That's quite an ambitious task, although achievable in principle. :CoW:Just so you know, here's my purpose:
To assemble an index of canon, starting with primary and available sources, for those who wish to write for Traveller.
So, I have a question: Given that this would involve at best months of work and more likely years, and a lot of money spent trolling through Ebay to find out-of-print material, what do you hope to gain by doing this?
My counter argument is:
- Canon is overrated. Hobbyists and individual referees are quite free to do what ever they want in their campaigns, and folks who do for-profit publishing can do their own research. Frankly, buying old Traveller stuff on ebay and reading through it is much more fun anyway.
- Canon is an attractive nuisance for munchkins. You all know That guy from some group. Do you really want to publish a rules-lawyering guide for these folks - because that is what your index will get used for.
It sounds like a public service, but it's a lot of work that will only get used for its intended purpose by a handful of people. It's mostly going to be used by munchkins of one sort or another in attempts to bully the Referee into letting them min/max the character by saying 'in this book here it says ...'
Worse yet, by getting used to look up material in forum arguments ...
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