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The Character Dump

The Dump expands...

Non canon, Non OTU, strictly IMTU personalities:

Inspired by Supplements 1 & 4, my take on characters not found in OTU. Some of these characters are straight conversions, others have been adjusted to fit into My Traveller universe.
One other note: I've redone Harry Mudd, which was in Supplement 4, with my conversion of the Mudd character as found in FASA's Star Trek game. As one can see, the new version of Mudd has alot more skills.

Name: Treize Khushrenada [from Gundam Wing]
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
7877AF age: 26 apparent age: 24
Career: Noble
Pilot – 1 Ships Boat – 1 Leader – 2 Carousing – 1 Bribery – 1 Vacc Suit – 0 Wheeled Vehicle – 0
Handgun - 0
Property: allot Credits: allot

Name: General Noventa [from Gundam Wing]
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
777799 age: 60 apparent age: 40
Career: Army
Rank: O10 General
Artillery/High Energy Weapons – 5 Electronics – 2 Mechanical – 2 Computer – 2 Leader – 2
Tactics – 1 Combat Rifleman – 1 Handgun – 1 Admin – 1 Wheeled Vehicle – 0 Instruction – 2
Property: Credits: enough
Note: Inventor of the Noventa Particle Canon. Commanded Earth Alliance forces at Mogodishu.

Name: Colonel Zechs Merquise [from Gundam Wing]
aka "The Lightning Count", "The Blonde One"
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
8BB77C age: 26 apparent age: 19
Career: Marines [OZ Special Forces]
Rank: 06 Colonel
Assignments: Naval Academy Honors Graduate, Flight School, Command College,
Pilot – 2 Ships Boat – 1 Navigation – 1 Engineering – 1 Tactics – 2 Leader – 3 Handgun – 1
Computer – 0 Wheeled Vehicle – 0 Vacc Suit - 1
Property: Auto Pistol Credits: enough

Name: Lt. Lucrezia Noin [from Gundam Wing]
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
7989AB age: 26 apparent age: 19
Career: Marines [OZ Special Forces]
Rank: 01 2nd Lieutenant/Baronet
Assignments: Naval Academy Honors Graduate, Flight School, Command College,
Pilot – 2 Ships Boat – 1 Navigation – 1 Engineering - 1 Recon – 1 Tactics – 1 Leader – 1 Handgun – 1 Computer – 0 Wheeled Vehicle – 0 Vacc Suit – 1 Instruction – 1
Property: Auto Pistol Credits: 10000

Name: Fay Valentine [from Cowboy Bebop]
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
7D9773 age: 77 apparent age: 23
Career: Rogue
Streetwise – 1 Ships Boat – 1 Gambling – 2 Submachinegun – 1 Handgun – 1
Computer – 0 Wheeled Vehicle – 0
Property: 25dt Armed Launch “The Redtail”, assorted guns [usually seen with MP5K submachinegun or Glock 30 Auto Pistol] Credits: allot to minimal

Wanda Von Kreesus [from Oh Wicked Wanda]
Homeworld: Terra/Solomani Rim
9CC7BC Age: 30 Apparent Age: 30
Career: Noble, 3 terms
Rank: Baroness
Carousing-3 Seduction – 3 Persuasion-1Gambling-1 Brawling-1 Computer-0 Bribery-1
Pilot-1 Navig-1 Interogation-1 Wheeled Vehicle-0 Leader-1 Handgun-0
Property: Custom Attack Yacht, Travellers Aid Society Member, Credits 600000

Name: Candy Floss [from Oh Wicked Wanda]
Home World: Terra/Solomani Rim
7BB57A age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Companion 1term
Seduction – 3 Wheeled Vehicle – 0 Computer – 0 Handgun – 0
Property/Credits: Typically provided for by Wanda Von Kreesus.

Name: Cyrano Jones [from Star Trek]
Home World: ?Terra/Spinward Marches
663886 age: 46 apparent age: 46
Career: Merchant/Belter
Pilot – 2 Navigation – 1 Carousing – 3 Trader – 2 Broker – 1 Prospecting – 1 Vacc Suit – 2
Zero –G Environment – 1 Liaison – 2
Property: Type J Seeker, trinkets and novelty trade goods, including spican flame gems, Antarian Glow Water and Tribbles Credits: some

Harcourt Fenton Mudd (Harry) alias Leo Walsh, etc. [from Star Trek]
Homeworld: ?Terra/Solomani Rim
685876 Age: 51 Apparent age: 51
Career: Merchant/Rogue 8.25Terms
Forgery – 1 Bribery – 1Pilot – 1 Jack-of-trades-1 Legal – 2 Carousing – 2 Trader – 3 Broker – 1 Liaison – 2
Property: Had a Scout ship and some androids once. Credits: some

More later maybe.

I just now had a chance to peruse this thread and I noticed your descriptions of the crew of the ISS Ursula.

You brought Shorty to life! Hoo Hah! Glad I was able to provide an idea.

Now I'll have to poach him and use him IMTU...
Originally posted by Gerald:

I just now had a chance to peruse this thread and I noticed your descriptions of the crew of the ISS Ursula.

You brought Shorty to life! Hoo Hah! Glad I was able to provide an idea.

Now I'll have to poach him and use him IMTU...
CPO ["chief"] "Shorty" Wrenshaw--we discover his last name in the episode "Chains of Command/ Demands of Honor", has evolved into a rather three D fellow, replacing Ms Susan Sushi Cray has her breakdown (same episode)when she gets relieved of Engineering command.

Shorty is into the 5th year of a Life sentence for 2nd dgree murder. He killed his Officer who tried to stop him from rescuing 20 men in the fusion reactor room on his ship in 1100, TI. He struck him with the "mr wrench". result, he didn't have time to save those 20 men, he killed the officer who made the right call (no matter how ruthless), and saved the ship.

Other notes: Shorty bunks with the Stewards, Rourke, Scarlett, and Gurdiin, in a room adjacent to the galley (just forward of E-room, on lower deck.).

Stay tuned as Shorty Wrenshaw's part gets expanded.. ;)
This thread "bothers" me a bit.....why dump any charecter???....play them....if you honestly roll them up...use em...just dont "drop" em!!!!

tell you what,you roll em, post em here, i will use em!!! ;)
Originally posted by trader jim:
This thread "bothers" me a bit.....why dump any charecter???....play them....if you honestly roll them up...use em...just dont "drop" em!!!!

tell you what,you roll em, post em here, i will use em!!! ;)
Your *concern* fer this dump of characters is noted (the Hiver behind Liam nods, checks off another tick mark on his list in this succesful manipulation), ser.

Some folks don't have their LBB's anymore, (like the one with all those NPC's in it). I have had several personal e-mails saying they were absconding with several of these-(note-I left yer version of Traveller out of their sketch-user friendly technique-try it sometime TJ! And no, Its not GURPS I'm pushing here, but a well developed short sketch plan fer NPCs or even Pc's).
That said, feel free, thats why this is here-its public domain.

Adios, Trader Jim...
"dump" in this case, I think, is really a technical term along the lines of to copy data in to an external storage area.
ok then...someone "dump" me a very good accomplished Theif please...and its gotta be a "she".....Human female...good lookin....all the right stuff.....
Originally posted by trader jim:
ok then...someone "dump" me a very good accomplished Theif please...and its gotta be a "she".....Human female...good lookin....all the right stuff.....
If I make her too smart, she might steal the Richard out from under ye. I'll see what I can do. Whats in it fer me?--ya knew I was gonna ask.

BTW did you e-mail me fer pix of the Fenris & tethys front covers? I got me scanner finally!!! (bwhahahaha copying frenzy ensues). I got his email and I dinnae recognize the name on the directory. Hmmm? ;)
Here's a non-player 'character' you can 'dump' on your PC's. He can become a terrible pest during that long week in jump space.

Maxius Panennek (Pan‘-en-nek), 575B96
Wargaming -4, Computer -0, Vacc Suit -0, Robotics -0, Grav Vehicle -0, Wheeled Vehicle -0, Liason -0
Money : 40,000CR on Zirunkariish subsidiary bank card.

Maxius is a young human male about 1.7m tall and 72kg wearing a black tee shirt and black denim pants. He encounters the PC‘s by catching the same shipflight as PC’s or books mid-passage on their ship with one of several Travellers tickets kept in a inside pocket. As passenger cargo he has about 0.2 d tons of scant clothing, minimal hygienic items, and many, many wargames in a locked protective container which he has placed in his stateroom . The lock is sophisticated requiring a retina scan while entering a numeric sequence into a handprint scanning console to open.

Maxius clutches closely to his chest in his arms a heat resistant cloth armor front-pack. He walks with a seemingly awkward bowlegged gait leaning slightly forward. If required to use his hands he slips the pack onto his chest, adjusting it’s placement with the care of a mother for a child. He sleeps , usually from 1AM to 7-8 AM, protectively curled around the pack with a multi-sensor proximity alarm emplaced upon his bunk. Situated around his stateroom he also has a holographic projector (to project his awards, trophies, etc for others to see and marvel) and a wooden base with a inverted, paper thin, conical metallic award resting in a carved recess. On the base is a small plaque with the writing “ (last year‘s) Grand Champion of the (local sector) of the Warlords Wargaming Convention - Maxius Panennek”.

He has never been in the military but has studied military science, history, and wargamming since puberty. He looks to be between sixteen and nineteen years old but never revels his age unless required to book as an adult then he can produce a college ID card (two years old) and a basic vehicle driving ID with encoded sequence which verifies that he is minimum adult age.

Maxius is a bit introverted and reserved is social situations at first but he can converse about recent Traveller’s Aide News messages very well and seems to be well informed and mature. If the conversation turns to military news, etc he quickly engages and is superbly informed about military history. Once the ship is in jumpspace he tries to lead discussions involving the military into the wargaming aspect of it. He tries to get people to play one of his wargames with him. Maxius refuses offers to gamble.

Once in jumpspace Maxius is social and interactive around meal times for about two hours. If military topics, history topics or current events come up in conversation he tries to steer the topic to wargaming in an effort to have an sophant opponent to play. If nobody wishes to play Maxius goes to his stateroom, selects a wargame to play, inverts (tip up) his trophy to place it upon his head, and brings his robotic opponent “Julius”. He returns (now wearing the pack) to the common area, sets up and plays. If someone wishes to play he retrieves his trophy, positions it upon his head, and a wargame returning to the lounge to play. He produces a copy of the rules for the opponent to read while he sets up the game. Maxius will ask if he has any game questions, answers them quickly then begins to play. If asked about wearing the trophy he quickly explains that after celebrating his victory he fell asleep wearing it. Now he considers wearing it brings him good luck.

Maxius tells his opponent that he will consider this first game ”unofficial” since he is learning the game. Any following games played are always considered official in tallying. Maxius plays offering less subtle openings in defense as the first game progress. He will answer short questions in order to help the other player learn the game while playing. Usually his opponent capitalizes on one of his openings and wins the game. Maxius never applies all of his skill during a first game using the opportunity to teach and gain insight to his opponent’s tendencies.

If nobody plays Maxius in a “official” game he uses his robot Julius for a couple of days then he plays a oft used ruse. Some time on the third day in jumpspace while playing Julius Maxius begins to complain that Julius is broken and Maxius seems to drop into a state of depression. He does not allow others to fix Julius but does try to entice others to play a wargame. If nobody still does not play he returns to his stateroom to “fix” Julius himself. He repeats this on the fourth day.

On the fifth day fate intervenes and Julius is truly broken and Maxius cannot repair him. He will not allow any body to repair Julius for him. Carrying the pack he asks each of the ship’s crew at least once, each passenger twice and any previous players four times if they would play a wargame with him. On the sixth day he becomes more obnoxious asking for players twice as often for each member of the aforementioned groups as the day before. On the seventh day the other passengers begin to complain profusely since each has been asked at least four times and mid-day meal has yet to be served. NPC ship’s crews usually request Maxius confine himself to his stateroom if he cannot stop bothering other passengers. Maxius does. PC ship’s crew have to find an alternative to dissuade him since he refuses to stay in his stateroom unless physically forced to or incapacitated.

If Maxius loses a officially tallied wargame he becomes highly irrational, verbally abusive while grabbing the rule booklet and begins to search for a reason for his loss. After several hours he explains that he lost because of a obscure rule violation that his opponent used to win the game. After the announcement he returns to his stateroom, sets up the same game he lost and plays Julius verifying to himself in a deluded sense this excuse for he’s loss. The next day his routine returns.

If asked about the contents of the pack Maxius is elusive referring to it as “the center of the universe”, “the essence of our reality” or “my most prized possession. That’s why I always carry it with me.” He quickly tries to change the subject of discussion away from his pack. If unable to he excuses himself for a fresher break. If he is ever caught in a crossfire of gun combat he falls to the ground clutching the pack tightly, protectively in a catatonic state for 1D+7 rounds of combat. If the PC’s are ever able to view the contents of the pack, something Maxius would not consciously allow, they find the complete Classic Traveller Reprint Series.

Of course you can have Maxius have any favored "Travelleresque"(sp?) book in the pack.
Do you realy need a date that bad?!?!?.... :D
I suppose you want her to steal your heart away.

i guess its better than a female laywer...she just take youre heart cause she has none

Originally posted by trader jim:
I am still waiting for my slightly used female thief....come on guys roll one up for me..please ;)
Trader Jim asks:
I am still waiting for my slightly used female thief....come on guys roll one up for me..please [Wink]
Well, we could go a couple of different directions with the 'slightly used female thief', but I will be mostly politically correct and go with a single term rogue/thief.

Name: Candy Banger Imperial human female
Home World: Regina/Regina/Sp Marches A788899-A
8B96C6 age: 22 apparent age: 22
Career: Rogue
Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Computer - 0, Streetwise - 1, Handgun - 0, Linguistics (High Vilani)- 1, Intrusion - 1,Disguise - 1, Stealth - 1, Demolitions - 1,

Property: 1 High Passage, No Credits.

Candy was the apprentice for Jocko Banger, a legendary con-man who specialized in breaking open casino money vaults. She has not been as succesfull as Jocko, and is highly motivated to prove her worth.
Jame opines:
What a name, Candy Banger... [Smirk]
Yeah, I thought something along the lines of a Bond girl type would be just what Trader Jim ordered.

Back when my tastes ran to Solsec agents, I used to have the Garter family... Brandi Garter, Candi Garter, Jewel Garter, etc. Sorta like the Sydney Bristow character on Alias, great fun.
OK - LIAM - I wont make any more "cracks" about Arkansas, but you still gotta answer this question...is it true you are related to CLINTON??????? heheheheheh