and don't forget, all the material and radiation from the death star raining down on the planet probably killed off the owoks shortly thereafter anyway, but i digest, you were talking about the meat served at the party.- one wonders how many stormtroopers were precooked from reentry- if their armor is ablative that is...
I was always unsure of the armour type....ablative did seem possibly, but eventually, we figured that it would be combat armour, or possibly some enhanced type of Combat Environment Suit.
The blaster type weapons do seem to be more akin to plasma or fusion weapons - which of you used the CT combat tables.....would still result in a fairly regular hit rate at medium range to someone with a -1 or -2 skill level......there are also a lot of missies from the star Wars heroes......
As for the Ewoks......I personally think that ranks up there as George Lucas biggest gaff....even greater than making Greedo shoot first in the remastered films.....
I mean the Emperor mentions it's a crack legion of Stormtroopers on the white armour - to blend in obvsiously....- that get a decisiove kicking from primitive teddy bears with no loin cloths or genitalia......:rofl: