Originally posted by Space Cadet:
Let me try:
In Traveller we have gravity generators. If you place those just underneath the rockball's surface and project the gravity field outward, you can have a 1-g field on a rockball that's smaller than the moon. and with 10 billion people on this planet, this is not only feasible with traveller technology, but economical too. Now why would they be here? Well originally the Red Giant wasn't a Red Giant, the 10 billion people originally lived on a garden world when their star began to leave the main sequence, naturally they had to evacuate their homeworld, there was a nice convenient rock ball waiting for them in the outer solar system, so they moved there and adjusted the place so that it had a standard atmosphere and a 1-g field at its surface.
You just proved my point - that makes no sense at all for lots of reasons.
First, how the hell is it economical to cover every square meter of the surface of a rockball with grav plates? For a 1000km rockball you're looking at about 12 trillion square metres of grav plates! Where's the power to run those going to be generated? Why the heck is it easier and "more economical" to do that than to put them in big o'neill-style space stations instead that don't even need grav plates?
And do you have any idea how long it takes for a red giant to puff out its outer layers and turn into a white dwarf? It takes thousands of years, it's not something that just happens overnight.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Yes you would, but it was fun coming up with the explaination in your example.
I'm sure it was, but it still makes no sense at all.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
The more massive star leaves the main sequence and inflate engulfing its companion in its outer atmosphere. The smaller star keeps on burning away, the outer atmosphere of the red giant is quite tenuous, but it drags the smaller star closer and that star orbits faster and faster creating a wake in its path as it accumulates mass. The Red giant then sheds its outer layer and its core contracts into a white dwarf while blowing out a planetary nebula. The shock wave of the second star passing through the planetary nebula triggers the formation of second generation planets. The Red Giant left plenty of material in its passing for the formation of planets, and a spiral nebula forms around the twin binary consisting of a main sequence star and a white dwarf. Planets coalesce around this pair, and one planet in particular develops life, this planet didn't even exist when the white dwarf was a red giant, so I don't see the problem here.
The problem is that it's complete nonsense.
Stars don't "engulf" eachother when they expand. Two stars in a close orbit are going to remain separate no matter what, because if one becomes a red giant then all that happens is it fills its roche lobe and starts dumping material on the other star (that's how you get nova systems if one star is a white dwarf). You don't get one star
inside the other, somehow retaining its structure while it's being dragged through the other and spiralling in towards its core, it just doesn't work like that. It's kinda pointless explaining all the other reasons your idea doesn't work either, but certainly if it ever did work out like that then it would be a very rare configuration - yet when you look at your average Traveller sector you'll find a hell of a lot of binaries with a close white dwarf companion.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
You know its possible, with current technology, to detect a gas giant orbiting such a pair as you described, are you prepared to "eat your hat" when such a discover comes about?
Not really. I'm quite prepared to see one or two examples of a weird situation like this, that definitely does have an exceptional explanation. But I'm very confident that they'd be very rare configurations.
IIRC we already know of one system where it looks like a brown dwarf spiralled in through the outer envelope of a red giant to end up in a close orbit around a white dwarf. But that isn't anything like the scenario that you described.