• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

That's right, 50 kiloton Cruiser Deckplans!

I do have a quick question - are there trauma centers located throughout the ship or is this one section the entirety of the med facilities aboard?

If it is the only one (which is ok, as it is well protected by the bulk of the ship) then you should consider adding another elevator or four to allow for more efficient access during combat. Having crewmen die waiting for the elevator would be bad for moral.

I would go with a pair of 2 - 2.25 meter cars and at least a pair if not three 3 meter cars (if you keep the cylindrical format, otherwise 2m x 2.25m cars for general purpose and 2.5m x 3m for patients as a minimum). Maybe have one of them right at the triage location.