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Starting a new campaign

Clarrification and a Further notion:
The weapon was really detonated to study wind patterns for the weapon.
Should have wrote: The Nuke was really detonated to study wind patterns for the bio-weapon.

from N.I.C.E. Labs
The fruit is an obvious resource...so obvious is they may forget to raid the ship's galley. Regardless, the fruit is refrigerated and perishable..and the players don't know that when it ferments it has certain hallucinogenic effects
The fruit has a unintended side benefit; if the PC's get exposed to the Hiver Bioweapon, the fermented fruit will act as an antidote. Neither the Hivers nor the PC's know this fact.
from slyen2
nuklear weapons are fun!
And they solve those urban renewal problems.
another off of the shelf notion: You could use the "Fleshbells" from the "Last Logs of the Falcon" COTI article. Then you could use the fermented fruit as a antidote for them, if the PC's figure it out in time.
I though up an idea for what the scientests were doing during Biology class...

Here it is:

The scientests where testing the effeects a necluear weapon on a new biological agent designed for the imperium or another government as a black project.

Another i got from the Metal Gear series of games:

what the scientists where testing was a new weapons system code named Metal Gear (or something elese). this is a bipedal battle tank with Vulcan cannons, a Rail Gun, and 8 missle lunchers that can fire nuklear missles.

any way these are a few more ideas.
Everyone is coming up with slick ideas. I thank you all for the help! I really like the idea of Hivers being involved, especially after I've read up on them in the Hiver alien module.

One thing about Hivers is they are profound manipulators. It's ingrained into their psyche and society. Perhaps a Hiver scientist wanted to achieve manipulator status among his colleagues by directing the course of events surrounding a certain group of Travellers. That could be a campaign long situation if I played it right. The real question is what sort of outcome is the Hiver striving for?
The KKree are already scared to death of the Hiver. I was thinking a bit more smaller scale. Perhaps some sort of anthropology experiment, or manipulating the players into discovering some rumored but hidden Ancient cache or something...
hey they could be blasting the area with thremonukes trying to find and they find an Ancient Wartank (metal Gear) 3-4 days before the PCs get there.

or they could be testing it when the PCs arrive and it thinks that they are testing bots (kindoflike crash dummys)

so where have you been?
from N.I.C.E. Labs
Perhaps some sort of anthropology experiment, or manipulating the players into discovering some rumored but hidden Ancient cache or something...
You could do both...

Lets say the Hivers have found an ancient construction. They have attempted access to the building, but have been unable to obtain entry.

[note Adventure 3, entry to the ancients site was allowed through the sensation of fear and panic. Its possible that this ancient construct on Dawnworld requires similar or other emotional responses that Hivers are unable to grasp. Thus, the PC's come into play. The Hivers could manipulate the PC's into a situation conducive to obtaining entry into the ancient construct by obtaining emotional responses from the PC's.]
Of course considering it's Hivers behind it all they may just sail right past the doomsday machine and go for something totally innocuous and unexpected.
OK, setting aside the Hiver lab notion for the moment...

The nuke could have come from a Forinian ship. The Forinians have set up a small scale logistics base in the system to support the destabilization of the Caladbolg pocket. The pc's may discover this while they are enroute to the class E starport or the research center.

Back to the Hiver lab notion...
If you have'nt mapped your IMTU Dawnworld yet, you could make the Class E port and research center difficult to get to, like putting them up on a high mountain requiring a difficult climb to reach them, or perhaps an island. You could even borrow from Adventure 2 and use the Research Station Gamma ocean platform for the Dawn World research center.
Originally posted by plop101:

Back to the Hiver lab notion...
If you have'nt mapped your IMTU Dawnworld yet, you could make the Class E port and research center difficult to get to, like putting them up on a high mountain requiring a difficult climb to reach them, or perhaps an island. You could even borrow from Adventure 2 and use the Research Station Gamma ocean platform for the Dawn World research center.
Already got that partially covered. The Class E, being just a bare patch of rock is basically a shaved off island. Something big enough to land on and strech one's legs but nothing else...an island because they'd have to skim the ocean for fuel anyway. The research station I've already told the players was located in a high mountain range so they have that to look forward to ;)
from N.I.C.E. Labs
No more than half a mile in diameter. It's literally just a flat spot of bare rock and that's it.
Sounds like Wake or Midway Island. Without the buildings, of course. Maybe a automatic beacon and maybe a maintenance hut, but only for a Good E class.

I like this thread; I may borrow some of it for my own private IMTU campaign.