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T20 Starship Design Contest


Super Moderator
Peer of the Realm
Yes, this is a vain attempt to solicit some activity on the T20 forums.

We can do better than that...

NOTICE: The Planetary Navy/COACC is seeking design proposals (text or rough sketch only - no detailed deckplans) for a family of 100 dTon craft.
Possible roles include:
  • Space Interceptor (100 diameter limit)
  • Customs Inspections (orbit)
  • Long Duration Patrol/Rescue (Asteroid Belt)
  • Mobile repair shop - 'class C starport equivalent' (100 AU range)
  • Sensor net repair craft (to Gas Giants)
  • Anti-piracy Hunter/Killer - operates in packs (operate from supply tender)
  • Planetary outpost supply shuttle
  • Other Design Roles (your choice)

END OF CONTEST: September 30, 2008


[1] 100 ton hull
[2] no jump required (Jump 1/microjump allowed)
[3] any shape/streamlining
[4] One ship/role per entry, but enter as many as you like
[5] T20 design rules
[6] TL 9-15 (your choice)
[7] Submit sufficient data to allow the design to be checked. Note any house rules or optional rules used.
[8] Provide a general description of the ship and it's intended role.
[9] Post entries here.
[10] Have Fun.

Let the designs begin. :)
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you want no plans? Just data?

These contests typically favor people who like to draw.

I thought one that focused on IDEAS rather than the actual DECKPLANS would be a nice change. If you have an IDEA that would be better explained with a simple sketch, then feel free to include one, but this is not about 'where is the refresher located'.

This is a chance for people with an idea to write it up. These are small ships that serve practical purposes and which PCs might encounter in any system/starport.

If there are some good ideas that people who draw would like to create a Deckplan for after the contest, I suspect that Hunter and the T20 players would not object to having them posted on COTI. :)
First entry, woohoo! :D (yeah, maybe outside the design parameters but nobody was posting anything, see my second entry if I get to it for more to the call)

Expediency class 100ton Type FY Luxury Racing Yacht - Journeyman Design Bureau - Trin Yards

Using a 100ton airframe needle hull the Expediency is built for one thing, going fast in style. Fitted with top of the line thrusters and the newest powerplant this ship can get you from your orbital spa to your estate below in less time than it takes to change your suit. And for those getaways to a nearby world nowhere in the system is more than 3 days travel.

And you'll travel in comfort and luxury in a generously appointed suite, with cabins for the crew of three to look after the ship and your personal needs.

Want to take the family? Or a few friends? The expansion module can accommodate four guests and baggage in one of many custom configurations available.

And if you want to vacation somewhere away from it all, or you need to see somebody in person, parsecs distant, no worries. The built in jump six drive can get you where you want quick. Just plug in the optional jump tanks for the fuel and you're ready to go. Safe and secure on your own starship without all the lost time and worries about public transports.

Not an accomplished pilot? No problem, the advanced AI computer can competently handle all the flying, you just tell it where you want to go and how fast you want to get there and sit back and relax. And the long range secure communicator means you're never out of touch or missing the latest entertainment.

All this in your choice of exotic finishes and one of a kind detailing for less than MCr110 delivered anywhere in the Marches within 1 year of ordering from our yards on Trin.

[FONT=Fixedsys]Expediency class 100ton Type FY Luxury Racing Yacht       TL15

[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]+100tons  Hull - Needle - Fully Streamlined          MCr12.000
  -5tons    Airframe upgrade                             1.200

 -17tons  Maneuver Drive 6g                  -6EP        8.500
            Agility +3                       -3EP
  -7tons  Fusion 15 Powerplant              +14EP       21.000
  -7tons    Fuel x4 weeks
  -7tons  Jump Drive 6p                     (-6EP)      28.000
(external)  Fuel x6 parsecs

 -20tons  Bridge                        [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]                 0.500
  -3tons    Computer model/6 A.I.            -5EP       33.000
              avionics 2
              sensors 2
              maser commo 5
              radio commo 6

  -8tons  Owner's Suite[/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys] - Luxury appointed               [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]3.000
  -6tons  Crew Cabins x3 - [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]Luxury [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]appointed              2.750

 -20tons  Custom Area                                    extra



Crew is typically Engineer, Steward, and Medic. The owner (or computer AI) is the Pilot.

For the jump travel option you need to plug the optional fuel module into the custom area slot. This includes a drop tank component (40tons) and an internal fuel tank component (20tons). A jump of up to 2 parsecs can be made on the internal tank alone, typically a J1 or microjump round trip. The jump 6 capability is handy for delivery to distant customers.

More details may follow* (after or instead of my second design entry), but that's the gist of it.

* like adventure seeds and examples, a couple are stirring...

Adventure Seed One - You're hired! (more to probably follow up to the deadline... )

The PCs get the company (JDB) out of a jam and in return are offered the cushy assignment of delivering a (recently or soon to be) completed Expediency class yacht to a customer. Payment for delivery is MCr2, half now, half upon return to JDB Yards. The characters will have to pay all expenses on the way (refined fuel, drop tanks as needed, life support, docking costs, maintenance, etc) and keep the ship in new condition. They also have to complete delivery to the customer within 3 months. No problem right? What could go wrong?

The "adventure" begins with the character's arrival on Trin in the Spinward Marches just as the ship is completed. The customer is all the way at the other end of the sector on Jewell. Time is going to be tight.

1 - The AI takes exception to one of the plotted jumps along the way. "That system does not have a source of refined fuel and you will be unable to safely operate the ship on unrefined fuel. Please select a different route." The AI is adamant (and controls the ship). The problem isn't that the port doesn't have refined fuel, it's a small bit error in the data file of the Library program. The easy fix is to buy a new Library program for MCr0.3 or find a route that avoids that system.

2 - The galley malfunctions and gives everyone a severe case of food poisoning. The cure is easy, a dose of Med from the ship's stores (replace at their expense) fixes them up in no time, but... the smell and stains from everyone being sick all over the (mostly, thankfully) covered upholstery and flooring is a real mess after a week in jumpspace. It needs professional cleaning, to the tune of a day in port and Cr10,000 (x1D6 for both).

3 - Where did we park? While stopping off for fuel, supplies, and to stretch their legs the characters return to their docking slip and find an old Type S parked in it. After some panic they find that the Detached Duty Scout and his ship declared an emergency and your ship was the one bounced. The Starport Authority contacted the ship and requested it assume a parking orbit and await a new docking slip assignment. The "Captain" acknowledged and lifted (that darn AI again) until assigned a new slip and is there now. What was that new slip number again? A long (expensive) taxi trip later (1D6x both hours and Cr100) they are back aboard.

4 - The characters are out on the town sampling the local beverages and return to the ship. The AI refuses to let them in. "I'm sorry, your voice patterns do not match my records. Your attempted theft of this ship has been reported to the authorities along with your pictures. Please wait here for them to arrive and arrest you." It seems the local specialty, a nice (if nice is "ARGHHH, MY THROAT IS ON FIRE") alcoholic number called "screech" does just that to your voices. The effect will wear off and the authorities will eventually find your identity is confirmed. You get a nice relaxing night in the local lock up.

Whatever you do the goal of the first part of this "adventure" is to leave the characters with very little time or money upon delivery. The second part of the adventure is the long return trip to Trin to collect the MCr1 they are still owed :)

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First entry, woohoo! :D (yeah, maybe outside the design parameters but nobody was posting anything, see my second entry if I get to it for more to the call)

No sweat - it falls under the "Other Design Roles (your choice)" clause.

I like the idea. For me, the best part is the AI pilot aspect that prominently features a T20 rule that could not have been done under CT. I could see how by TL 15 routine tasks would be trusted to an AI by some people. "You fly it yourself, how quaint. My grandfather had a ship like that."
I'll give it a shot

Anodyne class Orbital Rescue Boat

Designed with the latest in medical technology, the Anodyne class Orbital Rescue Boat is a high-speed triage ship able to meet all but the most dire medical needs. From emergency evac of a disabled ship, to quarantine of a small outpost, the Anodyne can bring fast help to those that need it. With a crew of four, including a Doctor and a Medic, the Anodyne can fill the needs of a new colony or support for a growing starport - stabilizing the most critical patients and placing them in cryogenics for travel. The optional exchange of ELBs for enhanced AutoDoc service will increase the price as necessary, but reduce the effectiveness of the Anodyne as a transport ship. (Maximum of 16 AutoDocs with the removal of Medical Officer, Sickbay and Low Berths)

Anodyne class Orbital Rescue Boat
100 ton  Type MS  TL15  MCr53.757

100 tons  Hull: Flattened Sphere (Streamlined)         MCr8.000
  5       Airframe                                        1.200
  2       Armor Factor 1                                  0.500
 20       Bridge                                          0.500
  3       TL-15 Fusion power plant          +6 EP         9.000
  6         Fuel - 8 weeks operations
 17       6-G Thrust Maneuver Drive         -6 EP         8.500
  2       Computer Model/2  20 CPU output                 8.000
            Flight Avionics 2
            Short Range Sensors
            Short Range Communications
  4       Medical Officer's Stateroom                     0.500
  6       3 Crew Cabins (Pilot, Medic, Engineer)          0.750
  0.5     Fresher                                         0.002
  3       Airlock                                         0.005
  8       Sickbay                                         5.000
  2       AutoDoc                                        10.000 
 18       Emergency Low Berths (holds 72 persons)         1.800
  3.5     Cargo

Adventure ideas: - roll 1d6

1 Ine Givar Terrorist bombing
2 Unidentified Pathogen disables crew
3 Space Debris rips through a freighter
4 Orbital construction workers stranded
5 Liner collision with starport
6 Meteor strike hits colony
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Stone Pony

Stone Pony Class Surface-to-Orbit Shuttle:

The Stone Pony is a 40 ton flattened sphere designed to accept two standard 30-ton Cutter Modules (bringing the total to 100 tons). This versatile workhorse fills many of the same roles as the 50 ton Modular, only twice as well!

The 30-ton Modules connect to the Stone Pony using the same attachment points as the Modular Cutter and reenter protected in the wake of the fully streamlined shell. All of the common modules can be fitted to the craft, allowing the Stone Pony to perform a variety of functions from a passenger shuttle to freight hauler. Note how the drives project beyond the modules allowing the thruster plates to operate at full power without affecting the precious cargo. For surface to orbit hops on any size world, this beauty is hard to beat.

The fully equipped and deep-space rated bridge includes a small crew cabin allowing the two person crew to operate for long periods of time in relative comfort. The normal crew is a pilot and a cargo handler, which brings us to another important feature: The hardpoint on the Stone Pony has been fitted with specially designed turret containing a heavy-duty robotic arm. With this multi-articulated telescoping robotic arm, the Cargo handler can transfer cargo between either module and a ship IN ORBIT! Tele-operated from the safety and comfort of the bridge. The cargo arm can even be used to change modules without the need for a large ground crew or expensive equipment. Modules can even be changed in orbit, allowing the Stone Pony to fill multiple roles and quickly change from cargo to passengers and back again.

Don’t wait! Order your Stone Pony today.*

* Cutter Modules are not included in the MCr 15.8 price tag, but may be added for an additional fee of MCr 3 (plus the cost of internal fittings) or purchased through third party providers. Due to the 1 week standard fuel duration, the Stone Pony is unsuited for long interplanetary journeys without the Long Duration Package - available as a special order for only MCr 0.25 (increases fuel duration to 4 weeks and adds a second small cabin). Upgraded Electronics are availabe - call to discuss prices.

[FONT="Courier New"]
Stone Pony Class Cargo Shuttle
TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed) 

TL9  Design Specifications            Size  Cost(MCr)   EP     Notes
40-ton streamlined flat sph hull 	+ 40 	3.2 	- 	-
30-ton P. Streamlined Cyl. module 	+ 30 	** 	- 	-
30-ton P. Streamlined Cyl. module	+ 30 	** 	- 	-
Bridge Controls                 	- 20 	0.5 	- 	-
Model/1 Computer                 	- 0.1 	2 	0 	Model/1
Flight Avionics                 	- 0.4 	(0.9) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Sensors              	- 0.3 	(0.6) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Communications       	- 0.2 	(0.5) 	- 	Model/1
2-G Acceleration                	- 5 	3.5  	- 2 	-
TL9 Fusion Power Plant          	- 3 	9 	+ 2 	-
Fuel (1 week)                    	- 0. 5 	- 	- 	-
6 Small Craft Couches             	- 3 	0.15 	- 	-
1 Small Cabin                    	- 2 	0.25 	- 	-
Fresher                         	- 0.5 	0.002 	- 	-
1 Hardpoint                     	  - 	0.1 	- 	-
Single Robotic Arm Turret         	- 1 	1 	- 	-
Cargo                           	- 4 	- 	- 	-
2 Cargo Modules (30 dTon ea.)         	-60 	** 	- 	-

Totals 	                                    MCr 19.702 	+ 0
		                           (MCr 15.762 with 20% discount)

** Cost of 30 ton Cargo modules not included in cost of craft.
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SPA Harbor Tug

SPA Harbor Tug

In virtually every system with a Gas Giant and an Asteroid belt, gravity interactions and collisions will fling some debris into erratic or unstable orbits. In the vast majority of cases, this matters very little. However, in some systems the Asteroid Belt and Gas Giant are close enough that a lot of debris is disturbed and a lot of objects have erratic orbits. In such a system, when the Main World happens to be near (or even in) the path of these objects, safe navigation cannot be blindly assumed. As a result, systems in which:
  • the main world orbits a Gas Giant
  • the main world is located within an Asteroid Belt
  • the main world has a significant debris ring
  • the main world has a very large number of ‘moons’
Specialized ships are required to mark and maintain safe zones or paths to allow commercial traffic to arrive and leave via jumpspace and travel between worlds within the system. These ships are called Harbor Tugs.

The SPA Harbor Tug is an unstreamlined collection of armored components (close structure) designed to operate primarily within 100 diameters of the main world, but capable of operating anywhere within the system and for extended periods of time. To many casual observers she is a candidate for the ugliest ship of all time, but to any captain who as ever issued a distress call – she is the most beautiful sight they have ever seen.

The primary missions of the Harbor Tug are Search and Rescue, Safe Zones, Aid to Navigation and Law Enforcement. She has been specially designed to perform each of these missions.
  • Search and Rescue: Although a Harbor Tug will typically cruise at 1-G to 2-G to conserve fuel and maximize scanning resolution, she is capable of a full 6-G if she needs to get somewhere in a hurry – like a ship in distress. If the ship in distress has suffered a simple mechanical failure, the on-board ‘Maintenance Shop’ allows the trained crew to perform many repairs as well as any class-C starport could. If the ship in distress cannot be repaired, the massive Maneuver Drives, Model 2 Computer and fully equipped Bridge allow the Harbor Tug to pull/push a ship of up to 700 dTons at 1-G for up to 4 weeks. If the ship in distress has suffered irreparable Life Support failure, the Tug can be overloaded with survivors and used as a lifeboat to rush the survivors at 6-G to another ship. If the emergency is a pirate attack, then the Tug can arrive as fast as any Fighter and her twin Fusion Guns and 10 points of Armor convince most predators to seek easier prey.

  • Safe Zones: Although the SPA Harbor Tug is always ready to respond to a call for aid, the slow and methodical maintenance of the safe zones and space lanes is her primary duty. With 10 points of Armor, she can simply ram and shatter most small debris that might damage a commercial ship. For objects too large to safely ram, she mounts a pair of Fusion Guns in a double turret. (Note, however, that the Harbor Tug is not a warship and her limited power plant allows only 4-G performance when firing the guns.) Unfortunately, some objects are too large to be rammed or blasted. When a truly massive asteroid threatens commercial lanes, it is the duty of the Tug to gently nudge it into another (and safer) orbit. Using her reinforced structure and heavy armor to gently make contact with the surface of the object, the powerful Drives can apply a small acceleration for weeks to move the object to a safe orbit. Some objects may require either multiple ‘nudges’ or even multiple Tugs working together.

  • Aid to Navigation: A safe space lane is of little value if ships don’t know where it is, so the SPA maintains a network of marker buoys to broadcast data and coordinates telling ships where they are, where the safe lanes are and issuing warnings about new hazards detected. Somebody has to maintain all those buoys, and the SPA Harbor Tug is that somebody. With the onboard Maintenance Shop, the Tug can intercept a buoy, haul it into the shop, perform routine maintenance/repair damaged systems and return it to its place with a minimum of down time.

  • Law Enforcement: Since the Harbor Tug is operated by the SPA, its officers are granted special legal standing as ‘acting’ agents of the Imperial Ministry of Justice. This special status endows them with the right and obligation to assist other law enforcement officials in their duties. An SPA inspector in an unarmed launch who finds himself confronted with a captain reluctant to allow a cargo inspection, frequently finds far more cooperation when an armed and armored Tug shows up to lend a hand.

The SPA Harbor Tug, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

[FONT="Courier New"]
SPA Harbor Tug
TAS Form 3.1 (Condensed) 

TL13 Design Specifications    Size Cost(MCr)    EP    Notes
USL close hull               + 100      6        -      -
Bridge Controls               - 20      0.5      -      -
Model/2 Computer               - 2      8        0      Model/2
Flight Avionics                 (0.8)  (1.8)     -      Model/2
Short Range Sensors             (0.6)  (1.2)     -      Model/2
Short Range Communications      (0.4)  (1.0)     -      Model/2
1-G Acceleration**             (16)    24      - 8      -
6-G Acceleration**            - 17     (8.5)    (6)     -
TL13 Fusion Power Plant        - 8     24      + 8      -
Fuel (4 weeks)***              - 8      -        -      -
6 Small Cabin                 - 12      1.5      -      -
Fresher                        - 0.5    0.002    -      -
1 HPt w/ DblTurret               -      0.85     -      -
10 points of Armor (TL 13)    - 20      2.3      -      -
(2) Fusion Guns (TL 13)        - 2      4      - 4      -
Maintenance Shop              - 10      2        -      -
Cargo                        - 0.5      0        -      -

Totals                             MCr 73.152 	
                                  (MCr 58.5 with 20% discount)
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SPA Revenue Cutter

SPA Revenue Cutter and Short Range Interceptor

If ‘Trade’ is the life-blood of the Imperium, then the primary duty of the SPA is to make sure that the Emperor gets his cut. The Imperial Navy is equipped to handle the big problems like invasions of enemy fleets and worlds in open rebellion, but the responsibility for collecting starport fees, fuel taxes, trade tariffs and broker fees falls to the SPA. Since some people are reluctant to pay these fees, the SPA maintains a constant vigil against rampant smuggling. The SPA Revenue Cutter is the ship that gives the local SPA ‘teeth’ to enforce Imperial law within its jurisdiction.

Cutter captains answer to and receive their orders directly from the Senior SPA Official at the port to which they are assigned. All crew pay, requests for supplies, arrangements for repairs, and mission-specific tasks come directly from the SPA starport. Standing orders for individual cutters are stated in general terms, allowing captains to exercise discretion and judgement to the fullest. Captains also have far reaching authority to seize vessels and goods in the cases in which they are liable to seizure for breaches of Imperial laws, to send inspection parties aboard vessels already in port, and to ensure that cargo intended for export does not violate Imperial laws. This authority is tempered by their oath to “endeavor to overcome all difficulties by a cool and temperate perseverance in their duty, with address and moderation rather than by vehemence or violence."

In time of war, Revenue Cutters are placed under the command of the Imperial Navy and often called into direct military action. One story in particular captures the spirit of the men who serve aboard the SPA Revenue Cutters: "An SPA Revenue Cutter pressed into wartime active duty attacked a much larger enemy Close Escort (that had captured an Imperial merchant ship). The Cutter was badly outgunned by the Escort and quickly suffered the complete loss of her Computer and Power Plant. Unwilling to admit defeat, the crew of the Revenue Cutter used brute force to manually aim the missile turret and emergency-rigged laser power packs to arm and launch missiles at the Escort. When the turret ran out of missiles, the crew still refused to surrender and manually dragged missiles from the damaged Interceptor in the small craft hanger to the Cutter turret in zero-G so they could continue firing. Only after the last missile had been fired and the last small arms ran out of ammo was the surviving crew of the broken Cutter finally captured. The Merchant ship escaped during the fighting.”

The SPA Revenue Cutter itself is a flattened sphere fitted with an airframe capable of 6-G acceleration and speeds of up to 5900 kph in standard atmosphere – allowing it to easily intercept any ‘streamlined’ starship as it lands or takes off. Her sensor/communication suite is weak by military standards, but better than most merchant/smugglers she might encounter.

The primary armament of the Cutter is its missiles which give it a good reach, and her pulse laser for a solid offensive/defensive punch up close. Since the Revenue Cutter is a Warship, it has access to both Nuclear and X-ray missiles as well as the standard High Explosive variety – an unpleasant surprise for any smuggler/pirate that decides to shoot his way past the encounter.

Ten small craft cabins and a shared refresher allow each crewmember to enjoy some privacy, but accommodations are clearly not up to civilian commercial standards. The ship can function with a crew as small as two (one pilot/gunner for the Cutter and another for the SRI) but a more typical crew is between 5 and 10 members depending on the port and general duties she is expected to encounter. A more common crew mix would be Pilot, Engineer, Gunner, Medic, Ship’s Boat Pilot, and up to 5 additional ‘Inspectors’ or ‘Security’ personnel. Crewmen with mixed skills/duties (like Security/Medic) are common and command structure is typically less formal than the Navy/Marines.

A specially designed internal small craft hanger in the belly of the Cutter houses a matching SPA Short Range Interceptor. For most inspection it is the SRI and her crew of three that makes contact with the ships and performs the actual inspections while the Cutter watches on to ensure complete cooperation. In busy starports, this allows the SRI to shuttle multiple SPA representatives to inspect several ships at once while the Cutter maintains order from a central location.

The Short Range Interceptor (SRI) is also a flattened sphere fitted with an airframe capable of 6-G acceleration and speeds of up to 5900 kph in standard atmosphere – designed to match the performance of the Cutter – but the SRI is also capable of Agility 6, allowing it to hold its own against virtually any spaceship, small craft or atmospheric vehicle. Its primary armament consists of a pair of fixed missile launchers (otherwise identical to those on the cutter) and an Autocannon mounted in a chin turret (useless against spacecraft, but effective against vehicles and people on the ground, where a missile would be dangerous overkill). The SRI will accommodate a crew of three (Ship’s Boatman, Gunner/Security and Inspector) for up to 24 hours, although it would almost never operate that long without returning to the Cutter, and one to two hours would be a more typical mission.

The primary duties of the SPA Revenue Cutter and her crew include:
  • Revenue Protection: Their primary mission is to protect the revenue of the Imperium by deterring smuggling. That means patrolling from the port to which they are assigned and intercepting vessels before they can land. It is here, far from the starport that smugglers unload their cargoes into small craft a short distance from the surface, or land in a remote area on the surface to avoid customs duties. The SPA collectors usually have launches that can check vessels as they approach the highport. Therefore Revenue Cutters are designed to operate independently for up to two weeks at a time, survive hostile encounters without assistance, and accelerate quickly to overtake most merchant vessels.
  • Board incoming and outgoing vessels to check the Ship’s papers (ownership, registration, measurement, manifests, etc.).
  • Ensuring that all cargoes are properly documented.
  • Sealing the cargo holds of incoming vessels.
  • Seizing vessels in violation of the law.

Some additional duties which may be assigned by the local SPA starport include:
  • Enforcing quarantine restrictions established by the Imperial or local governments.
  • Charting the local hazards (debris, derelicts, asteroids, etc.)
  • Enforcing the neutrality and embargo acts (Red and Amber Zones)
  • Carrying official (and unofficial) passengers.
  • Carrying supplies to SPA outposts (like secondary spaceports in the system)
  • Other duties as assigned by the collector.

With a price tag of only 49MCr for both the SPA Revenue Cutter and its Short Range Interceptor, it’s a lot of ship for a little price.

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SPA Revenue Cutter

TL15  Design Specifications      Size Cost(MCr) EP       Notes
SL flattened sphere hull 	+ 100 	8	- 	-
Airframe                  	- 5 	0.8	- 	-
Bridge Controls         	- 20 	0.5 	- 	-
Model/3 Computer          	- 2.6 	15.3	- 1 	Model/3
Flight Avionics         	(0.8) 	(1.8) 	- 	Model/2
Medium Range Sensors      	(0.9) 	(1.8) 	- 	Model/3
Medium Range Communications 	(0.6) 	(1.5) 	- 	Model/3
6-G Acceleration        	- 17 	8.5  	- 6 	-
TL15 Fusion Power Plant 	- 4 	12 	+ 8 	-
Fuel (2 weeks)          	- 2 	- 	- 	-
10 points of Armor (TL 15) 	- 10 	1.3 	- 	-
1 HP with a Triple Turret	- 1 	1.1 	- 	-
(2) Missile Racks (TL 15) USP2	(0.66) 	1.5 	0	2att@USP2
(1) Pulse Laser (TL 15) 	(0.66) 	0.5 	- 1	1att@USP2
10 Small Cabins         	- 20 	2.5 	- 	-
Fresher                 	- 0.5 	0.002 	- 	-
Small Craft Hanger      	- 10 	0.02 	- 	(SRI not incl.)
Cargo                   	- 7.9 	0 	- 	-

Totals                          	MCr 52.022 	
                                       (MCr 41.6 with 20% discount)

SPA Short Range Interceptor (SRI)
TL15  Design Specifications      Size Cost(MCr) EP      Notes
SL flattened sphere hull 	+ 10 	0.8	- 	-
Airframe                      	- 0.5 	0.08	- 	-
Small Craft Bridge         	- 4 	0.1 	- 	-
Model/1bis Computer       	- 1.4 	2.9	0 	Model/1bis
Flight Avionics           	(0.8) 	(1.8) 	- 	Model/2
Close Range Sensors         	(0.3) 	(0.6) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Communications 	(0.2) 	(0.5) 	- 	Model/1
6-G Acceleration         	- 1.7 	0.85  	- 0.6 	-
TL15 Fusion Power Plant 	- 0.6 	1.8 	+ 1.2 	-
Fuel (24 hours)         	- 0.02 	- 	- 	-
10 points of Armor (TL 15) 	- 1.0 	0.13 	- 	-
1 Hardpoint with Fixed Mount	- 0 	1.1 	- 	Triple equiv.
(2) Missile Racks (TL 15) USP2	(0.66) 	1.5 	0	2att@USP2
(1) Autocannon (sm. turret)	(0.33) 	0.01 	0	(Persnl Wpn)
1 Small Craft Couch     	- 0.5 	0.025 	- 	-
Cargo                    	- 0.28 	0 	- 	-

Totals 	                            	MCr 9.295 	
 		                       (MCr 7.4 with 20% discount)

Both the SPA Revenue Cutter and the Short Range Interceptor for MCr 49.
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Just a friendly reminder that this contest ends on September 30, 2008.

You still have 8 days to enter a 'starship' design contest where you don't need to be able to draw!
Mobile Shipyard

Mobile Shipyard

It is common knowledge that Starports have access to more off-world goods than the rest of the world and, as a result, are often several Tech Levels higher than worlds technical infrastructure. This allows a class C starport on a TL 7 world to operate a TL 9 fusion powered cutter to service ships in orbit. But what happens when the shuttles need annual service. Multiply that by the thousands of pre-stellar worlds on which the SPA operates, and you get a big problem.

The SPA developed the original Mobile Shipyard to solve this problem. It all begins with a 100 ton dispersed structure capable of both 1-G acceleration and Jump-1. Add a 6 ton Engineering Shop (capable of accommodating up to 20 Engineers/Technicians) and 12 First Class Staterooms and you have a portable shipyard capable of routine maintenance and repairs just like any class C starport – only this shipyard is not limited by local TLs.

To conserve space, reduce operating costs and increase productivity, each of the ten Engineers/Technicians is paired with a automated repair robot. The human crew operate in three shifts to supervise and inspect the work of the robots – who can operate 160 hours per week with only 8 hours down for maintenance. Thus the 10 robots can do the work of 40 men, so the shipyard has the production capacity of a 50 person shipyard. Rounding out the human crew are a Pilot/Navigator and a ship’s Medic (obviously the ship itself has no shortage of engineers).

The IISS quickly adopted the design to solve their own maintenance problems, and introduced a new twist. Some clever IISS Engineer realized that the mobile shipyard could carry 6 tons of triangular hull plating in a modified cargo module and these plates could be erected in space to create a 1 point of armor, 600 ton shell that could function as shipyard and provide a shirtsleeve operating environment in space. Since the shell had no inner framework to support it, it had a tendency to be flexible. This turned out to be a good thing since it meant that the shipyard could reconfigure itself to accommodate the ships within it. This improvement was retrofitted on all existing SPA mobile shipyards and incorporated as standard on all new units.

[The Navy never adopted the Mobile Shipyard, preferring to create giant mobile shipyards (100,000+ ton range) which are capable of class A starport repairs and better suited to quickly repairing battle damaged warships.]

Mobile shipyards have begun to appear in private hands as commercial ventures in special circumstances. For example, one might operate alongside a supply barge in an active asteroid belt. Ships coming to the barge to restock or file claims can also have routine maintenance and simple repairs done without needing to return to the main starport. Several shipyards are known to travel along mains with too few starports or too many low tech worlds and service Traders and Merchant ships that they encounter on the way. Large corporations occasionally find it more economical to bring the shipyard to the ship rather than endure long down times transporting starships between remote routes and the nearest class A starport.

Annual maintenance at a mobile starport takes 2 weeks (just like at a standard starport) but costs twice as much for a single ship due to higher overhead and more shipyard down time – or 50% more if the shipyard remains in the system and repairs multiple ships. Major battle damage is often beyond the resources of a mobile shipyard to repair without access to a class B starport of any TL – the mobile shipyard becomes the temporary TL of the starport. Mobile Shipyards are typically constructed to function at TL 13 to service lower TL worlds (often without a shipyard) or TL 15 to allow an existing class A or B starport to temporarily be able to service starships of any TL.

Mobile Shipyard

TL13  Design Specifications     Size Cost(MCr)  EP      Notes
USL dispersed structure 	+ 100 	5	- 	-
Bridge Controls         	- 20 	0.5 	- 	-
Model/1 Computer          	- 0.1 	2 	0 	Model/1
Flight Avionics         	- 0.4 	(0.9) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Sensors      	- 0.3 	(0.6) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Communications 	- 0.2 	(0.5) 	- 	Model/1
J1 Jump Drive                 	- 2 	8  	- 1 	-
1-G Acceleration          	- 2 	3	- 1 	-
TL13 Fusion Power Plant 	- 2 	6 	+ 2 	-
Fuel (Jump 1)             	- 10 	- 	- 	-
Fuel (4 weeks)            	- 2 	- 	- 	-
12 Staterooms               	- 48 	6 	- 	-
10 Repair Robots            	0 	1 	- 	-
Engineering Shop         	-6	1	- 	-
Modular Shipyard**       	-6	0.9	- 	-
Cargo                    	1 	0 	- 	-

Totals                  		MCr 33.400 	
	                               (MCr 26.72 with 20% discount)

**The Modular Shipyard consists of 6 dTons of interlocking panels.  
Each panel contains a spotlight and power connection port on one 
side and an integral power distribution network that links each panel 
with it’s neighbors and a central computer control. The panels can be 
interlocked to create a 600 dTons ‘Flexible Hanger’ (of any shape) 
made from 1 point of TL 14 starship armor. The size and cost details 
are based on a 1 AF hull for a 600 dTon ship.

Crew = Pilot/Navigator, Medic, 10 Engineer/Technicians, 10 repair robots.
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Just a friendly reminder that this contest ends on September 30, 2008.

You still have 6 days to enter a 'starship' design contest where you don't need to be able to draw!
Since most of the original roles have been covered already, let's open it to any 100 dTon ship in any role.
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Robot Freighter

Busy starports need lots of LH2 to fuel starships and run the planetary energy and transportation sectors. Often the best place in the solar system to get the fuel is a gas giant, but transporting fuel tanks back and forth between the Gas Giant and the starport is both dull and expensive (each pilot costs about 65,000 credits in salary and another 52,000 credits in life support per year). The obvious solution is to eliminate the pilot, and that is exactly what the Robot Freighter does.

The simple 10 dton unstreamlined structure is comprised of a long beam (designed to support three Modular Cutter Fuel Modules), a Maneuver Drive/Power Plant to push the craft along and a small automated ‘bridge’ that projects from the side of the Engineering pod to ‘see’ around the cargo modules. The Robot Freighter automatically navigates an orbit to orbit course from the gas giant to the main world, and is remotely controlled at both ends to load and unload the Cutter Modules.

Robot freighters are also used for other bulk cargoes, like processed ores, and can actually be used to transport any Standard Cutter Module. A special passenger/freight module with a bridge control wired to the Robot Freighter is used to transport crew and supplies to remote stations, like ore processors and Gas Giant fuel platforms.

Robot Freighter

TL 13  Design Specifications    Size Cost(MCr)  EP     Notes
USL dispersed structure 	+ 10 	0.5	- 	-
Small Craft Bridge (unmanned)	- 4 	0.1 	- 	-
Autopilot Computer (TL 13)	- 0.002 0.002 	- 	Adv. Syn.
Model/1 Computer        	- 0.1 	2 	0 	Model/1
Flight Avionics          	- 0.4 	(0.9) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Sensors      	- 0.3 	(0.6) 	- 	Model/1
Close Range Communications 	- 0.2 	(0.5) 	- 	Model/1
1-G Acceleration        	- 2 	3	- 1 	-
TL13 Fusion Power Plant 	- 1	3 	+ 1 	-
Fuel (4 weeks)          	- 1 	- 	- 	-
(3) Standard Modules**   	(90) 	- 	- 	-
Cargo                   	- 1 	0 	- 	-

Totals 					MCr 8.6023 	
			 	       (MCr 6.88 with 20% discount)

** Plus three Standard Modules from the 50 ton Modular Cutter at 30 dTons each.
Just a friendly reminder that this contest ends on September 30, 2008.

You still have 5 days to enter a 'starship' design contest where you don't need to be able to draw!

[Personally, I'm having a blast with this stuff.]