No. Dawkins "Selfish Gene" and other works are about genetics. He puts the unit selection pressure not on the Organism as Organsim, but on Gene as carried by organism; the organism is a vehicle for the multitudingous genes; genes are not to be confused with aleels (sp?), nor with memes. Likewise, a Gene's success is its continnuance in the pool, not its expression in organism. Therefore a gene's goal is to reproduce itself, using its parent organism to do so. Likewise, a harmful gene still is able to replicate itself, simply by remaining non-dominant. His premise also points out that under Darwin, ants make no sense (If selection is based upon the organism, non-breeders are a waste of effort), but if the genes themselves are 'desiring' propagation, colonial populations and aiding one's siblings children are useful traits for the genes, even tho they reduce the reproductive viability of the individual organism (whcih is not addressed directly by Darwin, and is counterintuitive to Darwinian style selection models).Originally posted by Drakon:
You lost me here Aramis. I have not read "The Selfish Gene" I have read a lot of stuff about it, including a presentation of Dawkin's theory of memes. Are you saying that Dawkin was arguing that his mememics has a physical structure, like genes? I find that very hard to believe.
Dawkins then applies, in an appendice, his theory of genetic-style selection upon memes, as being equivalent to genes, and that the organism is merely a carrier for the meme. But it's a trivial and irrelevant-to-the-rest-of-the-book appendice (and isn't in all printings, either!).