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Stellar Reaches: Issue #7 now in layout...


SOC-14 1K
Good Morning, All,

This is just a quick note to let everyone know that I now have all the articles and a lot of art for Issue #7 of the Stellar Reaches fanzine, and we are now working on the layout. It should be released by the end of March, though I hope it will be sooner rather than later. I am now accepting submissions for Issue #8, with a deadline on that of May 31st, 2007. The public support these last few weeks has been tremendous, and I am very thankful to all contributors. I can't wait to see how this one looks.

I'll keep you posted as things move along,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Editor, Stellar Reaches fanzine
Don't forget that everyone who contributed to the starship challenge thread agreed that their offerings could be published in Stellar Reaches!


Art is always welcome, though I must admit I've had a lot of submissions this time around!


Can you post the link for me?

Thanks, All,
What would you prefer for me to submit to SR #8? I am considering one of the following:

1) A 1,250-dton Corporate Asteroid Mining Ship (with CT-style deckplans in my usual format) as well as stats and deckplans for the Belter Bins it uses. Stats would be HG - but a conversion into T20 won't be that difficult IIRC (both systems are essentially the same).

2) A "Ship's Locker"-type section detailing 6 new types of body armor (Chain, Plate, Breastplate, Weave, Sec[urity] and Heavy Vacc) with stats for CT, Striker/MT, T4 and T20 (you'll have to help me with the lattest as I don't have any version of T20). Chain, Plate and Breastplate are low-tech armor types (TLs 1 and 2, respectively, though they'd be common on TL3-4 worlds as well); Weave (TL9+) is created from bio-produced Spider-Silk and is as light as thick clothes and is quite easy to hide; Sec Armor is TL8+ "breastplate" armor using composite materials, a stepping stone between Cloth and Combat Armor; Heavy Vacc is a TL9+ heavy-duty vacc suit used for serious EVA mining and construction jobs.

3) An alternate Scientist Basic CharGen system for CT, adding science skills (descriptions included) and a certain rank system (LabTech => B.A. => M.A. => Ph.D. => Post-Doctorate => Professor ) as well as inserting a pre-enlistment option (College) into the system. I might be persuaded into writing an Expanded version for this for SR #8.

So, which do you think would be the most appropriate?