...report back with the stopwatch results!
Traveller characters, set to a stopwatch? Talk about going against the designer's intent...
...report back with the stopwatch results!
"Skills and Risk/Reward for a Spacer are determined by the Naval Operations they participate in, which require four 1D rolls: Year 1 =1 (Battle), Year 2 =4 (Patrol), Year 3 =2 (Strike), Year 4 =5 (Shore Duty). With these Operations, he elects to be Cautious (p.73) this Term.
Risk (C2): Dex 10-1 (Gunnery Branch)-2 (Battle Operation)-1 (Patrol Operation)-2 (Strike Operation)+2 (Cautious) =6, roll =5 Success
Reward (C2): Dex 10+1+2+1+2-2 =14, roll =2 Success, and he was awarded a medal (p.109): he receives a Campaign Ribbon and an SEH (C2 (Dex) =10 – Risk roll =2 =8) in his first term!"
I believe I have found an error in the Example. I don't think we add the die mods for all of the operations during a term. see below
"page 74, column 2, middle
Branch provides a DM which must be applied to Risk and Reward.
Armed Forces Assignment. The <Service> Operations
table provides assignments for the Armed Forces.
Roll for Assignment four times per Term (for four annual assignments).
Each assignment provides a DM. Determine the highest
value for the Term: it must be applied to Risk and Reward."
So I believe for Risk, the calculation should be Dex 10-1-2+2 = 9
And for Reward, it should be Dex 10+1+2-2 = 11
I believe I have found an error in the Example.
Thanks, I just found that last night myself. Once upon a time we could edit our posts for quite a long time afterwards, but that capability seems to've gone; I can't change it now.
I hope anyone starting the thread will read through to your post, as you're exactly right.
Editing is still possible, just not for an unlimited amount of time. I think its after 24 hours, but I could be wrong. I can still edit a post I made a couple hours ago...
I might just be missing this, but I was trying to make a character that changed careers, and the only reference I see to changing careers is one line at the top of page 74 in the final PDF that says:
"Changing Careers. A character may avoid the Continue
roll by selecting one of the Career Change Options for
which he is eligible."
Does that simply mean any career that isn't otherwise forbidden specifically by something, or is there supposed to be a list of what careers can follow from prior ones?
...looks like it should be raised in the errata thread...
There was a list in the beta drafts. A lot of comments in the beta that people didn't like the restrictions as they could come up with background stories that could overcome the restrictions. Looks like Marc pulled the restriction list last minute, but this text remained behind...looks like it should be raised in the errata thread for Marc's consideration to get rid of the text.