check the diffs in the Traveller Map GitHub
check the diffs in the Traveller Map GitHub
Worlds with the bases KM (Non-imperal Navy + Military bases) should not get a +1 to importance. At least according to a strict interpretation of the Importance calculation on p411 of T5 5.09 rules.
Worlds with a pop of 1 (and there seem to be a number), have the EX wrong. The L (second column) should be 0. (Pop - 1, 0 is allowed).
The Infrastructure (third column) for Lo worlds should be 1. The table on p. 411 says Lo pop worlds have an infrastructure of both 0 and 1. I recommend the value of 1.
1838 Ualyuliiys BABA248-B Fl Lo Tz -> Should have a trade code of Oc
2820 Billow X8CA000-0 Ba Fl Fo Tz -> Should have a trade code of Wa
The Infrastructure (third column) for Lo worlds should be 1. The table on p. 411 says Lo pop worlds have an infrastructure of both 0 and 1. I recommend the value of 1.
Agreed. Looks like it's correct for the Ex's I generated, incorrect in Garnfellow's. I'll work with him to fix.
Worlds with a pop of 1 (and there seem to be a number), have the EX wrong. The L (second column) should be 0. (Pop - 1, 0 is allowed).
Looks like either another bug in Marc's spreadsheet or a T5 errata item. The formula used is:
Oc: Siz > 9 and Atm < A and Hyd > 9
Wa: Siz < A and Atm < A and Hyd = 10
Note the Atm < A, which excludes Fl worlds from being Wa/Oc. (Which I agree with.) T5.09 has:
Oc: Siz ABCDEF, Atm 3456789ABC, Hyd A
Wa: Siz 3456789A, Atm 3456789ABC, Hyd A
(which is buggy for Siz A anyway as a world should not have both)
Do you see that occurring anywhere? (The Importance calculation comes out of Marc's spreadsheet, so I need to report it to him if so.)
According to my sector lint, part of the trade map generator, every world with the "KM" for bases has the importance off by one.
sector lint
I agree, but I also think that this particular section of T5 needs some reconsideration for non-Imperial polities. As Joshua noted, the T5 Importance rules are silent on non-Imperial bases.Worlds with the bases KM (Non-imperal Navy + Military bases) should not get a +1 to importance. At least according to a strict interpretation of the Importance calculation on p411 of T5 5.09 rules.
Okay - that also comes from the spreadsheet. It gives +1 for any of the following bases codings:
T5.09 doesn't say anything about non-Imperial bases. Want to raise that with Marc? (In some ways that is beyond the scope of the rules and getting into setting, but the rules could mention "and apply similar +1 for equivalent bases for non-Imperial worlds" etc)
Agreed, and I think I've brought this up in the Errata Discussion thread.I think we should bring this up as errata.
A good discussion about T5 base codes is probably long overdue. One of my pet peeves about the T5 rules as they stand right now is they are simultaneously modeling "any setting," "OTU circa 1105," and "Galaxiad," but don't clearly distinguish between rules and setting. Some T5 elements appear to reflect a setting far beyond the OTU in 1105, while other T5 elements are clearly restricted to the Third Imperium.I would like to point out the T5 5.09 rules p411 has only four base types (Navy (N), Scout (S), Depot (D), and Way Station (W)).
And, as Garnfellow points out, the Hiver Embassaies (E) are not on the list anywhere. And I would like our rule sets to be consistent.
That is pretty freaking nifty. I love that it provides cross-sector recommendations, which are otherwise painful to find.Let's see if this works.
I've attached to this post (I think) an owned worlds report for Canopus, Aldebaran, Neworld, and Langere. I would generate this report for Don when we were reviewing the other sectors. It serves as a double check and recommendation for the review process.
If you can download this and open it in Excel, the sheet consists of 6 columns.
Column A: one of the worlds (the name is in wiki format) which has a government type of 6. Hence an Owned world.
Column B: The owning world as listed in the dataset. This can be "Mr" for military rule (per the trade code), a world name derived from the hex location in the data set, or "None" meaning a value needs to be selected. Garnet (Neworld 0721) is the only "None" in this dataset.
Column C-F: A list of recommended nearby worlds which meet the criteria for being owning world. These are: Starport A, B, or C, Population 6+, TL 9+, within the same polity (no Imperial worlds owned by Zhodani), and nearby. The definition of "nearby" is a little vague because it requires a long explanation of the internals of the trade map generator. The list is sorted importance, distance, and population. This list can be empty.
This is so much easier to review than what I was doing.If the world in column B isn't in the columns C-F it means either the selected world doesn't meet the criteria or (more likely) is not in the "nearby" list to the owned world.
And, as Garnfellow points out, the Hiver Embassaies (E) are not on the list anywhere. And I would like our rule sets to be consistent.
According to the EX rules, the Infrastructure for this world can't be above 2D + Ix or 12, so the value of 13 (D) is too high.
Garnfellow, if you added a +1 importance for the Hiver embassies, the spreadsheet has stripped them back out again.