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Take a gander at these toys...


They have yet to be fleshed-out for any certain system (with the exception of the MARS robot design for CT - and I'm not too sure about the math I used when constructing it...). Mostly they exist as the bastard, fevered brainchildren of the designers at Arclight Industries (with a heavy nod to the novel "Logan's Run" for the "Sandman" design), a dispersed, clannish, and occasionally-under-investigation Solomani company. If you don't let me know why...if you DO like 'em, well...that just makes me tingly all over.

The first two pieces come standard on the Long-Reach Class of salvage ships (around 2Kt...I'll post the design elsewhere in a bit...),
The SalvorTag Salvage Protection System
Equipped with two .5 kiloton nuclear warheads, the SalvorTag is a missile-within-a-missile, attached to any claimed piece of salvage. Upon detecting any ship transponder signal, the unit broadcasts a message in all Standard languages warning vessels away from the tagged salvage. If a vessel continues to approach, the SalvorTag releases its first missile which homes in on the intruder and detonates at a distance of 10 kilometers. It immediately indicates that action was a simple warning-shot. If that is not a sufficient deterrent, the SalvorTag will wait until the offending vessel approaches within 10 meters of the tagged hull. It then fires the motors of its remaining missile in a random pitch/roll/yaw pattern while the unit remains attached to the tagged hull. If the resulting change in the tagged object’s attitude is not enough to discourage interlopers, the second warhead will detonate 180 seconds later. Finally, if neither warhead causes sufficient damage to the SalvorTag system (due to the use of nuclear dampers by the claim-jumper), a remotely-triggered third .5 kiloton charge will detonate, completely destroying the tagged salvage.
If by happenstance the first missile does its job, the SalvorTag switches to a second message pattern warning all vessels within range that it will detonate upon close approach or boarding. This feature was added after an unfortunate incident in the Spinward Marches in which a SalvorTag system inadvertently vaporized a small band of “vacationing” Kfourozeng Vargr who had “mistaken” a tagged hulk for their own missing racing yacht. There was no litigation involved, but AI took it upon itself to insure such tragedies were not repeated in the future.
The SalvorTag system has proven to be a very effective salvage claim-jumping prevention tool.

The MARS-Class Salvage Robot
Utilizing a Type VII chassis, with a 2,000 l. volume, and massing almost 3300 kg., the MARS (Mobile Autonomous Repair and Salvage) unit has become the pre-eminent robot for salvage-oriented tasks. A massive CPU mixes the best in parallel and synaptic circuitry, giving MARS an impressive array of skills. It also has the ability to control a remote repair and salvage drone from a distance of 5,000 km.. Power is provided by three separate power plants of Type E, F and G. All that energy isn’t wasted, it gets used in spades by the impressive sensor and device arrays carried by this behemoth. Four Ultra-Heavy Grav units give MARS a whopping 4,000 kg of thrust, configured in a mobile array that allow it to operate either vertically or horizontally. Each MARS unit comes with onboard fuel cell storage that allows it to work in the field for 25 hours before refueling is necessary. Its modular design allows easy maintenance access, and broad workspace area for shipboard use. Don’t let your ship go without one!

Chassis: Type VII (2,000 l. volume) (200kg.)
4 UHD Grav units 80 l. 160kg.
40 Syn. CPU 4 l.
60 Par. CPU 30 l.
200 unit CPU Storage
40 Syn. Storage 4 ltr. 2 kg.
60 Par. Storage 80 ltr. 16 kg.
6 Type G Fuel Cells 600 ltr. 990 kg.
1 Type F Fuel Cell 80 ltr. 130 kg.
1 Type E Fuel Cell 60 ltr. 95 kg.
Fuel Storage (25 hours) 76.25 ltr. 5.4 kg
Battery Backup 200 ltr. 200 kg.
Sensor Package 65 kg.
Device Array 209 kg.

4 very light arms 4 kg.
4 light arms 29 kg.
4 medium arms 80 kg.
4 heavy arms 200 kg.

4 complete visual arrays, 2 complete audio arrays, 16 sensitive touch arrays, 1 magnetic sensor, 1 radiation sensor, 1 mass sensor, 1 neutrino sensor.

*Electronic Circuit Protection, Spotlight, Power Interface, Brain Interface, Program Interface, Zero-G Manuever Package, Master Unit, Radio - Continental Range, ECM, Holo Recorder, Holo Display, Light Laser Welder, Laser Welder, Mechanical Tool package, Electronic Tool package, Metalworking Tool package, Carpentry Tool Package, Medical Instrument Package, FGMP-15.

Engineering-4, Naval Architect-4, Mechanical-4, Survival-4, Medical-2, Vacc Suit-4, Survey-2, Grav. Vehicle-4, Electronic-4, Gravitics-4, Communications-4, Demolitions-4, Prospecting-4, FGMP-4, Rescue-4, Cargo-4.
High Autonomous Logic.

Cargo Capacity: 722 kg.

The typical Long-Reach salvage vehicle carries a complement of four MARS units. Each will typically keep one program skill “always-on” (such as Electronics, Mechanical, or Engineering) in its synaptic CPU, and act as a specialist in that program skill. Other skills are kept in storage, or cycled through the parallel CPU as needed.
When not mobile, the MARS units serve as repair and replacement workstations in the ship’s repair and salvage bays.

The Sandman Variable Load Slugthrower TL-15
The Sandman is a nasty piece of work, even by the standards of AI Mayhem R&D. Appearing as a standard large autopistol, the Sandman is equipped with submicroprocessing safety interlocks, which allow the weapon to recognize its registered owner. If an unauthorized person attempts to use the Sandman, the weapon will automatically ignite a thermal charge in the handgrip, cooking-off the remaining ammunition stored in the clip. The resulting explosion has been described as “mortifying”.
Early field-tests of the Sandman resulted in the modification of the safety interlock feature. In all production models, the weapon will now issue a verbal-warning to the user and institute an owner-preselected delay of 3-5 seconds before activating its self-destruct charge. AI is also accepting new applications for its field-testing division. Benefits, including major medical and death and dismemberment coverage come standard. There is no 90-day probationary period required for new members of the team.
The key to the Sandman’s success is a combination of versatility and lethality. Each magazine inserted into the Sandman contains a standard package of specialized ammo loads. Each magazine contains a processor which tracks the inventory of each load type, and displays an icon of which are ready for use on a thin snap-out display mounted on the side of the pistol. The user manually (or vocally, with the available headset-control option) selects the type of round desired, and the magazine shifts loads accordingly. The loads in each 10-round magazine include two of each of the following:

Tangleweb - this cartridge contains a small unltrafast-acting glue capsule which dissolves a short distance (1 meter) from the barrel of the weapon. The result is an expanding web of sticky filaments which will secure the target to almost any background object until a special solvent can be applied. The Tangleweb is accurate to within 15 meters. Outside of that range, its ballistics degrade rapidly to inefficiency and inaccuracy.

Shredder - this cartridge is filled with needles of industrial-grade manufactured diamond. Each cartridge contains about 40 of the 1/4 mm slivers, tightly packed into a spiral coil. The coil is bound by a small casing which disintegrates a short distance (1 meter) from the barrel, releasing the needles. The result is a rapidly expanding cloud of slivers which will penetrate almost any armor up to battle-dress. Even such re-inforced personal armor has been breached by at least one sliver in its less-protected joint coverings. Effective at short and medium ranges only.

Seeker - this load is a specialized gyro-jet powered munition. Its guidance package allows the round to home in on the thermal signature of its target. Its deployment is not effective at close or short ranges, but from medium to extreme range its guidance package is astonishingly accurate.

Tranq - this semistandard round comes in two varieties (loads are preselected by the user). The first is a skin-contact tranquilizer which requires the passage of a single combat round before the target becomes incapacitated. The second is a compressed-gas charge which releases its aerosol chemical once its casing disintegrates a short distance (1 meter) from the muzzle. The user must be certain to wear the required filters or become incapacitated upon respiration of the tranq load.

Piercer - This is a standard teflon-coated armor piercing round which comes in two varieties (loads are preselected by the user). The first is a 10mm Shredder round. The second is a non-guided HEAP package.

Other specialized munition loads are available upon request from any licensed AI Sandman distributer.

Users may elect to manually load special magazines by using the Munition Manager attachment. This handy, desktop-sized unit selects ammo types from inserted drums then loads and programs multiple magazines (up to five at one time) for use. If manual loads are not required, AI sells standard Sandman magazines at any of its retail and wholesale outlets.

The Widomaker modular VRF Guass Gun
Have you ever felt the need to lay down a withering barrage of guassrifle fire, but lacked the pocketbook for one of those fancy VRF models all the big merc outfits carry? If so, the Widowmaker is the answer to your prayers. Utilizing a simple, patented Universal Guass Mount, the Widowmaker racks multiple guassrifles into a rotating VRF array. Electronic trigger adapters allow the system to maximize weapon cycling, and a first-rate targeting package provides the dead-on accuracy you need.

The Hellbilly
We here at Arclight Industries simply don’t muck-about when it comes to providing first-rate personal protection at affordable prices. The Hellbilly is a perfect example of our continuing quest to help all law-abiding citizens feel safe and secure in their own skins.
Measuring a slender 25 centimeters, the Hellbilly is a collapsible rod which combines the best features of a non-standard electric animal-prod, and flexible baton. The prod itself generates a potent guass field specifically designed to scramble the nueral pathways of a wide variety of sophonts. The charge can be adjusted by the wielder from a painful jolt, to a near-fatal paralytic shock. Continued use of the Hellbilly may result in the accidental termination of the target.
Telescoping to an impressive 75 centimeters in length, the Hellbilly gives you the reach you need in a tight spot. Each Hellbilly sold comes with an extensive tri-d training cartridge which demonstrates proper technique and application.
First-time purchasers are warned the use of the Hellbilly requires practice. Those who ignore this advice agree to surrender any claim of personal injury and to hold harmless and indemnify AI, its officers and agents from any personal liability resulting in extreme personal injury or the temporary (or permanent) loss of sphincter control which may arise from the misuse of this device.

The Sweet Child-o-Mine
It has been the experience of our designers that the bloody mayhem of the battlefield is a condition many hardened veterans have been steeled to accept. However, the psychological terror of extreme personal injury is more difficult to avoid. This is the concept behind our latest fiendish defensive munitions package.
The SCoM unit is comprised of four separate munitions charges and a triggering device. Two are standard chemical explosives, one is an ejected-fragmentation device, with the remaining charge comprised of an ejected TDX core.
Upon triggering the munitions package, the target is delivered a recorded warning in a language preset by the user. The warning includes a countown to munitions detonation.
Live-fire field testing has shown this device to be almost 80 percent effective in crippling fire-team to squad sized enemy units, regardless of their level of combat experience. Those who dive for cover have a high probablility of landing atop one of the chemical explosives, those who run often fail to escape the effective range of the fragmentation or TDX munitions.
The SCoM package comes complete with a Munitions Control Unit which allows users to remotely trigger the separate charges of the device, or to activate the warning message and resulting countdown.
Users are advised to review the stipulations in their standard mercenary agreements regarding the deployment of this device. Its utilization in the battlefield, while having drawn some criticism, has not been officially proscribed by Imperial authorities.
I can't imagine why a nominal 10 mm pistol should have only 10 rounds. Before the '94 US legislation limited magazines capacity many pistols had 12-15 rounds, even for .45 ACP.

Second, I can't imagine why anyone would want all 5 types with only 2 (or 3 more likely) of each. Standard mags would probably only include 2 types. For police or personal protection use, one nonlethal and one lethal. For military or high-danger zones two different lethal types.

One way to do it is to have charges and projectiles separate. This is high tech, and such complication isn't a drawback.