Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Again, if you read my reply to Aramis, I meant the "FAST" part as a tongue-in-cheek comment.Originally posted by Takei:
I'm finding it VERY hard to understand how this is faster than a system of 2d6+skill+stat bonus to equal or beat a TN/DC? If you hit roll damage. That's just two rolls with no waiting to check whether you've gotten a re-roll because you got under your skill or stat.
And, I'm not going to get into a protracted discussion about this--because it just plain doesn't matter (I mean, I'm probably not even going to finish this version of CTI).
But, don't forget, this system isn't dividing stat or looking up stat DMs on a CT table. This system isn't adding in skill (it's referenced in the roll). The single die will be rolled, on average, from 1-3 times...which means, sometimes it's a single roll, and sometimes it's only a single die rolled twice. There is not hit location roll--that's built in. There is no damage roll--that's built in too.
So, the system avoids some looking up CT tables and rolling extra times for hit location and damage.
If I were inclined (which I'm not), I'd argue that the system is faster than your standard roll you mention above.
It just seems crazy to me to get into a discussion about how fast one system is compared to another. When it boils down, they're probably all about the same.