Temeraire/Conda (Daibei 3020)
Temeraire/Conda (Daibei 3020) is the homeworld of the Evantha, sophonts introduced in
GURPS Traveller: Alien Races 4. They are winged hunters most comfortable in low gravity.
As described in AR4 the T5 UWP of Temeraire would be A4859A7-D Hi Pr (Evantha)W N 140 K0V.
The current T5 stats are rather different: B585779-A Ag Pr (Evantha)6 N 240 M1 V M4 V.
A few of the changes are readily understandable: (1) the
Atlas of the Imperium lists the world at Daibei 3020 as having a Class B starport; (2) as the world is unnamed in the
Atlas the population code would be less than 9 (1 billion), (3) the increase in size is consistent with T5’s global changes to planetary data, and (4) TL A is the maximum possible for a world with all these new parameters.
Reconciling these two versions is difficult, but not impossible. The size change is fine and should override AR4. The difference in starport can be attributed to a hypothetical upgrade between 1105 (the T5 baseline) and 1122 (the apparent setting of AR4).
Population is quite a bit tricker. AR4 claims that the 1122 population of Temeraire is 1.2 billion, but the 1105 T5 data indicates 20 million, of which only 12 million are Evantha. I would strongly recommend increasing the population code to 8, the pop multiplier to 9, and making it an almost complete Evantha world: "(Evantha)W."
The other social data can probably be attributed to significant changes to the world between 1105 and 1122. The timeline in AR4 is a bit muddled, but this much can be teased out:
- 1072 - Shirani Kay "fifty years earlier [from 1122]" proceeds to unify the 72 other nation-states of Temeraire under the banner of her Spiral Path party, dedicated to world unification, interstellar trade, free enterprise, and support of the dominant religion.
- 1092 - A Temeraire plant owned by Ling-Standard Products is nationalized by the government of Detrans. Kay is offworld at the time, exiled for her politics, and studying at an Imperial university, where she met the daughter of a senior LSP executive.
- 1102 - "Over the last two decades [from 1122]" Spiral Path spreads like wildfire across the other Evantha worlds – sometimes peacefully, other times in what amounted to religious jihad, although Spiral Path was always careful to observe the letter of the Imperial rules of war.
The year 1072 doesn’t quite make sense as written. I think it’s more likely that Shirani Kay was born in 1072, which would make her 20 in 1092, consistent with studying at university. If she returned to Temeraire in 1094 or so, by 1102 she overthrows the government of Detrans and at that point proceeds to unify the rest of the world. Simultaneously the Spiral Path begins to spread to other systems. Between 1102 and 1122 Kay becomes a world dictator.
All of this is to say that in 1105 Temeraire could well be a balkanized world with a government code of 7 with a law level of 9, consistent with T5SS data. Increasing the starport to A and the pop to 9 in 1122 would also be enough to also increase the TL to D.
The stellar data is a bit of a mystery; I would recommend changing it to K0 V M4 V to remain consistent with AR4, and assume that the red dwarf is placed in a far orbit.
To sum up, here is my recommended revised Temeraire:
Temeraire 0320 B585879-A Pa Ph Ri (Evantha)W { 3 } (D7C+5) [9B6B] BcCe 940 N 13 ImDi K0 V M4 V
I'd be inclined to add an Amber Zone and the Dangerous remark to reflect social unrest circa 1105.