor stations. The remaining 10 tons can be used for other non-command and control systems. These systems include an airlock, storage lockers, one or more freshers, an auxiliary control panel, and other similar components. To me an auxiliary control panel would be like Mr. Scott's station on the Enterprise's bridge, which duplicates many of the functions that are actually controlled by Main Engineering.
A vessel designated as a small craft must allocat 20% or a minimum of 4 tons to a component identified as "bridge." From THB p. 275 "The bridge installed on the (small)craft automatically includes space and accomodations for 2 crew members in the form of 2 small craft couches." The table on THB p. 278 lists that a small craft couch displaces .5 tons. Two couches means that a minimum of 1 dton of a small craft bridge is dedicated to "command and control."
For deckplan purposes the allocated bridge displacement tonnage is one piece located in a single area. The components used for the bidge must be placed within the allocated space on the deck plan.
Drat, another piece of errata has been found. On p. 258 the two examples, one for a 100-ton the other for an 1,100-ton, ship's bridge are incorrect when matched with the Manufacterd Hulls Table Bridge column. This has probably been fixed, but I'll post this on the errata board just in case.
Tom Rux