Their is a legend in the Sword Worlds. Members of the original founding colony commited some atrocity(stories vary). When the clean up crew arrived one of the survivors said last words something to the affect of
Mighty Men of Gram, in battle were ye born
Great Kingdoms will ye found, in far stars plant thy corn
Yet you are born in unjust blood, and blood shall follow in your way
Kinsman slaying kinsman, this bane will follow every day
This is not good poetry-I am only a mediocre poet but it gets the idea
it fits the personality of the Swordies that they would make such a legend and write a poem about it.
It is also reasonably likly to be based on a historical event.
Desperate men far outside any civilization besides the impromtu one built by their leaders might be likly to snap. It is also not unreasonable that they would afterwords feel guilty and when the first civil strife arose people would remember the atrocity, and thus the legend of "the curse of the sword worlds" will be born.
by the way I would be glad to see other attempts to tell the story and make a poem like the above that sounds like a poem swordies might make
Mighty Men of Gram, in battle were ye born
Great Kingdoms will ye found, in far stars plant thy corn
Yet you are born in unjust blood, and blood shall follow in your way
Kinsman slaying kinsman, this bane will follow every day
This is not good poetry-I am only a mediocre poet but it gets the idea
it fits the personality of the Swordies that they would make such a legend and write a poem about it.
It is also reasonably likly to be based on a historical event.
Desperate men far outside any civilization besides the impromtu one built by their leaders might be likly to snap. It is also not unreasonable that they would afterwords feel guilty and when the first civil strife arose people would remember the atrocity, and thus the legend of "the curse of the sword worlds" will be born.
by the way I would be glad to see other attempts to tell the story and make a poem like the above that sounds like a poem swordies might make