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The Distant Fringe is starting to appear!!!

I've been wondering for a while now, who do I have to talk to in order to add 2 of my TL=11 x-mail courier starship designs from The Fleet forum here to the distant fringe wiki pages so everyone else can play with them in that setting too?
I have not seen a reference to a non-wiki source like a website or a published book or article. Where is this coming from?
Isn’t the Distant Fringe a beautiful thing? I, too, have been reading its articles and considering its map since I first saw it. It has influenced my, Bottom of the Whole, worldbuilding. And, if I ever publish, will be credited.
Man. I've been watching it for years and playing with the maps myself. There are now a bunch of wiki articles and systems starting to appear!

Distant Fringe at Travellermap

Its an ATU where Vilani won the Interstellar Wars and Terrans fled to the Distant Fringe...
Wiki Article

Some neat stuff showing up!
IIRC, the twist is that the Terran refugees only thought the Vilani won, and since they fled and never looked back, don't know what's happened since. That's a really clever conceit -- he achieved the effect of "the last island of Solmani civilization in the universe" without breaking OTU canon!
Chaps, you're very kind, thank you.

The cluster of massive stars forming the Borealis Group, centered on Theta Borealis Sector and its namesake star, and with long trails of giant stars snaking off into the surrounding sectors.

Chart Stellar Distribution Borealis Group.png

The Idella Rift, a ghostly series of rifts and voids forming a natural divide between the eclectic worlds beyond the Marches and the vast wildernesses further to Spinward. The Diadem Rift lies in the Vanguard Reaches and the Borealis Group occupies the non-rift region lower left.
Chart Idella Rift Regions Labelled Basic.png

Rifts are based on the performance of J-3 drives (the best available drives in the region from around the Ninth Interstellar War up to the Imperial First Survey, or about two and a bit millennia). Rifts are mostly a navigational and fuel availability thing - their boundaries are traditional (and anachronistic) and based on plotted courses rather than the actual physics of jumpspace. They're also set to a minimum number of contiguous hexes, or you end up with stupid little riftlets all over the place.

Using the "no J-3 ship ever crosses this hex" thing gives an aesthetically pleasing (tho I say so myself) look to it, and creates a whole bunch of interesting choke points and corridors that just set your spidey senses a-tingling...