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T5 status

Real Progress

Another progress report...

As per Robert Eaglestone:


Marc has printed a test run (that is, not ready for prime time) of three sets of the T5 Core Rules in three-book format. Maybe I'll post a video review when I get a set.
Thanks Ackehece, I saw something about a printed test run on fb today but then I couldn’t find that post anymore.
Anymore news on the three volume set? The only pdf I seem to have is from 28-Dec-2012 which I stumbled across in the depths of my iPad. Really would like a ‘fixed’ dead tree version.
Anymore news on the three volume set? The only pdf I seem to have is from 28-Dec-2012 which I stumbled across in the depths of my iPad. Really would like a ‘fixed’ dead tree version.

I have Core Rules v5.09 from Jun 7, 2015. I like its layout and editing.
I’ve had this for ages and gave it a brief reread over and thought, “Wow!”. Then got to the adventure class ships and realised why it had lain buried for as long and why I hadn’t gone for more with the Kickstarter. I’m not a fan of the A-Z drive thing and prefer the High Guard type of approach. The rest of it seems very logical apart from this anochronistic hold over.
Then got to the adventure class ships and realised why it had lain buried for as long and why I hadn’t gone for more with the Kickstarter. I’m not a fan of the A-Z drive thing and prefer the High Guard type of approach.
The lettered drives are based on a simple formula, and can easily be replaced by the formula.

E.g. jump drives are J# × Hull × 2.5% + 5 dTon (just like in MgT2).

Note that the lettered drive performance table is explicitly just a simplification:
T5.09 said:
Drive Potential for a specific drive is the [twice] EP (Energy Points) per Hull Ton; ignore fractions and round down.
The Starship Drive Potential table pre-calculates values for most common combinations of drive and hull.
Righty ho. I’ll take another look. Still a bit taken aback that in around 700 pages there are no big ship construction rules!
Righty ho. I’ll take another look. Still a bit taken aback that in around 700 pages there are no big ship construction rules!

Big ships are done by ganging together multiple letter drives using a drive nexus

so, for example, if you have a 12000 ton ship...
You want J3 performance.
You can build it as 5x2400 (=Z5) or 6x2000 (=V6) hull
All the rate based components are based upon the total size, but should be shoved into one of the 5 or 6 component hulls.
The drives options
If the hull is Z5, you need a total of 5x the drives of a Z hull at J3 - which itself needs T2. So you need T10 - but a nexus cannot do a 10 drive as a single nexus, so 2T5 or 5T2 gets you J3.
If the hull is V6, you need 6* what a V hull needs, and for J3 that's Q2. So you need 12 Q drives, and that can be 2Q6, 3Q4, or 6Q2.
(I find it cumbersome and confusing. I prefer formulaic drives by far.)

Other than that, I can't fathom much of T5 shipbuilding on a practical level.
Big ships are done by ganging together multiple letter drives using a drive nexus
I'm guessing he meant the 2400 ton limit. These rules aren't going to work well for large ships. Too much detail, no weapon battery rules, etc.
I'm guessing he meant the 2400 ton limit. These rules aren't going to work well for large ships. Too much detail, no weapon battery rules, etc.
Until the BCS rules get finished, literally, just gang together separate hulls...

Which, BTW, was essentiall the method in MGT1E HG and HG-79.
Are too! :p

I'm guessing he meant the 2400 ton limit. These rules aren't going to work well for large ships. Too much detail, no weapon battery rules, etc.
That's what CommCasters are for, they link up ships and allow for Battery Fire, which unfortunately I can't recall exactly how it works but I seem to recall everyone hits or misses togther and I don't recall how damage is distributed. But it is there.
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The lettered drives are based on a simple formula, and can easily be replaced by the formula.

E.g. jump drives are J# × Hull × 2.5% + 5 dTon (just like in MgT2).

Note that the lettered drive performance table is explicitly just a simplification:

Isn't Manoeuvre worked out similarly?

((M# x Hull )/100) - 1 (min. of 2 tons)
Isn't Manoeuvre worked out similarly?
Yes all drives have similar formulas.

Jump:_ J# × Hull × 2.5% + 5 Dt
Man: _ M# × Hull × 1.0% - 1 Dt
PP: __ PP# × Hull × 1.5% + 1 Dt

Similarly Hull configuration costs can easily be replaced with a formula, allowing ships of any size.
Yes all drives have similar formulas.

Jump:_ J# × Hull × 2.5% + 5 Dt
Man: _ M# × Hull × 1.0% - 1 Dt
PP: __ PP# × Hull × 1.5% + 1 Dt

Similarly Hull configuration costs can easily be replaced with a formula, allowing ships of any size.

In my iOS app, all of these are calculated using formulae, not table lookup.
I hadn't looked at the maths only the fact that hulls top out at 2,400 tons. Given that there are illustrations of some heavy cruisers and a Tigress I did expect design rules for them.
I hadn't looked at the maths only the fact that hulls top out at 2,400 tons. Given that there are illustrations of some heavy cruisers and a Tigress I did expect design rules for them.

The Rules in the T5 Core Rules are specifically for Adventure Class Ships (ACS), which top out at 2400 tons.

There is another supplement that Marc has planned for Battle Class Ships (BCS) that have specific rules for larger/capital vessels. (This is where spinal mounts, among other things, will be detailed).