Basically, Heighliners from Dune.
More or less. Sort of...
Basically, Heighliners from Dune.
Basically, Heighliners from Dune.
indeed, although my go-to example would the JumpShip/DropShip model of the BattleTech universe.
in that setting, while large companies and governments maintain their own JumpShip fleets, a lot of the JumpShips are independently owned by small, one or two ship merchant companies and make a living by hiring out docking space to DropShips wanting transport (JumpShips owned by the megacorps and governments also sell docking space as a side-line). Their is enough ships using this "pick up" system that it works well enough to keep many merchant companies afloat without needing to own their own JumpShips (i.e. they can get transport to and form their home and destination worlds reliably enough to turn a regular profit, and Jumpships can turn a profit shifting these Dropships around).
Supplement 4 is referring to you - he provides a link to a post you made.
Then where is the 51 following the Timerover.
As I said, I take no responsibility for this thread.
Third, since Regina is apparently the satellite of a Gas Giant, which also means that it must be fairly close to the star, what is the appropriate Jump parameter for it?
A good universe for my Star Class Jump Frame and Barges...
Menorb is K2 V (typically ~0.8 Msol, 0.735 Rsol) which makes the 100.5 diameter jump shadow roughly 103M km. At 2√(D/A) that makes 1G (10m/s²) travel time 56.4 hours (not days) to reach the star. Hab zone edge is approx 0.35AU = 52M km for a differential of only 51M km. Travel time at 1G is only 39.7 hours.
Doing some rough calcs, I think the person who made the list of travel times (to which Xerxes linked) may have mistakenly used 1 m/s² instead of 9.8 m/s² or 10 m/s².
Well, the simple solution to Menorb as type II is to say the 100D jump limit shadow only applies to solid, icy, or similarly dense matter that would include a main sequence (type V) star. Various subgiant, giant, and supergiant stars are so rarified that they've expanded to roughly the size of the star's main sequence lifetime jump shadow, yet the mass is probably a little bit less than the star's original mass. Perhaps the jump shadow might expand to double the main sequence lifetime shadow due to greater tidal shear, or maybe not even that much.
How does 100D apply to a black hole? is D the event horizon?
Well, the simple solution to Menorb as type II is to say the 100D jump limit shadow only applies to solid, icy, or similarly dense matter that would include a main sequence (type V) star. Various subgiant, giant, and supergiant stars are so rarified that they've expanded to roughly the size of the star's main sequence lifetime jump shadow, yet the mass is probably a little bit less than the star's original mass. Perhaps the jump shadow might expand to double the main sequence lifetime shadow due to greater tidal shear, or maybe not even that much.
... and the star's original habitable world froze up when the star moved off main sequence and expanded. Habitable zone moved inward from orbit 12 to orbit 11, covering a world that had originally been baked.
At one time Aramis proposed this idea where the 100-diameter limit evolved from the cube root of some function or another. I wish I could recall the details; I thought it was rather clever.