Is there any particular reason why Pysadi (SPIN 3008) has become an amber zone? I'm not sure I've seen it given that designation before. In fact, the last big data drop added lots of new amber zones.
Ugh, I didn't know that happened -- and it's a lot worse than just Pysadi. The whole subsector picked up a bunch of amber zones and lost a couple of red zones. (Hans would have lost his mind if he has seen this.)
T5 has a rule that "If Gov+LL is 20 or greater, impose Amber Zone (Da). If Gov+LL is 22 or greater, impose Red Zone" (p 412). Pysadi, with a Gov of 13 and Law of 8 would qualify.
However, while this rule is perfectly fine as a
guidance for establishing amber and red zones, I really think travel advisories should be solely at the referee's discretion. I don't think Gov+LL should automatically dictate travel zones and I DEFINITELY do not think think we should be overwriting canon based on this calculus.
As with Importance and capitals, I think Gov+LL is just too coarse a mechanic to dictate all travel zones. I would want exceptions on both sides of the equation: high Gov+LL that are green zoned, and low Gov+LL that are amber and red zoned. Heck, I would expect the TAS to consider anarchy worlds to be the most dangerous.
The Mongoose Spinward Marches book, for example, explicitly states that "Four worlds in the subsector are Amber Zoned: Zila, Rugbird, Towers and Reacher, and there are Red Zones in place at Corfu, Zykoca and Lewis" (70). With the latest data drop, the passage would have to be revised to read "Ten worlds in the subsector are Amber Zoned: Dhian, Corfu, Zila, Zykoca, Aramanx, Pysadi, Rugbird, Towers, Junidy, and Recher, and a Red Zone is in place at Lewis."
I don't think any of these changes are clear improvements, and given the long publishing history of the Marches, I would strongly recommend rolling back all these changes across the sector. I haven't dared look at the Solomani Rim, but I'm sure it's just as bad. In fact, I would recommend reversing this change for all sectors with in-print canonical 1105 data: basically, anything with a Mongoose book attached.
And I would recommend changing the text in the T5 core rules to specify that Gov+LL only indicates worlds that are
candidates for travel zones.