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T5 status

I am *really* looking forward to this. The size of the errata was overwhelming, and in some cases it is quite unclear what was intended.

I would buy a hardcover book of 5.10 if it's the final version of T5 for awhile. I just have a PDF of 5.09, which I like the rules of.
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Want It

I too would shell out money for a printed T5.10 as I own only the .pdf Were I to have players in front of me, I'd commemorate the opportunity by purchasing dice sets for each of them.
I'm not from Missouri, but I would want to see the PDF before I committed to a hard copy. There's just so much errata I would want a better handle on what I'd be getting.
I'm not from Missouri, but I would want to see the PDF before I committed to a hard copy. There's just so much errata I would want a better handle on what I'd be getting.

Amen to that.

Note that there never was a printed version of 5.09. I could consider buying a print of 5.10, even if it's in 3 books, but only after seeing the PDF. And I haven't gotten a physical RPG book since, well, T5.
As per Mr Eaglestone.

"It's about time for me to check up on Marc and see what he's been doing with T5.10 lately.
In the meantime, here's a short update. Marc passed out his draft to his team of reviewers, and they bombarded him with questions. Thankfully, this list isn't as long as the original errata list. But they are all good points -- the reviewers are all fans, so imagine the questions he has to answer. I think he will have a few more edits to make."
As per Mr Eaglestone.

"It's about time for me to check up on Marc and see what he's been doing with T5.10 lately.
In the meantime, here's a short update. Marc passed out his draft to his team of reviewers, and they bombarded him with questions. Thankfully, this list isn't as long as the original errata list. But they are all good points -- the reviewers are all fans, so imagine the questions he has to answer. I think he will have a few more edits to make."

Pretty accurate assessment, I think.
I'll note my few questions to Marc are in very limited areas, but run to some pretty fundamental disconnects.
Pretty accurate assessment, I think.
I'll note my few questions to Marc are in very limited areas, but run to some pretty fundamental disconnects.

And that's okay. I think Marc benefited from the Big List Of Anonymous Errata That Don Had To Compile And Organize, but also benefits just as much in a different way from the Shorter List Of Personalized Errata That Marc Has To Deal With In A More Direct And Perhaps Less Organized Fashion. Actual fans he knows and to whom he has to justify himself.

Anyway that's what I'm hoping. It certainly doesn't hurt. And we did find inconsistencies.
And that's okay. I think Marc benefited from the Big List Of Anonymous Errata That Don Had To Compile And Organize, but also benefits just as much in a different way from the Shorter List Of Personalized Errata That Marc Has To Deal With In A More Direct And Perhaps Less Organized Fashion. Actual fans he knows and to whom he has to justify himself.

Anyway that's what I'm hoping. It certainly doesn't hurt. And we did find inconsistencies.

Even when he doesn't "fix" the stuff we don't like, he usually at least explains it better and removes the contradictions.

It's interesting to compare the various developers over the years... Marc works on an entirely different mode than most of the others I've had reasons to interact heavily with.

If I could sticky one word to his keyboard and monitor, it would be "Explicate!"

... I suspect that was a large part of Loren's job at GDW.
update: nothing T5 related other than tangentially.

Marc is soliciting orders for T shirts and challenge coins for this next FFE order
He also has confirmed that the team working on a Traveller MMORPG are know to him and are working with his consent.

as it is not T5 related I will not be copying the posts to here. If you want links I will post them.
update: nothing T5 related other than tangentially.

Marc is soliciting orders for T shirts and challenge coins for this next FFE order
He also has confirmed that the team working on a Traveller MMORPG are know to him and are working with his consent.

as it is not T5 related I will not be copying the posts to here. If you want links I will post them.

Any word on when he'll get around to fulfilling this nearly 5 year late kickstarter?
The following is a quote from Marc that appeared a couple of days ago in another thread. For the original, look under "Efficiently Written" in the Classic Traveller forum.

I appreciate this discussion of smaller rules booklets. My ambition was to make T5 Core comprehensive, rather than spread it out across dozens of follow up books. That project is crashing to a conclusion.

The corollary is an equivalent to the original three LBB. QLI produced a similar reprint of the three LBB in a 6x9 144 page book. I would like to produce the Players Handbook as a distillation of T5 Core, in about 256 pages 6x9. Just what player would need to sit at the table and play. That looks like my next project, early next year.
Any word on when he'll get around to fulfilling this nearly 5 year late kickstarter?

I believe that we are all happy to see that he is progressing with the T5 project, both errata wise and Player Handbook wise. Whilst he is not the most effective communicator I have had the pleasure of meeting, he does have many people that do pass on his ideas, wishes, and direction. (Thank you Robject)

*delete rant*

Traveller has had some Projects fail on Kickstarter but none that are the responsibility of Marc. :CoW:

:) Thank You TimeRover51. :)
I don't always see all the updates so I appreciate that you posted that.
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Humbly I eat some crow here. It appears that the Electronic Copy of the Traveller 5 Player Handbook was the 250,000$ stretch goal on Kickstarter. So Marc does have some part of that kickstarter still open. He is usually quite good at finishing stuff. My little (and hopefully you all noticed it was marked as personal feelings) rant was wrong.

2,085 backers pledged $294,628 to help bring this project to life.

"The Player's Book
By popular demand, we have committed to producing the Traveller5 Player's Book: a handy digest-size rules reference tailored for use by Players but without the (primarily) Referee’s rules. We expect to produce a printed version in Spring 2013, but every Backer who orders a Book will receive a link to an Ebook version when it is complete.

Our Final Stretch Goal- $250,000
When we reach $250,000, we will be able to add a Knighthood every Book. There are 9074 worlds in the Imperium and each Knighthood will be randomly associated with a world. Since a Baron or a Marquis or a Count should also be a Knight, the Knighthood will also be added to the Noble editions."

extracted from : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/traveller5/traveller-5th-edition

we are still waiting for the Ebook PHB. You all will be happy to see that signs of life are being detected and reported on in this thread for the PHB. lets all Cheer on Marc, this project has been historically delayed due to illness and deaths. It has been a long road for Marc and I am sure that he would love to get this off his head.

currently known:
errata for T5 is done at least on the first pass
3 volume set including the PHB is planned and being worked on.
Marc is focused on this project at this time

some days it doesn't pay to open my mouth... that foot gets stuck so far down my throat I choke on it...
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As per Robert Eaglestone -posted 1 hour ago

Unofficial Traveller5 Status

When last I reported, Marc was working through the errata for the T5 Core Rules. I am happy to say that he is done. But as usual, I haven't asked him his timeline for the reprint. HOWEVER, I know that I and others convinced him to break the Core Rules into 3 smaller hardcover volumes, along the same general divisions that we saw in those tiny original LBBs.

As usual there are more concepts being turned over in Marc's head for Traveller5, along with other things Traveller and non-Traveller related. When he's ready to announce, he'll announce.

Like many of you, Traveller is my main hobby, and my passion is to see enjoyable and useful content. Rest assured, I'll send out propaganda when it is ready.

Rob "Chief Traveller Sycophant" Eaglestone
