How about skipping all oral intake and just feeding them through a tube in a good sized artery? It ain't the best, but if have to set you to have meds pumped into you might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I don't remember what the name if the stuff they kept me alive with when I was a kid, but I remember it being pumped right into a vein and was cylume green. Then there is just plain drinking dinner, such as Ensure (nasty as hell warm, vaguely palatable cold).
Why waste all those precious calories chewing when you just get the nutrients live and direct?
How about skipping all oral intake and just feeding them through a tube in a good sized artery? It ain't the best, but if have to set you to have meds pumped into you might as well kill two birds with one stone.
I don't remember what the name if the stuff they kept me alive with when I was a kid, but I remember it being pumped right into a vein and was cylume green. Then there is just plain drinking dinner, such as Ensure (nasty as hell warm, vaguely palatable cold).
Why waste all those precious calories chewing when you just get the nutrients live and direct?