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The Character Dump

Originally posted by trader jim:
OK - LIAM - I wont make any more "cracks" about Arkansas, but you still gotta answer this question...is it true you are related to CLINTON??????? heheheheheh
TJ: no
I have a character whom I've actually used in play. At some point I'll post him, on the condition that no-one else use him until I'm done with him.
Originally posted by trader jim:
OK - LIAM - I wont make any more "cracks" about Arkansas, but you still gotta answer this question...is it true you are related to CLINTON??????? heheheheheh [ROFL] [ROFL] [Eek!]
Sorry TJ, no Clinton relations here. Of course I did see his mother from time to time [Hot Springs was her home] and brother Rodger used to get seriously drunk down at a local bar establisment called Good Time Charlies. The place mysteriously caught fire and burned to the ground right during the election campaign in 1992. I don't think they ever figured out what happened there, but of course, I would be suspicious.

I think after Bill made the big time that he did'nt want to go back to the ole homestead...which is why he's in NYC and not down here. While they are building a presidential library in Little Rock I wouldn't be surprised at all if it just becomes an annex to a larger library up in NYC somewhere. For all of his so called 'down homeness' he didn't really do allot for Arkansas when he was president.

Keep trying TJ. I remain confident in your flaming ability.
Another character for the dump...

This one was done paper and pencil style.

Name: [Haven't named this one, but I'm thinking we have another impossibly blonde one here].
7BA322 Age:24 Imperial Human female
Homeworld: Regina/Spinward Marches
Career: Imperial Interstellar Scout Service
Branch: Field Scout/Communications
Pilot - 1, Navigation - 1, Jack-of-Trades - 1,
Computer - 0, Laser Weapons - 0, Mechanical - 1,
Grav Vehicle - 1, Wheeled Vehicle - 0, Vacc Suit - 1,

Cr30000, TL9 Laser Pistol.
plop - just want you to know i will be adding some other skills to Candy personell file...she has proven she is far more skilled in "many" other things than she told you (WOW)!!....AND she has @ (TWO) MAJOR surprises for everone....more on this later!!! ;) :eek:
Trader Jim writes:
plop - just want you to know i will be adding some other skills to Candy personell file...she has proven she is far more skilled in "many" other things than she told you (WOW)!!....AND she has @ (TWO) MAJOR surprises for everone....more on this later!!! [Wink] [Eek!]
Yes, modify as necessary! Candy was done up CT/MT; given the fun that I had trying to convert CT/MT PC's over to T20, I think it would be definetly necessary to modify, and maybe add some stuff.
I've done this with other PC's/NPC's; if you remember the last MT offering, Arrival Vengance, it had stats and skills for Emperor Strephon. Listed him as having ships boat skill, but no pilot skill. To me, thats just not right
IMTU, my Strephon has pilot skill.

I don't know if this will help, but when I whipped up the Candy character I had a particular movie character in mind. The specific movie is the new version of "Oceans Eleven". In it they have a character called "Basher", a proper British rogue who specialized in demolitions. I was thinking of Candy as being a protege', if that helps.

Yes, I want full details of Candy's exploits :D
Here's the character I'm currently using, generated using CT Books 4 and 1 rules:

Cicero Bader, 3-term Marine Captain, CB9998

Cutlass-1 Rifle-3 Blade-4 Tactics-2 Instruction-2 Medic-2 Vacc Suit-2 Vehicle-1 Autopistol-1 Computer-1 Leadership-2 Battledress-1 Hvy Weps-1
Former Marine Captain
Cr50k, Autopistol, Saber, Mesh
High Passage, Vacc Suit, wristwatch, Handcomp (with keyboard, sort of a small laptop), medikit.

He served as a marine and a commando in this campaign's prior history rules. If you want more details of the campaign, you'll have to talk to Soloprobe. Don't use him unless you ask me first!