...This is a toolkit and parts of it are not really good at that.
If it's a tool kit it's not a very organized one. The the tools, of whatever type, are just tossed in the box. When I reach for a wrench or socket, I have no idea what size it's going to be or even if it's Metric or Standard.
I won't go that far but it does disappoint me.
There are many things that T5 does right, though as game rules it is, in my opinion*, quite cumbersome and difficult to keep a strong flow and uninterrupted continuity. (Of course if you beta tested for years you don't have to think about how it reads to someone seeing it for the first time.)
To much looking up what you just know you saw yesterday but can't seem to find today.
The Errata irritates me, as does the spelling and syntax errors. A simple spell check could have caught many of them. I'm not going deeper into the problems I see at the moment though.
I like ganging drives. CT had it wrong, though it didn't really matter until HG came out.
I like individual power plants for equipment if you so choose.
I like the variety of choice you have for quartering your shipboard personal, whether crew, troops, passengers or supercargo.
I like the way it handles computers which were pretty oversize by CT rules.
I like the jump choices and alternative fueling.
I'm sure there is much more to like in addition to the above. As I like ship building, I'm still enjoying that part right now.
I am disappointed that we don't hear from the emperor himself on any issues brought up on this board. No way to know if he just doesn't care or is embarrassed or oblivious. Like any hint of revolution in the making though, he's already calling in the troops and clamping down.
It's obviously not a constitutional monarchy and the "
Loyal Opposition" isn't wanted for its advice or critical thoughts. So, the courtiers and hanger-on types will continue to have the ear while the rest are silenced or exiled.
I do see the point though, if we continue to bash, unabated, T5 on it's strongest fan site, then future sales will be way off. NEVER mess with the tax base!
As for the rest, it is unfortunate that we can't tell him his new suit just isn't "all that and a bag of chips" and he just isn't wearing any clothes...
*requisite disclaimer.