I am also in interestied in being in, but I am also interested in the future of Traveller in general. The vagueness of the creators and status of various projects is very frustrating to me. TO the point where I worry of a new "Long Night".
Obviously, there is material to produce! I was looking at the Illustrated Bibliography the other night, and was blown away by how many peopl have worked on various aspects of the game from many companies. And the sheer magnitude and number of products is nothing to sneeze at.
If there is to be a future for this game, it must adapt and grow with the market, and be marketed competitively. Production value should be maximized and balanced with production costs.
It should also be marketed in Europe, especially eastern and Japan, aggressively. Marketed everywhere aggressively. More than just on some table at a convention or two.
For my two creds, screw the binders (which is a bad marketing plan, tho they are nice!) and go back to producing LBBs but not make them so little. Same half size size but 3 or four times thicker. Chocked with material as concrete as is required. If a game requires that the actual rules be ammended by physically adding pages, there is a problem with cohesion.
I am willing to work on it, but I need to lose the "tilting at windmills" feeling. The creators of this game (regardless of reason) are extremely distant and secretive at times as to the overall plan, to the game's detriment.
For example, I am ready willing and able to do products that could (by the yardstick of past products) bear "Approved for Use With Traveller" easily, yet there has been no response to any requests for information besides the usual Limited Liscence rigamarole, all of which is speculation until the horse himself speaks.