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TA Authors

That's why you are the man, my friend.

Good luck,
The one that has produced four TAs/EAs in under five months, and is starting on his fifth. His quality is good, and his ability to turn out a good product in a short amount of time is enviable. You two are the most prolific freelancers I know for T20, which is why I hold you both in such high esteem.

Hope this helps,
It shouldn't be. Racing to produce quality writing is a quick way to crash.

In any case. I've finished the last of the designs for TAx: In the clouds and am doing a final editing pass to check for mistakes. It will be in the editors hands by the end of the week. Unless, of course, the editor no longer want to talk to me.
Hehehe. Wow, that's cool. I'm working on a few special projects, so my EPIC Adventure (EAx: Diplomatic Relations) will have to wait a little bit longer. (Fortunately, there's already something like four in the pipeline, so I'm not hurting anyone by being a little late on it in order to get these other items completed.)

Agreed on the comment about racing to produce quality writing.

Update: about 17,000 words into EPIC 3: Chimera so MJD will have it when I said he would have it.

Stoner sourcebook is at 28,000 words at present so lots more work to do there...

Still thinking of ideas for new TA's, but EPICs are taking precedence at the moment...
I keep thinking of new ideas for TAs and writing pieces down instead of finishing my current one. However I did spend a few hours on Specialised Ships of the Imperial Navy over the weekend and I shall have some spare time in the next few weeks to try and get more done.
I've been nearing completion of EAx: Diplomatic Relations for some time, but have been distracted by minor projects and some editing/proofreading work for MJD. Very close, now, though, and can legitimately see an end coming soon to this EPIC. Next EPIC already in outline stage, though, and should prove to be a lot of fun to both write and run... EAx: Project Achilles will focus on a bioweapon research project gone horribly awry. Given my current rate of production, I should have it completed and to Martin before the end of August, though I can always hope for sooner.

Will post soon when I have happy news of the completion of EAx: Diplomatic Relations.


TA-X Military weapons I am just starting to do research on. My higher priority, according to MJD, is to finish Golden Age EPIC 1: The Forgotten War.
I am bout 1/3 the way through and should have it finished by monday next week.
Then I can concentrate on the TA.
Officially the "Golden Age" ends in 1116 with Strephon's assassination.

For those of you who dont know (which will be everyone on this site) ktaylor is my twin brother, with psionics level-1 between us due to genetics apparently.
The golden age EPIC is finished and with MJD, along with deckplans.
Back to the Stoner sourcebook.
I have had to give away doing the military wpns TA because I am not really qualified to give the level of detail required to satisfy people in the traveller universe, having not been a combat engineer/explosives expert/weapons scientist/mercenary. Also, I am commited to finishing the Stoner sourceobok ASAP zand doing more urgent EPICs for our wonderful prison warden in the QLI fortress of evil, MJD. Sorry about that. :(
I'm 7700 words into EPIC X: Free Trader. It will be a half and half - half adventure, half detail on the "frontier" version (ie: armed version) of the standard free trader.
One day soon I might start on the stner sourcebook again...
We need to be putting out a TA in the near future... so, who's nearing completion and who have I forgotten about???