True. But my interpretation of Snub is a cut down barrel which in the real world has no effect on the damage so much as the range. Still if you don't like Snubs doing more damage or as i think may have happened trough a typo ignore the increase in damage and reduce the range like the Body pistol. I don't reduce the damage of a body pistol anyway, as long as its a slugthrower since all the barrel length does is increase accuracy (Range). If the pistol is an energy weapon though, then i see no reason why the damage shouldn't be reduced for a body pistol since the laser is all about the length of barrel.
I think you're missing my point, though I realise I sound like a patronising blankety-blank, for saying so. Apologies in advance

I know how to "fix" it (and I put fix in little metaphorical air-quotes there because even I know when I say fix I mean 'bend it to my will and world view').
What I'm disappointed by is my feeling of a need to fix it. Part of that is my slight OCD tendency <cough> but a big part of it is the feeling that things don't quite line up as they should.
Small gun X has been given one treatment, small gun Y has been given another, quite different, treatment. It's not logical (captain) and it hurts my head.
Somewhere, someone who has never played Traveller is going to buy T5, it's going to be their introduction to the Third Imperium and the OTU, without the context of many of our beloved Traveller-isms.
As a first-contact situation, it seems quite poor.
I want to like T5 more than I do like it.
I feel a bit dirty, and not in a good way.