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The Gateway's Best Commercials/Jingles

Originally posted by N.I.C.E. Labs:

Here's another :


The camera is looking on a vast plain on a pastoral world. Suddenly with thudding hooves something rushes by. The camera pulls back to see a reptilian eight-legged Ponii running like the wind with carrying a rider wearing an outdated, almost frontier IISS uniform. The Ponii and rider are joined by another and another ...soon there are thousands of riders racing along the plain, the Ponii's hoofbeats rolling like thunder. One by one they turn to light as the entire group streams into the sky. Out in space the lights rush towards the camera, coalescing into an X-boat coming out of jump.

There is no voice-over but coming on the screen silently are the words "The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service"
The artistic aspect is right up thier with the 1984 Apple Macintosh Superball ad. :D :D :D
Originally posted by George Boyett:
Though not from Traveller it works

Scene 1:
A beautiful multi-story house overlooking the edge of a canyon gourge. The large atrium windows are shuttered.

Voice Over: Has this ever happened to you?

<A small cruise missile slams into the house and explodes>

Voice Over: Are the neighbors getting a bit bossy? Local militia harassing you? Did you tick off one too many megacorporation regional managers?

Then choose the Better Home Bunker Designs of Borderline Security Services. Our team of skilled ex-military and industrial engineers, architects, and security specialist will help you design a home that is both comfortable, roomy and secure. Besides the house, your own BHBD team will layout and program the security, defense, EMS, and housekeeping functions of the your own central computer sytem that monitors you home 24/7.

Every Better Home Bunker Designs house is made to withstand assault from all small arms and most munitions. We can even give you the option of actives defense measures, including machines guns, point defense gatling guns, claymore mines, gas, and napalm throwers. For a slight charge, we can even Biochem seal your dreamhome.

Scene 1:
Smoke clears to reveal the empty shell of the house with all the windows blown out.

Voice Over: As you can see, the cruise missile did penetrate the armoured shutters of the atrium window, but the walls and roof are still intact. Using the latest laminent materials and proven military and industrial bunker practices, the explosion was contained and direct back thru the atrium windows towards the canyon. This technique can mean the difference between life and death for yourself and you loved ones.

So contact your local Better Home Bunker Designs today. Talk to one of our security sales representatives for defining your home security needs. They will show you all the components and options available includings these popular design styles:

Photo 1:
A 19th Century Style fort.
Voice Over: The Fort McHenry

Photo 2:
A french manor house.
Voice Over: Le Chateau Securitie

Photo 2:
An English castle.
Voice Over: The Norman Defender

Photo 3:
A Mad Ludwig type castle.
Voice Over: The Bavarian Stronghold

Photo 3:
A southwestern adobe brick house
Voice Over: The popular La Hacienda

Photo 3:
A romanesque country house
Voice Over: and our latest the Partician Villa

The BorderLine Securities and the Better Home Bunker Logo
Voice Over: BorderLine Securities, Your safety is our success.

hehe neat...reminds me of the arms company I had in a Deadland's game. Instead of "Sears and Roebuck's" I had "Siege and Roadblocks, Offensive and Defensive items for the contientious homeowner"
Originally posted by George Boyett:
The artistic aspect is right up thier with the 1984 Apple Macintosh Superball ad. :D :D :D [/QB]
To be ranked with the most effective commercial of all time is indeed an honor! Btw, as an interesting coincidence, I use a Mac ;)
Thank you very much for you the compliments :cool:

Here's a few versions of the same commercial done in a more humorous tone:

Version one:
A group of Travellers hacking their way through a jungle wilderness. Every so often ominous roars echo through the dense growth and everyone sends occasional "looks that could kill" at one of their comrades who has a sheepish apologetic look on his face.

Version two:
Same group of Travellers trudging over sand dunes in a vast desert, giving deadly looks to the same embarrased companion while one of them realizes her canteen is empty.

Version three:
A huge starport with scores of ships of all shapes and sizes. The same group hot and tired struggling to carry a large cargo crate marked "Perishible-RUSH DELIVERY" on it's side while the same man tries to keep out the way, clear that the others are NOT happy with him.

In each case the group continues their journey off camera and the words appear on the screen....

"N.I.C.E. Labs Inertial Locators and Transponders. Finally an answer to the question "Where did we park?"
here's one for consideration:

opening scene: a war torn city at night, ruins everywhere,backlit by fires and gunfire sounding in the near distance. Into the forground stumbles a little boy of ten, dragging a rifle, and he assumes a position of watch over the unconcious body of what can only be his mother. Around the corner, a number of soldiers, rough looking from what has apparently been a long battle appear and begin advancing upon him. They begin to gather up the women, with the intent of having their way, as the boy attempts to operate an all too evidently empty weapon.

Suddenly, a report sounds as through a wall charges a battle dressed man, in the characteristic maroon of the Inperial Marines, and a squad follows him as they lay fire into the enemy. As they move on to mop up, a Marine medic team begins tending to the lad's mother, and as one of the medics leans over him, he looks up at her. From the boys veiwpoint we see the medic's face backlit by the streamers of light in the sky caused by the meteoric insertion of the rest of the marine Combat Team from orbit, and the scene fades to black as we hear her say "Hey, little guy, its's gonna be all right, we're here now...."

Scene fades in to the boy and his mom, standing hand in hand outside a house at night, obviously well and somewhat older. As they look at the twin moons, a falling star appears. the mother leans down to her son, saying " Taril, look! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!"

The boy looks up at the star and says " I wish I could be a Marine."
Originally posted by bryan gibson:
here's one for consideration:

opening scene: a war torn city at night, ruins everywhere,backlit by fires and gunfire sounding in the near distance. Into the forground stumbles a little boy of ten, dragging a rifle, and he assumes a position of watch over the unconcious body of what can only be his mother. Around the corner, a number of soldiers, rough looking from what has apparently been a long battle appear and begin advancing upon him. They begin to gather up the women, with the intent of having their way, as the boy attempts to operate an all too evidently empty weapon.

Suddenly, a report sounds as through a wall charges a battle dressed man, in the characteristic maroon of the Inperial Marines, and a squad follows him as they lay fire into the enemy. As they move on to mop up, a Marine medic team begins tending to the lad's mother, and as one of the medics leans over him, he looks up at her. From the boys veiwpoint we see the medic's face backlit by the streamers of light in the sky caused by the meteoric insertion of the rest of the marine Combat Team from orbit, and the scene fades to black as we hear her say "Hey, little guy, its's gonna be all right, we're here now...."

Scene fades in to the boy and his mom, standing hand in hand outside a house at night, obviously well and somewhat older. As they look at the twin moons, a falling star appears. the mother leans down to her son, saying " Taril, look! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!"

The boy looks up at the star and says " I wish I could be a Marine."
Now that, padre Fletch, gave ME goosebumps!
Ur-RAH! Imp MaH Rines! :D :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by bryan gibson:
here's one for consideration:

opening scene: a war torn city at night, ruins everywhere,backlit by fires and gunfire sounding in the near distance. Into the forground stumbles a little boy of ten, dragging a rifle, and he assumes a position of watch over the unconcious body of what can only be his mother. Around the corner, a number of soldiers, rough looking from what has apparently been a long battle appear and begin advancing upon him. They begin to gather up the women, with the intent of having their way, as the boy attempts to operate an all too evidently empty weapon.

Suddenly, a report sounds as through a wall charges a battle dressed man, in the characteristic maroon of the Inperial Marines, and a squad follows him as they lay fire into the enemy. As they move on to mop up, a Marine medic team begins tending to the lad's mother, and as one of the medics leans over him, he looks up at her. From the boys veiwpoint we see the medic's face backlit by the streamers of light in the sky caused by the meteoric insertion of the rest of the marine Combat Team from orbit, and the scene fades to black as we hear her say "Hey, little guy, its's gonna be all right, we're here now...."

Scene fades in to the boy and his mom, standing hand in hand outside a house at night, obviously well and somewhat older. As they look at the twin moons, a falling star appears. the mother leans down to her son, saying " Taril, look! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!"

The boy looks up at the star and says " I wish I could be a Marine."
Let's try this another way:

Opening Scene - Two crusty ol' traders in a dusty, dry and ubquituous Class C TL A starport are haggling over a couple containers of non-descript cargo. In the background, a Far Trader settles on an open landing pad. As the two traders look over at the new arrival, the hatch opens.

Finish the ad....

Paul Nemeth
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
Let's try this another way:

Opening Scene - Two crusty ol' traders in a dusty, dry and ubquituous Class C TL A starport are haggling over a couple containers of non-descript cargo. In the background, a Far Trader settles on an open landing pad. As the two traders look over at the new arrival, the hatch opens.

Finish the ad....

Paul Nemeth
Out walks a famous model/actress dressed in freshly laundered and pressed ship captain's uniform. Hanging from her belt is a pda/scanner and another item.

Model: Can I be any help?

Model takes the pda/scanners and starts scanning the containers.

Voice Over: Naasirka introduces the CargoTracker. This compact two piece tool takes the headache out of cargohandling paperwork. Built to SPA specifications, the CargoTracker can read all standard manifests, including OCR, barcode, and RF codings. The built in uplink also quick updates for inventory and cargo storage computations. The Deluxe version also include the latest in densitometer technology so you can verify contents, but without the risk of damaging the merchandise from opening, x-rays, or sonics.

The Model shows the scan results to the two trader, and everyone agree to the trade deal.

Voice Over: Naasirka. Where accuracy, trust, and profit go hand in hand.
Originally posted by Antares Administration:
Let's try this another way:

Opening Scene - Two crusty ol' traders in a dusty, dry and ubquituous Class C TL A starport are haggling over a couple containers of non-descript cargo. In the background, a Far Trader settles on an open landing pad. As the two traders look over at the new arrival, the hatch opens.

Finish the ad....

Paul Nemeth
(it's a ripoff of a more terrestrial commercial, but it works

...the hatch opens and a 'Joe Isuzu' type guy steps out and begins speaking to the camera.

"Hi. I've landed here at this thriving hub of interstellar commerce to tell you of the fantastic innovations in the new line of Far Traders built by GsbAG." he says as one of the old merchants looks to the other puzzled "who's he talking to?". The man smiles broadly and continues.
"This new variant has all the comforts of home...including a 14 bedroom countryside estate." At the bottom of the screen gives the accurate data while he continues to expound upon the dubious virtues of the vessel.

"The ship is able to handle any of your hauling needs as this 200 ton ship has over 4,000 tons of cargo space while still giving it a jump of 12." he says with far too sincere smile.

"This guy is nuts" whispers one of the men as the spokesman walks over between the men and puts his arms on their shoulders.

"The new Far Trader by GSbAG. You can trust me. I'm the Duke of Regina, and these are my wives." The commercial ends as the two men look at the stranger and begin to edge away from him nervously.....

Opening Scene - Two crusty ol' traders in a dusty, dry and ubquituous Class C TL A starport are haggling over a couple containers of non-descript cargo. In the background, a Far Trader settles on an open landing pad. As the two traders look over at the new arrival, the hatch opens.

Out comes a bunch of Travellers, all vaguely disreputable looking, and begin to gather around the cargo as well, when a squad of Starport Authority Police approaches and begins questioning them and generally giving them a hard time. The Crusty Ole Fellers give one another a knowing look and shake their heads in a "saw this one coming" sort of way, and one of the duffers approaches the police.

"What's the problem, Cap'n?"

" It seems we have to settle our docking fees in advance, and our broker's not here, so the cops are talking about impounding the ship!"

"Tell ya what, help me out, and buy my little consignment here and I can help ya out, whattaya say?"

The captain looks dubious... " Sure,if you can pull it off."

Smiling in a smug way, the Ole Feller goes up to the police sergeant, and hands him a card. The sergeant looks it over, scans it with his hand comp and seems suitably impressed, and departs all smiles with the squad, in a flurry of "sirs".

A look of amazement on the captains face and the Travellers gather round, as the Ole Feller walks up to him and shakes his hand. "Problem solved, son... now, lets do some buisness."

"I have to know, how the hell did you do that?"

Whereupon the Ole Feller flourishes a Traveller's Aid card,and with the smile of one in the know looks into the camera...

" It's not all restaurants and high passage son, Traveller's Aid means respectability, too, no matter what ya look like or where ya are. Membership has its priveleges."
Originally posted by BLH:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bryan gibson:
here's one for consideration:

opening scene: a war torn city at night, ruins everywhere,backlit by fires and gunfire sounding in the near distance. Into the forground stumbles a little boy of ten, dragging a rifle, and he assumes a position of watch over the unconcious body of what can only be his mother. Around the corner, a number of soldiers, rough looking from what has apparently been a long battle appear and begin advancing upon him. They begin to gather up the women, with the intent of having their way, as the boy attempts to operate an all too evidently empty weapon.

Suddenly, a report sounds as through a wall charges a battle dressed man, in the characteristic maroon of the Inperial Marines, and a squad follows him as they lay fire into the enemy. As they move on to mop up, a Marine medic team begins tending to the lad's mother, and as one of the medics leans over him, he looks up at her. From the boys veiwpoint we see the medic's face backlit by the streamers of light in the sky caused by the meteoric insertion of the rest of the marine Combat Team from orbit, and the scene fades to black as we hear her say "Hey, little guy, its's gonna be all right, we're here now...."

Scene fades in to the boy and his mom, standing hand in hand outside a house at night, obviously well and somewhat older. As they look at the twin moons, a falling star appears. the mother leans down to her son, saying " Taril, look! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!"

The boy looks up at the star and says " I wish I could be a Marine."

Ben L. Harrison
(Real Life)
Originally posted by bryan gibson:
Opening Scene - Two crusty ol' traders in a dusty, dry and ubquituous Class C TL A starport are haggling over a couple containers of non-descript cargo. In the background, a Far Trader settles on an open landing pad. As the two traders look over at the new arrival, the hatch opens.

Out comes a bunch of Travellers, all vaguely disreputable looking, and begin to gather around the cargo as well, when a squad of Starport Authority Police approaches and begins questioning them and generally giving them a hard time. The Crusty Ole Fellers give one another a knowing look and shake their heads in a "saw this one coming" sort of way, and one of the duffers approaches the police.

"What's the problem, Cap'n?"

" It seems we have to settle our docking fees in advance, and our broker's not here, so the cops are talking about impounding the ship!"

"Tell ya what, help me out, and buy my little consignment here and I can help ya out, whattaya say?"

The captain looks dubious... " Sure,if you can pull it off."

Smiling in a smug way, the Ole Feller goes up to the police sergeant, and hands him a card. The sergeant looks it over, scans it with his hand comp and seems suitably impressed, and departs all smiles with the squad, in a flurry of "sirs".

A look of amazement on the captains face and the Travellers gather round, as the Ole Feller walks up to him and shakes his hand. "Problem solved, son... now, lets do some buisness."

"I have to know, how the hell did you do that?"

Whereupon the Ole Feller flourishes a Traveller's Aid card,and with the smile of one in the know looks into the camera...

" It's not all restaurants and high passage son, Traveller's Aid means respectability, too, no matter what ya look like or where ya are. Membership has its priveleges."
Whoo Hoo! YUS! That TAS membership card means yer worth at least a 1MCr credit rating!!!Nice way to point it out BG! (Cartwheels off...handstands...)!
Originally posted by bryan gibson:

Smiling in a smug way, the Ole Feller goes up to the police sergeant, and hands him a card. The sergeant looks it over, scans it with his hand comp and seems suitably impressed, and departs all smiles with the squad, in a flurry of "sirs".

A look of amazement on the captains face and the Travellers gather round, as the Ole Feller walks up to him and shakes his hand. "Problem solved, son... now, lets do some buisness."

"I have to know, how the hell did you do that?"

Whereupon the Ole Feller flourishes a Traveller's Aid card,and with the smile of one in the know looks into the camera...

" It's not all restaurants and high passage son, Traveller's Aid means respectability, too, no matter what ya look like or where ya are. Membership has its priveleges."
The Travellers Aid Society Card: Don't leave your homeworld without it... :D :D :D

Good one!

Paul Nemeth
Scene: Kitchen/Common room

Actor enters room. Opens refrigerator, and pulls out an egg.
He holds it up in the air.

"This is your Brain."

He then throws the egg into a pan. It starts sizzling.
After a minute, he picks the pan up, showing the contents to the camera.

"This is your Brain on Highleaf. Any questions?"

Scrolling across the bottom of the screen:
"This message brought to you by the Partnership for a Better Imperium and
the Ministry of Justice."
Hoping there aren't any copyright lawyers on the list ;)

"Combat Enviroment Suite - 1,500CR,

Gauss Rife - 1,500CR,

40 rounds of ammunition - 30CR,

Look on the Vargrs face as you blow him away - priceless.

Some things money can't buy, for evering else there's the Hortallez et Cie Charge Card"