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Suggestions for content of a free T20 Lite module

Originally posted by Jeff M. Hopper:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malenfant:
Before you do any of this you surely need to make sure people are even aware of T20 Lite. So far it's just another random download on a random internet site - how are you even going to get people interested in it to start with? And also, you most likely can't find a T20 rulebook in the shops nowadays, so how are are any curious folk going to follow up? How many people do you think would use a three-part PDF download as a rulebook? And doesn't T20 come with an adventure anyway? And aren't there already freebie adventures for T20?

And obviously everyone here knows about it, so where else are you going to go to publicise it? Are you going to post on rpgnet banging its drum?
Mal, instead of talking about this and getting bogged down in an online discussion, I'm doing it. So, if you have a suggestion for how to do this that could help, please make it. </font>[/QUOTE]We have been making suggestions. Mine was "Just focus on T20" in the interest of picking up business for T20, and the response to that has been "Nah - let's talk about every version under the sun", even though T20 Lite makes no reference to other versions of Traveller as Mal confirms.

Mal was pointing out certain challenges to this project. Your response to that, essentially, was "I'm not interested". This would go a lot quicker if you just told us what you want to hear.
Originally posted by stofsk:
We have been making suggestions.
And I appreciate them.
Originally posted by stofsk
Mal was pointing out certain challenges to this project.
Yes, he was. It'd be great if he also provided some solutions to the problems that he is raising concern about. Otherwise, its just another example of someone claiming why things can't get done.

Also, and this is the bottom line here folks, while I appreciate the suggestions and am finding the majority of the input useful, this is not being done by committee. Since I'm investing my time and energy (and possibly money to get artwork) into this project which will be provided for free, it's going to be a one man show. If you disagree with my approach, then feel free to take a whack at this yourself.
Since I'm investing my time and energy (and possibly money to get artwork) into this project which will be provided for free, it's going to be a one man show.
Why? It doesn't seem like your project is going to really add anything to what's already out there. I just find it baffling that anyone would go to a lot of effort (and possible expense) to create something like this when you're not even aiming it at anyone in particular.

I'd be all for it if I saw anything worthwhile about this, but frankly I'll be surprised if this gets past the pipe dream stage. You can take that as "someone claiming why things can't get done" but I'm just reading it as I see it.

And if it's to be a one man show then why listen to anyone here anyway? Why should anyone waste their time suggesting anything?
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Heck, I can't even see what you could possibly offer that T20 Lite doesn't already have (if packaged with a freebie adventure that already exists, like Odyssey). Hell, I'm looking at T20 Lite now and it doesn't even mention any other versions of Traveller at all. Why reinvent the wheel? Just use what's there and tout the heck out of that instead.
I have to agree with Mal here - if there's already the material available separately, then a promotional bundle would possibly be the right approach. IF it all fits together well.

The important thing will be to make everything fit together in a nice little package, that allows new people to come along a run a single adventure. The book needs to grab the new GM and players and hook them. The ideal is that to continue playing, they need the full rulebook - there should be plenty of adverts in the back telling them where they can easily get hold of the books. In my opinion, this means Drivethrurpg.com as QLI's website can be unreliable at times.

By promoting T20, you promote the other Traveller games. I play T20, but I've bought sourcebooks from Classic Traveller, Megatraveller, even Gurps just for the background.
Actually, I think one thing T20 could have more of is more stuff that one can download. I remember going to the SWd20 website, and the D&D website, and every week there was something new to download, whether it be a gaming article, a Q&A thing, or a short adventure or some other kind of supplement.

I would be delighted if T20 were to emulate that. There should be more stuff like that.
If you actually want to promote T20 (or Traveller in general) how about gearing the stuff for use on conventions/gaming club evenings and enlistening the board to spread the word?

+ A set of adventures with a 3-6 hours playtime

That translates to 4-8 hours real time and fits in one or two convention slots(1) and would make useful promo material

+ Include characters in the material

+ Adding one page with "differences between T20 and D20 for players" at the end.

The main differences are in Chargen and that does not happen on conventíons so pointing out the in-game differences (Hitpoints vs. Lifeblood etc) should be doabel on the short. Makes the adventures useful for a D&D player or GM without having to go through T20. OTOH if he wants to play T20 regularly he'll need the THB for chargen etc.

+ Include a nice flyer for the adventure that the GM can pin on the blackboard during a convention. Maybe QLI will give permission for a few pictures to use on those.

(1) If those are used. Most german cons don't and even those that do have slots as a suggestion, not a "must be used"
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Why? It doesn't seem like your project is going to really add anything to what's already out there. I just find it baffling that anyone would go to a lot of effort (and possible expense) to create something like this.
Because I feel like doing it. I'm having fun working on it so far.

Originally posted by Malenfant
And if it's to be a one man show then why listen to anyone here anyway? Why should anyone waste their time suggesting anything?
I listen to people on this website because there are some pretty smart posters here who make some excellent suggestions. As for why anyone would waste their time making suggestions, why not ask the people making them?
Valerian -

I like Odyssey, but its not really geared for convention play - which is what I'm aiming for. I'm not trying to create a bundled product, Hunter can do so if he likes with what I've done and wants to do that.

Michael Brinkhaus -

You are exactly defining the parameters that I'm working with for the module. Great suggestion!

stofsk -

The QLI used to do this, and offered pay for articles in the distant past. I'd love it if QLI returned to that, but until then, I'll just be doing this.

Well, this and sending stuff to JTAS of course. Because I need beer money.
Originally posted by SgtHulka:
Everyone talks about communication being slow in the TU, and I agree, but I seldom see it highlighted in an adventure...it's more of a background thing.

So how about an adventure where the player(s) are hired by a multi-sector megacorp to travel to a system and deliver a message to the offices on that planet. The message is that one of the employees is a traitor working for another corp. But when the PC's arrive no one believes they're really working for the MegaCorp and the PC's have to survive an assassination attempt from the traitor and unmask him before the regular X-boat arrives with confirmation that the PC's are legit.

Or some variation of the above involving something other than corporations.
For a simpler version of this I thought of the following:


A Patron hires the PC's to intercept an Xboat message before it arrives at its destination. The PC's are to arrive in-system before the Xboat does, jam the Xboat relay station, and board the Xboat to delete its data before it can be recovered by the Tender.

This scenario would be ideal for a Scout, but if using T20 Light you could use a merchant who received an Empress Marava instead of a Free Trader on mustering out.

Find a suitable xboat route that has an "elbow". I'm not familiar with the Ley Sector but by way of example The Trin's Veil subsector in the Spinward Marches would work well. Characters start on Chamois. The message has been sent to Trin. That's three jumps for a 2-jump ship, and it requires passing through both an amber and red zone. For the X-boat it's a five jump trip.

You can show the players the map of the subsector and they can decide their route. There will probably only be one obvious route, but the advantage here is demonstrating how travel between wolds works, with Parsecs and Jump drives. You can show how planetary profiles work, since they will need to refuel between jumps and need to find a system with a gas giant or an ocean. You can even show how interplanetary travel works, since the Xboat jumps, transfers and leaves, passing through all five jumps in a mere five weeks, while the PC's need time to maneuver to a planet or gas giant to refuel. This all helps the players get the feel of Traveller.

Then let them go on their way. Secretly, the Patron has hired one or more other "racers" to hedge his bets. Only one crew gets the prize. Maybe as the players are coming out of their first gas giant they're attacked by a Scout ship that is their rival. This lets you demonstrate starship combat.

Then let them arrive ahead of the Xboat. They have to board the Xboat and overpower the pilot in order to erase the messages. This demonstrates personal combat. Meanwhile, there is a ticking clock because they have to fight off the approaching X-boat Tender. Adventure ends with their success.

You can make the patron "a good guy" -- its Naval Intelligence trying to prevent the unmasking of a friendly spy. Or you could make the patron "a bad guy" -- it's a representative of a criminal organization who doesn't want to be unmasked.

In both cases, the reward can be a "fake ID" -- false Transponder data for the PC's ship. They'll have to use this when attacking the Xboat since otherwise their ship would be branded criminal. And it would be useful in future adventures if the characters ever want to pass an interdiction satellite or escape from an official SBD seeking customs inspection, etc.