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T5 status

The Rules in the T5 Core Rules are specifically for Adventure Class Ships (ACS), which top out at 2400 tons.

There is another supplement that Marc has planned for Battle Class Ships (BCS) that have specific rules for larger/capital vessels. (This is where spinal mounts, among other things, will be detailed).

Marc has substantially played with those ideas more:

Here is the BCS article:

I'm guessing he meant the 2400 ton limit. These rules aren't going to work well for large ships. Too much detail, no weapon battery rules, etc.

Actually the battery rules are there, just baked into the control rules.

Each turret has a control panel (CP). Tie the CPs to a single console and it is a battery. The gunner at the console uses one attack for all of the turrets he controls and if he hits, add the damage dice for the turrets together. e.g. if two T4 are fired as a battery, they do 8D damage rather than the 4D each would get if fired separately.
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Weapon batteries are on p388 of T5.09 (in the combat system). You total the Hits and the Mods.

Batteries can be formed on the fly, as far as I understand.

With CommCasters several ships can form a battery.
Thanks for pointing this out. IMO, BCS design will need to do away with the consoles (too numerous) and abstract batteries something like HG did. In ACS, you can redefine console use and thus reconfigure batteries, so there needs to be a flexible battery system in BCS, as well as a way to combine separate ships into batteries.
Thanks for pointing this out. IMO, BCS design will need to do away with the consoles (too numerous) and abstract batteries something like HG did. In ACS, you can redefine console use and thus reconfigure batteries, so there needs to be a flexible battery system in BCS, as well as a way to combine separate ships into batteries.

Agreed with abstracting away the fiddly stuff.

From 2016 to 2017 I wrote a Proof of Concept (no surprise there) of BCS. I drew from High Guard 1 and 2, articles by Clay Bush, and other sources for concepts, and T5 formed the basis of the charts and formulas.

By Marc's intentions, the system centered on capital ship design, and in particular centered on the primary weapon (Marc gave me a one-page build system concept for primaries); by extension the system is able to build the non-capitals as well.

My attempt at a ship card put the output data on one 3x5 card, because I believed that more data is the enemy of better data. I also observed the level of detail of ships from Mayday to Book 2 to High Guard to MegaTraveller to Battle Rider, and observed that for wargames, data is detrimental unless it can be put to good practical use. The number of consoles and toilets and staterooms is not important. 20 pieces of data can summarize a Tigress or Azhanti High Lightning well enough. More is probably overkill.

  • 1: Mission/Code
  • 2: Hull Configuration
  • 3: Maneuver rating, or perhaps simply Agility.
  • 4: Jump capability. Perhaps jump rating.
  • Left and Right Edges: Lists of Defenses and Weapons, aggregate scores and notes. This includes armor, troop levels, and carried squadrons. It probably has some mutually exclusive elements and abstractions to the level of the game's resolution.
Cost, Veteran Status, and Special Things are probably relegated to a data sheet, supplement, and stacking cards.

Marc is currently working on an ACS combat game. It uses ship cards the size of playing cards, and abstracts a ship's design into a couple dozen data points.

I intend to modify my design document to produce BCS that fit that same card template.

Thought Exercise 1. What's an Azhanti High Lightning-class cruiser got that's really important to know?

1. Fleet Intruder or Something Else
2. Braced hull
3. J5, M2
4. PA Spine of a certain strength.
5. A variety of secondaries, including Troops and Fighters
6. A variety of defenses, including light armor
Special Stuff: some of them have a Black Globe.

The natures and strengths of these are important, as is the rules on how they interact.

Computer rating was important in High Guard, because it's an attack DM. TL is important during design, but it's a mere footnote afterwards.
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Agreed with abstracting away the fiddly stuff.

From 2016 to 2017 I wrote a Proof of Concept (no surprise there) of BCS. I drew from High Guard 1 and 2, articles by Clay Bush, and other sources for concepts, and T5 formed the basis of the charts and formulas.

By Marc's intentions, the system centered on capital ship design, and in particular centered on the primary weapon (Marc gave me a one-page build system concept for primaries); by extension the system is able to build the non-capitals as well.

Great ideas, Rob.

Agreed with abstracting away the fiddly stuff.

Thought Exercise 1. What's an Azhanti High Lightning-class cruiser got that's really important to know?

1. Fleet Intruder or Something Else
2. Braced hull
3. J5, M2
4. PA Spine of a certain strength.
5. A variety of secondaries, including Troops and Fighters
6. A variety of defenses, including light armor
Special Stuff: some of them have a Black Globe.

The AHL comes in a variety of flavours. In case this is of any use, here is the weapon loads by type based on CT: View attachment AHL weapon load-outs.pdf I made this sheet up ages ago ... it lacks fighters, troops, or how many missile rounds are carried aboard.

Also, some ships (like the AHL) have multiple bridges ... useful to know if bridge hits are a feature of the combat system.
The AHL comes in a variety of flavours. In case this is of any use, here is the weapon loads by type based on CT: View attachment 1710 I made this sheet up ages ago ... it lacks fighters, troops, or how many missile rounds are carried aboard.

Also, some ships (like the AHL) have multiple bridges ... useful to know if bridge hits are a feature of the combat system.

Thanks, Hemdian!

Can I tempt you to wikify your ideas here:


Hopefully I will have an update to give soon. :coffeesip: it's been awhile again and there is new stuff being done...
Official Update

Marc Miller:

T5-Announcements <traveller5@lists.travellerrpg.com>
Wed, Mar 6, 9:37 AM (2 days ago)
to traveller5

Just a brief update.

SECOND, I have trouble forecasting when I am going to complete a project, and my dear late friend Don McKinney wisely counseled me "not to over-promise, or to prematurely promise," and so I don't. But I think I am at the point that i can forecast.

So here's what I know: I am preparing to release Traveller 5 version 5-dot-10 with various errata inserted, changes based on playing and analysis and feedback, and just plain making it better.
I am setting off to GaryCon this weekend, and when I return I will do the last bits, and fully expect to be done by the end of March. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

That means we'll get the hardcover version back in print, and that we'll proceed with making the Players Handbook.
Yay, soon we will all get the privilege of buying the book(s) all over again. I wonder if he'll ever bother updating the backers of the kickstarter of any of this information.
Yay, soon we will all get the privilege of buying the book(s) all over again. I wonder if he'll ever bother updating the backers of the kickstarter of any of this information.

this info was from the T5 list for kickstarter backers... if you don't see it check you spam filter.
Would anyone in the Inner Circle know if it will be released as a PDF to backers before the print version, or will we need to wait until another CD is made? (I don't buy physical RPG books anymore.)
Before it goes anywhere near a print run it should be released to a wider audience on pdf to do one last round of typo checks.
[m;]Insinuating another poster is lying is not acceptable posting strategy here.[/m;]
1 deleted for rules violation
2 more for quoting it.
Glad it seems to be moving. There might be some sense in sending out gobbets to people for triple checking. A decision for Marc though. For those who played IL2, looks like the patch will be out in 2 weeks :)

regards all.
1) No such message was received.
2) Spam folders checked going back 3 months.
3) I am a kickstater backer and there for that email was not sent to the backers (or at least not all of the backers)
4) As such any statement that this was sent to the backers is an inaccurate statement.
1) No such message was received.
2) Spam folders checked going back 3 months.
3) I am a kickstater backer and there for that email was not sent to the backers (or at least not all of the backers)
4) As such any statement that this was sent to the backers is an inaccurate statement.

When you did the kickstarter did you also sign up for the email updates? Or just the kickstarter updates.

I suggest you follow the following link and add yourself to the list.
http://lists.travellerrpg.com/mailman/listinfo/traveller5_lists.travellerrpg.com a
My T5 list email was in the spam folder. Currently I'm "calmly" awaiting for it to be published :coffeesip:
My T5 list email was in the spam folder. Currently I'm "calmly" awaiting for it to be published :coffeesip:

I assure you, Marc appreciates the Calm exhibited by the majority of posters. And I thank you for subtly reminding people to check the spam folder.

Better, tho': whitelist farfuture@gmail.com, and travellerrpg.com