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The False War (Fourth Frontier War)


I am looking for as much OTU information on the battles, participants, losses, ships, fleets, etc of the Fourth Frontier War. Ultimately, I'd like to see one resource on it, but as far as I can tell, it was never put together. Aside from a couple of battles (the Long Range Strike on Cronor and The Battle of Two Suns) and the loss of a few ships, (a couple of Kinunirs and 3 AHLs), I cannot really find anything. I am hoping that I am just missing something. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
1082 to 1084

I was going to suggest looking it up in the Wiki, but you most likely have done that already; might I suggest that you look further into the date entries within the wiki. There is considerably more detail about the period, although not all is related to events within the Spinward Marches.
Library Data N-Z:
The Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084) is
sometimes called the False War. The war began
unintentionally, as a result of an incident near
Quar/Cronor, where the lmperium maintains a naval
base just beyond the Zhodani border. This triggered
a series of naval battles throughout the Jewell and
Cronor subsectors. An armistice was concluded after
eighteen months of fighting, before the capital had
a chance to issue instructions or send reinforcements.
The lmperium lost another world (Narval/cronor),
and was forced to accept joint tenancy
of Esalin/ewell with the Zhodani, but it regained two
worlds lost to the Sword Worlds a century before.
Library data A-M:
Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084): Also known as the False War. Short,
inconclusive war fought primarily in the Jewell subsector between the lmperium
and the Zhodani Consulate. The fourth of the frontier wars in the Spinward
Marches with initial assults by the Zhodani against Jewell and Regina subsectors
stalled at the borders. Its final battle, the Battle of Two Suns, 1084, was waged in
the vicinity of Yres and Menorb and resulted in Imperial victory. The armistice was
signed before instructions for the conduct of the war were received from the
S:9 FS:
Following the Fourth Frontier War (1082 to 1084), sometimes referred to as the
False War, the Imperial Admiralty began a fundamental reexamination of their
naval strategy in the spinward regions of the realm. Prior to that fourth war, naval
policy had favored essentially a "crust" strategy, with major fleet elements well
forward in potential trouble spots such as the Spinward Marches. For decades this
strategy had been effective due to the tremendous technological and material lead
enjoyed by the lmperium over i t s neighbors. The Fourth Frontier War demonstrated,
however, that the Imperium's lead had narrowed to the point that a clear
superiority could no longer be achieved at all points along the frontier.

Ok, so after doing even more research, it seems the best way to flesh out the Fourth Frontier War is to dig into the Third Frontier War... Which I had thought was better documented. However, I am drawing at least as much of a blank on that as I did on the Fourth Frontier War. What am I missing?:squirrel:
Looks like perhaps you can write them, and let us know how they turn out.

If it is wrong, it can be chalked up to propaganda like frequently happens daily here on Earth, with competing views, and diametrically opposed propaganda, which is frequently less about what really occurred than making the various factions look good in the history books, or on the world's stage.

I imagine that will continue to be a time-honored practice in the far-future as well.
This is what makes Traveller canon so addicting . . . empty centuries and kiloparsecs punctuated by these minute shards of excruciating detail.

We know where and when each and every Azhanti High Lightning was built but can only name a handful of major battles from the Solomani Rim War.

It all creates this strong illusion of verisimilitude. A sense that there must be more . . .
Looks like perhaps you can write them, and let us know how they turn out.

If it is wrong, it can be chalked up to propaganda like frequently happens daily here on Earth, with competing views, and diametrically opposed propaganda, which is frequently less about what really occurred than making the various factions look good in the history books, or on the world's stage.

I imagine that will continue to be a time-honored practice in the far-future as well.

Hmmmm... This sounds like an interesting project. I am not certain I am up for a full OOB, description and AAR type undertaking, but, perhaps, I will see if I can work out something of a more detailed timeline for 3rd and 4th FWs... And we will see where that takes me. Thanks for the suggestion/challenge( :CoW: ). I shall consider it!