The T20 design system is indeed very much like High Guard. However, I have unearthed a difference. while working on a Fleet Intruder version of the Azhanti High Lightning, I noticed that I did not have enough EP's with a power plant that produced 3,000 EP, which is what the original HG plant did. I needed 3,500 EP. I discovered that Jump Drives and Maneuver Drives require EP's to operate in T20, which they did not in HG. (Note: this is an observation, not a criticism). However, the Maneuver Drive and Power Plant took less space in T20 than they did in HG.
So, when converting HG designs to T20, you might want to be mindful of this fact, as it does alter the designs a little (probably not enough to be significant, but some people are sticklers for accuracy).
So, when converting HG designs to T20, you might want to be mindful of this fact, as it does alter the designs a little (probably not enough to be significant, but some people are sticklers for accuracy).