Just finished reading an interesting study on troop densities required for "contingency operations", in other words pacification campaigns such as the occupation of Germany, Japan, Malaya, etc.
It concludes (with caveats) that a force density of around 13 troops per 1000 population is required, with a third of that dedicated to police work. It includes local indigenous forces/police in that number.
The implication to pacification campaigns in Traveller is interesting, assuming tech or doctrine has not found a way to reduce these numbers.
A mid pop system, say pop 6 with 5,000,000 citizens, would need 65,000 troops/police to pacify it. If say close to half that came from local forces/police, that still leaves around 35,000 troops required to be bought in and supported by naval assets. Including support troops thats about 35 Battalion equivalents or 4 Divisions depending on your force structure.
Obviously every factor over pop 6 adds another "0" to our force needs. A pop 8 world may need 400 Divisions, a pop 9 or 10 world may be virtually un-pacifiable by virtue of the logistical problems...
Anyone want to hazard a guess at the shipping needs of such a pacification force?
It concludes (with caveats) that a force density of around 13 troops per 1000 population is required, with a third of that dedicated to police work. It includes local indigenous forces/police in that number.
The implication to pacification campaigns in Traveller is interesting, assuming tech or doctrine has not found a way to reduce these numbers.
A mid pop system, say pop 6 with 5,000,000 citizens, would need 65,000 troops/police to pacify it. If say close to half that came from local forces/police, that still leaves around 35,000 troops required to be bought in and supported by naval assets. Including support troops thats about 35 Battalion equivalents or 4 Divisions depending on your force structure.
Obviously every factor over pop 6 adds another "0" to our force needs. A pop 8 world may need 400 Divisions, a pop 9 or 10 world may be virtually un-pacifiable by virtue of the logistical problems...
Anyone want to hazard a guess at the shipping needs of such a pacification force?