Originally posted by Supplement Four:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by far-trader:
I think most humans, even travellers and many of the services, will spend most of their life in close to 1G even in space or on planets outside the near earth standard range. Thanks to artificial gravity.
You've touched on a question I was thinking of posing.
Take, for example, Pysadi, in the Aramis subsector. TL 4 world. Class C starport.
It's a Size 4 world, giving it surface gravity of 0.5G.
Compared to those travellers used to 1G, that world's got some problems. I wonder what their health is like--humans living in .5G their whole lives? I mean, the world is TL 4. They don't have anti-gravity.</font>[/QUOTE]Who says they're human
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
Now, the starport, at Class C, is TL 8 (if you go by the Grand Census rule). In my campaign, I assume that the starport is built around grav plates no differently than if it were built in space (an exception to the TL 8).
Do you think that all starports (outside of a certain range) are kept in 1G fields?
I thinking maybe that, for world Sizes 6-10, they don't build 'em with anti-grav. But, starports on worlds size 5-, then 1G plates are the norm (for starporst Class A-C, and only sometimes Class D).
Yep, that's the way I lean too. Though I'd say any except Size 8 would have artificial gravity of 1G at the starport at least. And if high enough TL then even the cities would be made comfortable. It is what humans are used to and if the tech is there to do it we will make ourselves comfortable.
Comfort is a tricky thing though. I can see situations where a little less G would be comfortable. So you might have G-bars, like O2-bars, where you can go in and, literally, take a load off in a lower AG. And some slightly lower G worlds might be resort retreats offering the same thing but on an outdoor wide scale. Lower G with dense atmo would also offer something many humans have long dreamed of, personal unaided flight. Just strap on a wing-pack and fly like a bird. Lessons strongly recommended.
So some worlds smaller than Size 8, perhaps down to Size 6, wouldn't pose much of a health problem (except see next) and they would allow a lot more freedom.
You might have people putting on more pounds since they can and still move. This is only a health problem if they don't move. Weight is not the killer, sedentary lifestyles are.
You would probably have much grander architecture, no matter the TL, being able to build higher and lighter.
I don't see worlds over Size 8 not making extensive use of AG if available. You might have some extreme sports type enthusists who seek out higher G worlds for the challenge, and some athletes might train there to improve their normal G performance but most of the population is going to want to escape the more crushing weight.
Those living on a high G world would probably be thinner to avoid having to carry the extra weight and structures would be lower and more massive to resist the added strain.