It is moments like these where I do sort of hate the lack of 70% of the information when interacting with humans.
Okay, first off, I have totally copped to the fan boy bias to a degree (I did after all accomplish a dream I have had since I was a young Traveller of getting a credit in a gaming book or two before I die). I also admit there are things that I don't actually know if there are issues with as I have not used all the systems. And last, I am apparently not being clear enough and am coming off like a dick. The later I can cop to at times (though not here as I am trying to be totally civil, really) and the former is just something I am working to correct.
Now, again I do not see what difference there is from my running people in a game in a Play by Post or a Meatspace game. Both have people describing their character's actions, rolling dice for random results and rules arbitration by the Referee. Where is the difference other than distance and physical presence? I honestly do not see one. To me (and this is a gamer not a T5 gamer exclusively) there is no real difference. Hence my question.
Now, as to its over complexity such as Genetics, some of us love them and use them since we love T4 too and play Pocket Empires games (in meatspace one of my players wants to play
Kingmaker...IN SPACE! to the point where he proposed committing High Treason to the Ref) so things like Genetics start becoming very needed what with all the dynasties and houses I have going, not mention the Life Insurance Clones that will probably get activated if my players mess up bad.
Speaking of Genetics (every character I have made in T5 has them noted), it is one of the many systems I have worked with (and again let me apologize for not thinking of indexes and slacking in my proofing duties). The total list is in no particular order are ACS (various
HMS Herald builds), Gunmaker (you should have seen the
Moonbuster Heavy Assualt Shotgun, sick and stupid wrong), VehicleMaker (Wiseman Yards' 36Mod-D Fast Boat), System and World Generation and Mapping ([FS 0724] Colony A), Character Generation (three games worth, PC and NPC), the Equipment List (Lt.
Coronel Sutton, RMR went nuts on the Power Cells, it was like he knew I am a dick GM about having it on your sheet or just not having it :devil

, QREBS (like all the time), Benchmarks, Money, Psionics (which, surprise I too have some clarification issues with

), Technology, Sophonts (a term I totally dig, built the Voodgi NIL of Colony-A), a smidge of Trade and Commerce, Robots, BeastMaker, and Computers. So yeah, I have messed with most of Traveller5's systems and for the most part players and I seem to be playing with it fine. Time will tell however and I can't say it has been flawless, but not unplayable.
And again, this may be be me. And my dozen or so players who seem to be having more problems with knowledge of my ATU (my fault, but I am working on correcting that currently) than with the T5 rules.