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Terran Dawn Campaign Guide [Progress, Questions]

Outstanding work!

I have been looking over your materials ... I have to give your honors in the tackling such a large subject. Admittedly I am fascinated with you diligence to bringing so many canon threads together to create not only continuity for players and referees, but a believable Traveller gaming era .

The only flaw I have found is in your Military Section. You may want to examine the modular army concept which many Western and developed Far Eastern nations are embracing. I think you will find it really is a foreshadowing of the TL 10-12 Battlefields. The best examples/open sources can be found on the web. The Stryker Brigade is after you apply the appropriate tech tree adjustments the Lift Infantry Brigade. I also recommend you pay particular attention to the force multiplier maneuver elements. This will also complement the logistics of the era as you have mentioned the limiting to the size and force projection capability the small pocket governments have.

If you want to discuss any of my points email me through here. Anyway well done and keep up the work it is very inspiring!
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